
Stories of Light and Love

Spring Equinox

Tired? Exhausted? Ill? Do you have the feeling that so much is happening, although nothing much is in fact happening?

Maybe it has to do with spring, but probably there is more to it than that. So I'll get out of the way and let the Angels & Co have their say.

1.Love - in the place of Now

Big changes are coming, and that is the most important reason why you are so tired all the time. You do your thing, just as always, but now you get so tired from that same thing that otherwise doesn’t make you tired at all.
It has everything to do with the changes that are happening right now, under your feet, on earth and for earth.
It is important for you to know that, so that you won’t get undermined by it. Keep doing the things you really have to do, and take a lot of rest, because that is what your body tells you that you need, and that is what you need in order to be able to get into these new energy flows that are now descending on earth. 
Love. LOVE.
When you are tired you take more time to rest, and during these periods you are more relaxed. In this relaxation you are more open to these love flows, and we need you to do that. We need you, you who have made the commitment with earth to help it and you to get enlightened.
We need you to sit in this flow of totally and absolutely pure love, for yes, now we have come that far. This absolute pure love can now connect with earth, connect with you. So do it, connect with it, let it flow through your whole body, so it can connect with earth. For it needs your body to connect with earth.
The beautiful side effect is that you are one of the first people on earth to feel this stream of love flow through you.
So we urge you to focus on it and to enjoy it to the full!
Let it be your only focus whenever possible. Be as tired as you want, because that is when you are free to focus on this pure, pure love.

2. Jesus: Yes! - in the place of Fear

In this flow of pure, pure love all fear dissolves, and maybe you can feel it already. In this love there is no place for fear, it just can’t exist within it.
And Yes, this is what is happening and we so much want you to connect with it, to feel it, to be it, to show it around to other people, so it will be spread all over the earth.
This is what is happening right now, and so yes, you are tired, but only because your bodies are changing, are adapting to these new energies that you don’t own yet as a human body. 
All is changing and the biggest word is change. Or is it Love? Change in love, change in order to be in this absolute love.
My love. My love.
This is what I have predicted so many years ago, this is what I meant. It is happening now.
For you it is best to relax, to know what is happening and to connect with it. That way it will easily flow through you, and your body can grow accustomed to it, and then, when that is done, you will be so great, so happy, so full of joy.
Look at me, look into my eyes, for now this time is here, It makes me so happy I can only laugh my eyes out.

So. Get together, in mind or in body, and celebrate.

3. Rhiannon: Truth - in the place of Letting go

Is it true? Well, the fact that I show up here in this place in this reading, tells you that yes, it is the truth. I always show up when you are in doubt about the higher truths, to let you know that Yes, it really is true.
I understand that it is very hard for you to understand, even if you would like to so very much, but your human brain has been in a different mode for so long, you have lived through so much in your lifetimes on earth, that you think you can’t even afford to believe this flow of pure love is here for you while living on earth. 
Your brain can’t grasp it yet, and that is oké. We will help you to let go of all those doubts, of all those fears to believe that all is going to be great, having lived so many disillusions in your lives on earth. 
Of course it is hard for you to believe that all that is going to change now and that you don’t need to be afraid anymore that all joy will be taken away from you again once you dare to enjoy it. Of course.
Of course you have developed many different ways to survive, and of course you are afraid to let go of them. Of course.
And you don’t need to. You will be able to feel this flow of new love, you won’t be able not to feel it, and in this flow all your doubts will disappear, just like that.
All the structures you have been building for yourself in order to survive will fall away, and maybe you can already feel that it is happening.
So just let it happen now, and know that this is what is happening. That way your fears can dissolve so much quicker.
Imagine all your doubts and fears flow into a softly flowing mountain stream, away, away, away………gone.

4. Yemanaya: Golden opportunities - in the place of Friends

At first there will be silence because you need time on your own to adept to all that is happening, to all these deep changes. And again, be quiet within yourself, and know what is happening. 
Be quiet as long as you feel you need it, and make it as long as you need it.
Because from there you will make those things happen that you have been dreaming of. There are no words to describe what it will be like, because you don’t know what it implies, this new pure energy of love. It is much too big for you to be able to grasp. 
This has to do with your DNA, as your DNA needs to expand. It needs to activate all those parts that have been inactive, in order to be able to grasp all the love that is here for you now. So yes, you are tired or even ill, because this is the extant of the changes that are happening.
Everything is changing, and as a human being your are naturally afraid of changes, because sometimes changes are good but sometimes, often times even, they are for the worse. 
All those fears are being dissolved, just like that, in this new flow of pure love.

And then you will live in a different world. A world where you can be happy, where you can’t be anything but happy, and it will stay.

5. Inner peace - in the place of Family

Again: silence. All the work you have been doing in order to cleans yourself and your family of negative energies is ready and done. As you have been working so hard to be able to accomplish that, when it is done it will feel like silence within yourself. 
No more work to do, nothing to challenge you to work something out. Only peace and quiet.
Can you imagine? 
It is done!
Everybody you have been helping is where he or she should be, and you probably have been helping them to get there. Now it is oké, it is good, it is done. You have done everything you could or should, and you can let them go, and/or fill them up with this new love that is available to you now. 
Of course we, angels, advise you to do the latter, to fill them up with this pure love, if you can and if they allow it of course.
We can assure you that it will feel so wonderful to fill your whole family, wherever they are, with this love. Then everything will truly, be over and done, in the best way possible, for you and for them. And for the whole. Earth, the Universe, etc.

Enjoy this inner peace because, again, from there all will develop in joy.

6. Trancendence - in the place of Mate

Again: silence.
Where before there has been a longing to be together, mate and mate, now you are happy within yourself. It doesn’t mean that you will be alone, no, far from that, but you will be together in such a different way. You will be whole and your mate will be whole in this new flow of absolute love. You won’t need each other like you thought you did before. You will be whole and the other will be whole and from there it will be so great to be together. No more clinging to each other, no more need, no more jealousy, no more competition, no more judgment, no attachment, etc etc. 
You will be together because you want to, because you like to be together, but there will be no hidden agenda anymore.
You will be on a different level, as in a higher dimension, where the feelings you had in the third dimension don’t exist.
Again it is hard to explain, but maybe it isn’t necessary to understand it all right away, because you are going to live it anyway, and we assure you again and again that it will be wonderful.

7. Isis: Enlightenment - in the place of You

So now it will be possible for you to let go of all your worries and fears. You will be able to let go of all the restrictions you have experienced living on earth. You will be free.
Free in the light and love on earth, as we have promised you. 
I am so glad that I have been able to be part of this proces. It hasn’t been easy and sometimes it has been very hard, but it has been worth it.
And maybe you are not there yet, but you will be soon. I can promise you that too.
So for now, take my hand and let me take you with me, out of the old and into the new. Don’t be afraid anymore to step into the new, as I am taking you with me. I will lead the way, as I have been doing all this time, and I will lead you into this new world of pure, absolute love.

Let go of any ideas you have about how it should be, just come with me and let yourself be surprised. It will be great in any way.

8. Buddha: Your inner silence - The gift

So for now, be silent. Concentrate on your own heart and let it be filled with this perfect love. Let it fill you up, let your heart overflow with love, until you can’t breathe anymore.
Let love be your goal, your only thought, your all. Enjoy your self, enjoy who you really are. 
But don’t try to do it alone. Let us be there for you, and that is the gift I am talking about here, that you will know that we are here for you. All of us, angels and ascended masters, we are here for you, helping you with the last steps in this proces. We are celebrating for you and with you, and we are so proud of all of you who have been making it possible, making it happen that Earth is going to be this planet of love and light. The impossible made possible, that is how it is looking from where we are, and that is how it will be from where you are now.
Another dimension, another earth, another you. In light, in love, with us. 
That is where I am coming out of the silence within, because it is done. So now, together, we celebrate.

We are all one.

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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖