
Stories of Light and Love

More of the same? Or a new beginning?

Lots of us are tired, even ill. We are tired of the process of changing. Changing ourselves and changing the earth. Will 2014 finally be the new beginning we have all been hoping for - for such a long time?

I ask the angels, Mary and Mary Magdalene. Maybe even Jesus will come along.

1. Change (Current reality)

(A very quick and definite answer to my question!)

Yes! 2014 is a year of big changes, for people individually and for the earth. And not only for you who are reading this, but for everyone.
Maybe you had a bumpy start, but you know by now that that is part of the process. So take it as such, as part of your process, and don’t be disappointed or even frustrated. It will not help you to be able to receive the changes that are there for you. Know that - that is why we are telling you. Not to wag the finger at you. Just to let you know.
And know that too.
The changes you can expect for you personally are a flowing away of old habits and patterns. You think you are being accused. You feel it deep inside of you, and that is enough to let go of it.
You feel frustrated because you hoped that 2014 would be better from the very start, and it is not.
Feel the sensation of it, and you can let the frustration go.
Wherever you are, whenever you are, feel your feelings - those that feel negative to you - and feel how you can let them go.
It is as if they are not important anymore, as if the energy is done with, as if you cannot be bothered.
Just let them go.

That is already a big change. And it is happening right now!

2. Sweetness (The fear)

The angel of sweetness is so powerful at the moment. Can you feel her?

She is telling you to not be afraid anymore. The changes that are there for you now won’t be changed back. As an earth being, living in duality, you are used to changes, and used to things changing for better or for worse. It always goes both ways, so when things are up, you can expect them to go down, and when things are down, you can expect them to go up. That is how the energies have worked on our planet of duality. That is what we were learning from duality.
That is changing now.
Sweetness shows us her energy, and how this sweet energy is ours now. We can let it flow through us, to the people around us and into the earth.
This energy of sweetness is flowing down into our chakras, straight through to our root chakra, anchoring us.
For the first time it feels safe to anchor, because we can anchor in sweetness.
Sweetness is here for us, and she is not going away ever again.
She is a very special angel, helping in these times of changes, reassuring and full of love.
She is here with us to help us change the earth energies. That is her task.

‘I am Sweetness. I am here to help you to connect the new energies of light and love with you, people living on earth, so that you can be the pillars of light that you were meant to be during this time of changes. We need you to help us to receive these gifts, so that you can send them on into the earth and to everyone around you. Expect the people around you to receive them too, even if you thought that they wouldn’t. Even if you have tried it before and it turned out that they weren’t open for it.

They will be now!’

3. Stormy weather (Letting go)

Imagine yourself to be in the eye of a storm. All around you things are happening fast. Everything is moving around. You have no grip on what is happening.
In the old energies you would need some grip, because it is very scary, especially when you are in the middle of a storm, not to be able to hold on to something.
What we ask you to do now is to let go of any urge to hold onto something. To even let go of that urge. And to just BE.
Because that is what the new energy is about. To let go of your old ways of thinking, of being, and to .... yes, to go with the flow - even in the middle of this storm that is changing everything that you were used to, all your ways of being, of surviving in the duality of earth.
We know very well that this is not easy for you, so know that we are here to help you.
You have helped us to be able to be here now, on earth and with you, so we can help you now, when we couldn’t before. The veils are lifting, have lifted, so we can reach you now.

Almost there.

4. Love (Friendship)

Connect to the love that is flowing to you. Be aware of it, reach out for it. Know that your friends can feel it too, and connect with those friends. Connect with new friends, who are able to feel this love.
Feel the love flowing around your feet, as if they are bathing in it.
If you were busy before, then stop now. Take time to feel this love flowing around your feet. Feel how it is there for you.
Mary is telling us that she is our mother now. Maybe you had a nice and loving mother, maybe you didn’t, but feel Mary’s love now, for it is different from any love you have felt before.
There are no words for this love.
So just sit with it. Take your time to absorb it, for this is what you are meant to do now.
That is the way to make the changes that are necessary now.
Can you feel all your concerns flow away from you, until there is nothing left? Love is now connecting you to the earth. Love is what connects you to the earth.
There is nothing scary anymore. Do you feel it?
This love is flowing into the veils that were still flowing around our feet.
There was fear in these veils. Now the fear is being transformed in this love.
Let it happen for you, please. Take the time for it, please.

Help us, help the earth, help yourself, please.

5. Surrender (Family)

Forgive everyone. That is what is being asked of you now. Be the angelic being that you are meant to become in this time of changes. Don’t let old hurts define you anymore. Step out of them and surrender to the love within your reach. Just feel the love fill you up. Forgive your parents, your sisters and brothers, your grandparents, your friends. Don’t let any old pains stop you from letting this love become you.
Don’t let any old pains hold you back.
Let go of all the resistances you have built during your lifetimes on earth, out of fear or anger or whatever.
Just let the love fill you up.
And feel how good that feels.
What more do you want?

Surrender to this love and feel how it resolves the last pieces for you.

6. Art and beauty (Mate)

Take a deep breath. There is nothing more for you to do.
And then go and walk your path of light. If you don’t know yet what that is, then let go of that need too. It will come to you. Don’t be afraid that it won’t. You are part of the team of people on earth who are helping with the changes, so you are needed. We need you. We will tell you what to do, for you have offered yourself to us to help. Of course we are going to make good use of that!
Of course we will. So we will let you know what to do, and how to do it.
And yes, of course we will take care of you so that you won’t have to live in poverty or need. That is part of the deal, that there will be no poverty or need on earth anymore. And certainly not for those of you who have helped to get here.
We will take care of that, now that we can, and you are going to help with that process. That is where you are needed.

You will know.

7. Transformation (You)

Don’t be scared that you will be left out, that you will not be part of the big plan. If you are reading this, you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
You who are reading this are the people on earth who have offered themselves to help make the changes. So we need you. You have spent the last years, decennia or maybe even lives to transform yourselves, and now you are ready to help - even more - to transform the earth and everyone on it.
Do it with grace, as you did before. Move swiftly and carefully. Move with the utmost respect, as we did with you. Don’t let your impatience get the better of you. Again, go with the flow, now as never before.
It seems to be a cliché, but it is not. The difference is that now you can, because the veils are lifting, have lifted. Now it is appropriate to trust.
The old patterns are disappearing - your own included - so now there is nothing to hold you back, to interfere with your good intentions. And when you feel some of those still bothering you, then ask us to help in letting them go.
And we will, because we can.
Allow yourselves to be transformed even more, so that you can use all your energy to help transform what still needs transforming.
We thank you! All of you who have been working so hard to make it this far. Thank you so much!
You know we couldn’t haven done it without you, don’t you?
We couldn’t. We needed you, humans living on earth, to get here, where we are now.

We need you to complete the process.

8. Mercy (The gift)

We are continually helping you. We are sending you mercy, the most forgiving energy possible. So that all can be forgiven, can be transformed and can be healed. That is what mercy is capable of. That is why we are sending it to you, to Earth.
So that all can be well.
For now you can help by imagining a life on earth in wellbeing. All is well for you, whatever you think that means. Define wellbeing for you, feel how it should be for you. Imagine the energies of wellbeing around you, flowing gracefully wherever you go. Take them with you wherever you go.
That is how you can help us now, how you can help for now.
We are sending you all the mercy needed. In mercy no darkness can remain.

Can you feel it?


Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖