
Stories of Light and Love

06-09-2013 Earth Healing

I have an urge, but I don’t know what it is. I have to do something. I can feel it. But what?
And suddenly I know. The Earth needs healing and I should make a story of light and love about that.
So here goes:

1. Birth (The Now)

To be born again. It is a yearning deep inside the earth. It’s getting restless, like so many of us too, to make this new start. The sun in the earth, the heart of the earth, wants to come out and shine.

All the old layers of unrest, even war, of hunger and of inequality – they’re still there. They are evaporating, but they need more healing, more light and more love.
It feels quite urgent.

Maybe that is what September is about?
Old beliefs, old ways of thinking, old habits and patterns, religions, power, they all need to be changed for earth to be able to be herself, her light, her sun.
Do you feel this deep need too?

Let’s send light and love to these old layers that are now floating over the surface of the earth. So the sun can shine with all its power.

2. Joy (The Fear)

The Earth really wants to be joyful. The earth is joy. It should be so much fun to live on earth.
It’s like a rumbling deep inside the earth, this joy. Indestructible.
What is holding it back?
So much still needs to be changed on the surface of the earth. Do you want to help? Are you one of the people who need to help, who are born to help? Then join me. Send healing to the people on earth, for they are the ones who need it. The people on the earth are the ones who have destroyed her, so they are the ones that need healing. Each and every one of them. It doesn’t matter who they are. The ‘bad’ ones need it the most, because they are the destructive ones. Send light, love, joy to all of them. To the people who make war, to the people who use earth’s resources in a bad way. Especially to them.

When the people on earth are full of light and love and joy, so is the earth herself.

3. Emptiness (Letting go)

And then, when that is done, there is an emptiness that can be filled anew. It feels so quiet and peaceful. Ready. Like the first signs of spring after a long, cold winter. The roots are there, and they are only waiting for the sun and warmth to come out in order to grow and shine in all their new beauty.

Start these places of newness. Start working with each other. Make circles of love and light and joy. Join hands, for together we are so much stronger. Send the golden energies into the world.

From emptiness, it is so much easier to make a new beginning! Everything is open. Everything is free and joyful. We are so eager to begin!

4. Purity (Friendship)

Free yourself of all your own old patterns and beliefs. Let the angels help you. Ask them. Contact them. Be with them and most importantly of all, let yourself be helped.

There is still so much old stuff in our heads that needs to be purified, even if we have already done so much. Don’t be ashamed about it. Don’t feel guilty. Shame and guilt are old belief systems too. Allow yourself to be pure, to be empty, so you can connect with the new energies of light, love and joy that are already there. On earth, for you.

From this purity, start making new friends. Join each other, beings of light, and from there make friends with others outside of your circle. Let your circles grow, join hands, be together, and from there send your light to everyone around you - no matter who or what they are. The people who are still in darkness need your light the most.

5. Inner power (Family)

There is so much power inside the earth. There is so much power inside you. It’s like a volcano. It wants to get out. So what is holding it back?

The power of the earth can be so overpowering, we often see it as destruction. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Are we afraid of the power of the earth?

Are we afraid of our own power? Is there still too much anger inside us, inside the earth, to be our power? Is anger our power? So many people are angry and powerless.

There is a lot of confusion there. Power seems to be the thing that needs help, needs transformation. For us and for the earth. For everyone on it.

6. Stormy weather (Mate)

So much is going on now. The energies are changing, and it is bringing so much confusion. Where are we? What is true? Old ways need to be changed, but what are the new ways? As a human we need something, anything to hold on to. So we hold on to the old ways. How can we let go?
There is no peace yet, and no way of knowing how to get there. No peace in relationships, no peace in friendship, no peace on earth.
Everything is changing, and everything needs to change. Relationships especialy, for they are stuck in old ways as nothing else.
So set yourself free. You cannot be free in an exchange of power and need. You need to be free within yourself to be together in harmony, in love, in respect. 

When you are free you can join hands and do your earth work together. For together you can do so much more, if you are free.

7. Healing (the Earth itself)

The earth is healing. So many of us are helping. It can no longer go wrong, so don’t panic. Feel the healing energies that are now available for you, on earth, and let yourself be healed. Letting yourself be healed means that the loving energies can flow through you into the earth. That way, earth is being healed by you.

The earth needs it, but on the other hand, earth is much quieter. The earth knows she is being healed, knows that she is almost there. Knows that she has needed so much healing, but that a lot of it has already been done.

Knows that the final struggle can be strong, but knows that it is happening.
The earth is quiet and peaceful, knowing it is happening.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Only that it is happening.

8. Forgiveness (The gift)

Big clouds of forgiveness are coming down to earth. It is such a loving energy. It is so soft that it can touch anybody, and nobody even wants to refuse it. It is a constant flow.
Feel it flow through you. Be a channel for forgiveness, so the earth herself can fill up with it and send it to the people living on her. There is a constant flow of forgiveness, in which everyone will be forgiven.

And so it is.......Everything is being forgiven. Let it flow through you, so you can forgive all that was done to you.

As does the earth. The earth is so forgiving!

Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖