Stories of Love and Light

So many changes we have been living through lately, and so many more are there to expect. This is a time of deep changes, and they are all for the better and the best, aren't they, Angels? As humans it is so hard to get out of our minds and into our hearts, where we would be so much more able to trust in the good of everything that is happening right now. 
What I'm asking the angels is to help us with that, and to let us know what is the meaning of it all. For us. For Earth.

The summer solstice of 2020:

Because love is in the heart, and from love we are to be living in this New Earth. 

1. Fulfillment - in the place of Now

Just count on it, for it is happening. Now more than ever.  
But thát is what is making it harder for you, isn't it? Just living your life would be so much easier than to know that something big is going to happen, even though it may all be for the better? As a human being you are used to having to work very hard in order to achieve the good things you want from life, and even then you have to wait and see if it will happen, and if it will happen the way you want it to. 
It is what you have learned and experienced in your lives on Earth, your lives in duality. 
But now is a time where it isn't possible anymore to work it that way. Now everything is different already, because of the measures that have been taken because of the corona virus. You already need to live your life in a different way, and you might still be wondering if it is better than before or worse. 
Possibilities that were there before seem not to be there anymore. Things need a different approach, because the world has changed. 
Maybe the ideas you had in your mind weren't the best ideas for you to undertake, or maybe another approach will be even better than you had thought of for yourself. 
Now is the time to let go of your own preconceived ideas, and to let your mind drop into your heart, so that you start living from your heart. 
And what better way to change your own attitude towards life than a virus like Corona…..
Then again, those are exactly the changes that have been necessary for you to be able to live your life of love on the New Earth. This is what has been necessary for humankind to change their ways of being, to get out of their minds and into their hearts. 

2. Jesus: Yes! - on Fear

So you are invited to let go of all of your fears of not getting there. Of not being able to live your life in harmony with your environment. Of not being able to live in harmony and love with the people around you. Of not being able to get to that goal you have seen for yourself, that you though would to be perfect for you. 
I am asking you to let go of your mind, to stop thinking altogether. I am asking you to let your attention drop into your heart, and to connect with your feelings in there. 
I am helping you with love. 
I am helping you now, sending love into your heart, so that you will feel so much love within your heart. 
You won't even be able to think of anything else, because the love I am sending you now, unconditional as it is of course, is so big and pure, is so much for your human heart to contain and to realize, that there won't be any room in your mind to think of anything else. 
This amount of love won't let you have any room for fear, for anger, for doubt, for whatever negative feelings you have been experiencing in your life. All of those feelings are being resolved in this love. 
Love will be all, love will be everything. 
You will live from love, and from nothing else. 
If you want to of course. 
But if you do then now is the time to join in here, for now it is made possible for you. Now I am here with you to make it happen. 

From here your life will be different, in a very good way. I can promise you that. 

3. Transcendence - on Letting go

Now don't try to do this with your mind. I can tell you that it won't work. 
Stay with your attention in your heart, for that is where it is happening. From being this love in your heart you will feel in a transcended place of being. 
This isn't easy, is it? You are so used to thinking with your mind, having learned from everyone and everything that that is the way to do it. To live your life, to obtain your goals. And of course in the meantime you have heard of different ways of being and living, but this means that, after ages of having lived from your mind, overthinking everything you thought you needed to do, talking with everyone about it who did the same, that now you have to go it in a totally different way. 
Letting all of your attention drop into your heart, and to stay there. To not do anything, to just wait. And to just trust.
Yes, I know it is the hardest thing to do for a human being to do, as I have lived some lives on Earth too. Having been closed off from the light, as you have for so many lifetimes, does that to you. 
Now we are asking you to let go of that, which has made life livable for you - or not - and to trust that it will all be all right, and that the best outcome will come from doing nothing, from waiting, and from trusting. 
From having your heart filled with love. 
It does seem like a world in reverse, doesn't it? And yet, from this reversed world, and maybe only from this reversed world, it will be possible to make these changes. Because things don't work the same as they did before, so you can't count on that anymore. A different approach is necessary, so why not take this one? The one of living from the love in your heart. The one where now you just need to open your heart to receive so much love that it will flow all over the place, so that there is nothing for you to do anymore than to be this love. 

And to trust that from here, from this place of love, things will turn out for the best, for you and for Earth. 

No worries anymore, just being together from this place of love in your heart. 
The angels will help you to have your heart filled with this enormous amount of love. You don't need to do anything except open your heart and allow it. 
Maybe some of your friends won't understand you anymore, because this is all too strange for them. Well, there will be millions of others who do want you, and probably those friends that don't understand weren't the best friends anyway. Because they already were too different from who you were, because you were already this work of love in progress.
But hey there is no need for you to help your friends anymore, because showing them all this love will give them all the help they ever needed. Is giving them the opportunity to connect with all this love too. They too just need to say yes. 

4. Angels are helping you - on Friendship

The same goes for friendships. From this love in your heart you don't need to do anything to make your friendship or other relationships work. From this place of love everybody will want to be your friend and everybody will be your friend. Misunderstandings will disappear, Preconceived ideas of what friendship is or is not, will disappear.  
Egotism will disappear. 
The angels will show you how to do it, or should we say, they will show you nothing.  They will help you to let go of all of your ideas of how and what a friend should be. 
Doesn't that feel wonderful? You don't need to look for what your friend wants or needs, you don't need to help in a certain way, you won't need a certain thing from your friend. 
You can just be, from this enormous place of love in your heart, and trust, and even know, that it will be al right. That it will be great. That it will be better than it has ever been before. 

And love makes anything possible.

5. Gaya: Home - on Family

And that's what it is to come home. All this unconditional love in your heart gives you the feeling of home. Home in your own heart. You probably always knew that that was the real truth, but now you can feel it and know it from a completely different level. Because now you can experience it. 
Gaya is coming towards you now, showing you her heart. Her heart is overflowing with love, just like yours. She is smiling, she is laughing, she is so glad that you have been able to understand how it works. Her heart and your heart overflowing with love, all this love becoming one love, where no borders or boundaries keep you away from each other. 
You will never feel alone anymore.
Your home is love. 
Now that you can feel this love inside of your heart, this enormous amount of love within your own heart, it will be there for ever. Because now you know. You know that it is possible, and you know that this is the real truth. The transcended truth. 
This is here to stay, and you just know it. 
From there the love from within your heart is flowing up towards your mind, filling your mind with love. When even your mind is filled with love, you won't even think of living those preconceived ideas you had before. They will just dissolve in this love, and love will be the most important thing to live. 

6. Ray: From darkness into light - on Mate

Relationships have been such a big part of human life. So much about love has been learned and lived in relationships. Everything seems to have been about love, about looking for love, about searching for love. 
And about breaking up, because the love didn't seem to be enough, or didn't seem to work out, or to be there at all. 
So much has been about love. As a human race all the most important things had to do with love. 
And it has been so hard to find, for so many people. You as, a human, have learned and experienced so much about love. 
The good and the bad. Darkness and light. Love and hate. Two sides of the same coin. 
Duality. It was all about experiencing, learning, getting better, becoming wiser.
Getting it right, getting it wrong, blaming yourself, blaming the other. Fighting, and making up.
You have done well, because learning through living has been what was meant to be in your lives on Earth. When everything is always great you won't learn about a thing that isn't great, and the meaning of life on Earth was to learn from both good and bad. Duality. 
So you have done well, no matter what you did. Know that, because from there things can change now. 
Because now you are going to live from this place of strong, unconditional love in your heart, where you won't need to work on your relationship anymore. You will learn from this place of love, 
It will be a completely different perspective and we ask of you to start experiencing it now.

Will you join us?

7. Your essence - on You / Earth

Of course your essence has always been love. And of course the essence of Earth has been to live love, to learn how it is to live without love, to learn everything  about love. To experience how it is to know love and to loose it, to learn that love often has more faces than just the one of love. That love can be very demanding, that love can destroy you, that love can suffocate you. Etc, etc. 
Still your essence is love. Still the essence of Earth is love. And we are all moving towards love now. Earth and you, and everyone on Earth. 
It is that time. 
Strange, isn't it, not having to do anything anymore, and to just be that place of love inside of you that always was your essence in the first place?  
To let life develop itself from there.

You are love, your have always been love, and now is the time to own that love, to own your essence once more. 

So we invite you to open your heart and to let all this love in. Right now.

With so much love, the Angels & Co.

 8. Freya: Feminine power - on The gift

From the mind into the heart. 
You have learned and experienced how it is to live on an Earth that was closed off from the light, from love, in order to be able to get to know how it is to depend on yourself. That is why you as humans have been living from the mind, the masculine way. Because the mind seemed to be the best way to survive. As humans you needed food, you needed a place to sleep, you needed a home, you needed money, you needed and needed, in order to be able to survive in a place that was closed off from the universal love and light. 
You had to survive on your own, although together with the people around you. But they too needed to survive and that has made all kind of experiences possible. You have become wiser and more experienced, learning from your experiences and doing things differently the next time. 
Or not, and living the same patterns time and time again, not being able to see what you did wrong, why you needed to live the same thing time and again. 
All this is going to change now and it has everything to do with the changes in the energies on Earth. It has everything to do with the veils that had closed Earth off from the universal love and light for so long. It has everything to do with the development of life on Earth, and of Earth as a planet. 
It is time to let love in, to let the love that is already flowing so abundantly on Earth, in into your heart, and to live from there. 
To live it the feminine way, from the heart. 
To live the power of love.
Feel the difference?!
It is possible now, I can tell you that. The choice is yours of course but who would want to say no to this love?
