14 July 2013: A Celebration

Last week I finished my angel cards. I had been working on them for about a year and now, suddenly, here they are, and I am working with them. 
I don’t know yet what each card means, so I am going to ask them a question and just be open to the answers.
It feels like a celebration!

My question for this ceremony is: 
Where are we in our process of cleansing ourselves, our families and the earth on our way into the 5th - or higher - dimension?

Many of us are feeling like they are cleansing the last parts that are still holding us back. Others feel as if they are back at the beginning of their process, although not quite.
Let’s see what the cards, the angels, dolphins, unicorns and other beings of light, tell us.


 1. Now: Receiving generosity

As I take the card into my hands I see a lot of angels around me. They
are celebrating and encouraging me, us, the earth, to go on, to finish what
we are doing and have been doing for so long now. They know where we are
going, even if we don't.
But we really need to go on, connecting with the light, with the love,
with the joy, so that they can connect even more with the earth. It
can't happen without us. We are the channels - the energies need to
flow through us.
If we were to stop now everything could still all have been for nothing.
So go on, keep up the good work, and don't panic! Don't even think
that it won't happen anyway. Don't think in your old human ways. Don't.
Connect yourself time and again with light, love and joy, even when you feel
desperate, even when you think that maybe you are crazy believing that
it can actually happen.
Don't go there. Keep connecting. Sometimes, when a lot of light, love
and joy is needed, we feel desperate, so we ask, beg, pray for
more light. That is how it is done. Our begging makes it possible for
the energies of light and love to come through.
There is still so much more to come! And now it wants to come, needs to
come. The time is now.


2. Fear: Miracles

Suppose miracles are going to happen. Suppose the light is going to
come. Suppose you are going to live in that light, in that love, in that joy.
Can you imagine it?
I suppose not!
It is something we have never experienced on earth.
Change is always scary. We stay in the same place or with the same
people far too long because we are scared of change. Change means going to a
new place, and going to a new place means that we have to let go of all of
the things that we hold on to.
That is scary. The more you lived through difficult times, in your
present life or in previous lives, the scarier it is to make these changes.
Now we are being asked to let go of everything that is known to us.
They promise us miracles, but can they deliver? Will they be able to
make them - finally - come true? Or are these promises just that - promises, like we have been used to in our lives so far. Promises that never come true.
Suppose you let go of everything in order to be free and to be able to
receive these new energies of love and light, and then it turns out that
it was just bogus? Then you would have lost everything, and have nothing
left to live on.
How can you trust when you have learned that you can't trust? That
each time you tried trust it turned out to be false hope, and things didn't
work out at all?
It is the hardest thing to do, and that is what is being asked of us


3. Letting go: Manifestation

I feel the energies of the first two cards working. They are healing us
of the things that are holding us back. We are being helped. The angels,
dolphins, unicorns are asking us to accept their help. It doesn't
matter how. Maybe you can do it by reading this, and allow the energies flowing through this reading to flow through you, so that all your fears are
being taken away. Maybe you have other ways of letting go of your fears, but
know that the help is there. If you close your eyes you can feel it.
Yes, you can, and even if you can't, you are being helped.
The help of the beings of light is so close now. So many layers have
been cleansed, there is hardly anything left. What is needed now is to
connect the light with the earth. To let go of this last temptation of not
letting go of our fear to live our life on earth.
It is as if we are standing on a layer of dark energy, that is familiar
to us and therefore feels safe. At the same time, we need to let go of that in order to make our contact with the earth in light and love.
Letting go of that is like letting go of the ground under your feet.
When the ground under your feet is being taken away, you fall. You don't
know where or even when you will land. Falling means being hurt.
So we hold on to this layer.
At the same time help is being manifested.
We don't need to do it all by ourselves anymore. The help is so near. 
It feels like you only need to realize that the help is there and you can
let go of your fears. You can let go of this last layer that is keeping
you from manifesting the light, love and joy in your life on earth.
Trust. Or just reach out to the beings of light, so they can take your
hand. You are being helped.
It won't be long now!


4. Receiving: Change

Again I can feel the energies of the previous cards at work. Changing.
Everything is being put into a different place: your energy is getting
stronger, your new base is being made stronger so you can stand on it, whereas you thought before that there was no base at all in the new light.
I see angels standing beside you, holding you by the arms. They are
supporting you, so you can try if this new ground is secure enough to stand on. The angels are helping you get accustomed to the new way of being.
You are being helped.
Maybe that is the most important new thing - that help is there. To know
that, to experience that.
With that help you can go anywhere, and still feel safe.
Let the changes that are necessary for you occur. Don't do anything to
hold them back, and then you don't need to do anything to let them
What is necessary for your future life will happen. And it will be
Maybe it will even be exactly what you have been asking for all your
Can you feel the changes in the energy?


5. You: Birth, new beginnings

The dolphins are showing me one possibility, the unicorns another, the
angels yet another. They keep flowing into each other, all these images.
You don't have to choose. It is not just one thing that you will be
doing, that you will be living. You will get so much more energy, and so much more time, that you will be able to do so much more. The possibilities
are endless. You cannot imagine how endless they will be.
As they say, from where we are now it is impossible to imagine the changes
that are going to be; impossible to imagine what you will be capable of.
Impossible to imagine the happiness and the love that will surround you.
So many beings of light now that are helping us. They are enjoying it so
Our new birth.....


6. The gift: Romance

So many of the people I know who are light workers are alone, as in
without a partner. But they all have the longing for a partner, for
someone to be with, to share with. When times are difficult it is so
nice if you can share it with someone else, someone you live with, someone
who is near, who is there for you.
Most of us have had to live through the hard times all by ourselves,
some with a bit of help from the people around us, some without any help at
But shouldn't we become strong within ourselves? Shouldn't we be
able to live our lives without help, without this partner who we hope will
always be there for us, but hardly ever is, because he/she is a person in his/her own right?
Shouldn't we become strong within ourselves, know ourselves, be happy
with ourselves, before we rank up with someone else?
Yes, we should get to know our inner selves, our essence, our gifts. We
should express ourselves as we want to, be who we want to be. Without a
But when we do, then it is time to find this partner, then it is time to
connect on a much deeper level. Together you can do so much more! If you
are strong within yourself, if you won't lose yourself in another
person anymore, because you are fully capable of loving yourself, then you can be together without losing yourself, and that is when you are free. Free to be together.
