
Stories of Light and Love

Earth needs your help!

Earth is calling for help. Can you feel it?
Spring started today, so maybe it has something to do with the changing of those energies?Let’s ask Earth, shall we?

(Know that by reading this and looking into the cards, healing is coming to you already)

1. Art and beauty (In the place of: Now)

Confusion. I don’t know where to begin, I don’t know where to listen as it seems that there are so many beings of light that want to talk to us. Everyone has her/his own story, but I can’t hear them as they are all talking together. But here comes:

We live in difficult times. Half of the population on earth is living one part, the other half is living a completely different part. Where are we? Are we living on the same level? In the same dimension?
What is happening?
There is so much confusion, so much fear going on, as the changes on earth are coming through.
It feels like so many people are slipping. As if they don’t have a grip on life anymore and they don’t know how to get a grip.  But they still think they need that grip.
How to live without it?
We are in the middle of the changes that were foretold to us, but so many people don’t even know anything about it, or know about it but don’t believe in it. They are looking on, holding on, they don’t know what to do.
They need a way out, but don’t know where to reach, who to ask, where to turn to.

 Is that what is happening to you?
Or are you one of the people who do know about the changes, and want to help make them occur? Are you one of those people who are on their light path, the path that takes you into the light on earth, into the new beginning?
Or are you both?

 So much confusion is going on. What is it about?

2. Your path of light (In the place of: The fear)

Are we on the right track? Are we on the right level? What are we doing? Where are we?
What is all the confusion about? What is holding us back? Who are holding us back?

Don’t worry. You are on the right track, the angel of Sweetness is telling me. What is happening and what is making everything so confusing is the battle that is being fought by the entities who don’t want these changes to happen. They are fighting now with all their might to hold it back and to keep the earth from changing. Where they had the power.
They don’t want us to develop any further. They never believed that we would make it, that the light could be brought back on earth, so they haven’t even been looking at us. We, who have been doing all the work of transformation, to bring the earth into the light.
But now they are beginning to see us and what we have been doing. Now they see what they have been missing before, and now they are fighting back with all there power, to rescue their world. To keep the earth in darkness, where they have the power.

Are they going to make it? Or are they too late?
And do we need to fight back? Or are we far enough, and is the battle over?

3. Change (In the place of: Letting go)

People are scared. They feel something is going on, but they don’t know what. They feel the changes, but they don’t know what the changes are.
People are afraid of changes. For people it feels safer when things are stable so you know what you are at. Changes feel uncomfortable and even scary.
People want to keep things as they are.
But if we really want the light back on earth, things are going to change.
But who wants these changes? Are there only a couple of people who want them, and are they pushing it? Does the majority even want these changes, although we tell them that they are for the better? Or are the energies that are holding us back, who have seen the changes coming and who are now fighting to the core to keep things as they were, are they shedding their energies over the earth now, so everything stays the same. And will they be able to keep the light away once more?
And who are these entities? Are they real?

 What is going on?

4. Inner power (In the place of: Friendship)

Take a deep breath. Take your focus back into yourself. Breathe.
Let go of the fear. Let the angels help you.The fear is not yours. It is like a fine dust that is flowing over the earth to hold us back from the light.
Fear has always been the way the people in power have been working, as fear makes people hold back, dependent, still.
It is easy to have power over people who are scared. So fear is what is being spread now, now that we are almost in the light.
So breathe, and look into this fear. Maybe it is a fear you know, and are used to. But don’t put it back, look it in the eyes, and talk to it.
Who is this fear? Is it yours? Talk to it, and let it answer you. It is probably a very old and maybe still repressed fear, and you need it to come to the surface, so it can be healed. These old fears are being spoken to now, as they are the energies that are holding you back.
So if anyone else wants to hold you back, know that they are only touching your own old fears, and by talking to your own fears, you can heal them.
When those fears are healed, there is no energy of fear left inside of you. Then nothing and no one can attach itself to your fear, because there is nothing there for them to attach themselves to.

So breathe, and let your fear be seen. Show it to the angels and let them help you to heal your oldest, deepest fears, so you can let them go.
Take care of yourself and allow yourself to be healed.
Fill yourself with love and compassion. Fill yourself with the new golden energies that are available now. Let your whole body, your whole system be filled with the new golden energies, the most healing power that exists.

 Let your focus be the golden light of love.

5. New beginning (In the place of: Family)

In this new golden light everything negative that is still inside of you will come to the surface. Allow it, and give it to the angels, so that they can help you transform it all. All the anger, all the fear, all the pain, all the doubt.
Let the angels help you to transform everything, and yes, everything wants to come to the surface now, because you know, deep down, that now is the time to do that. Everything wants to be transformed now.
Now, now that a new spring is beginning. A new time. A new light.
Enjoy it, welcome it, let it envelope you. Be in this light, this light for which you have been working so very hard. Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back ever again, and step into your light, your birthright.
It is your right, it is your reward. It is what you have been doing it all for.

It is yours. Feel that you deserve it, that you have a right to it. And don’t let it be taken away from you ever again.

6. On your own two feet (In the place of: Mate)

And than enjoy it. Be it. Be in it. Let this light penetrate everything that is still holding you back. Give it all your energy. Then the dark energies that are still trying to hold you back, from inside of you or from outside, can’t control you anymore. Let the golden light flow through them, and their power dissipates. The golden light is stronger then anything, and if you give that its power, everything else will disappear.
So hold on and do your thing. That is hold the golden light.
Now is the time, now is the essence. You are needed now as a person living on earth, to hold this golden light.
So do it, if the earth is dear to you.
Do your part, and when we all do our part, we will reach our goal in no time. Working together will make it work.
At the same time, don’t underestimate our opponents because they are getting desperate, and so fighting with all their power to keep everything in darkness.

Fight back.

7. Manifestation (In the place of: The self)

Again, don’t let your old fears overpower you. But don’t put them away either. Look them up and look them in the eye. Welcome them, comfort them, and let them be transformed.
Imagine you have always been a couple of metres up in the air, never really touching the earth. Because you have been living your lives in darkness, and the earth has become a scary place for you to be. But this time you have come to heal and be healed, and to connect with the new light, even while living on earth. Especially while living on earth, to help the earth and everyone on it to be able to live in light on earth. To help end duality.
So now you need to be on the ground, because the light that is around you already, has to touch the earth itself. It has to be able to flow into it. That is what is needed for earth.
At the same time, when your light touches the earth’s surface, you can manifest anything you need and want. So it is necessary for you to touch the earth too, to be able to manifest.
Be as careful as you need to be in this process, and be easy on your fears. Don’t underestimate them and don’t minimalize them. And let yourself be helped. The angels are there for you and don’t you forget that. So as you read this, let all your fears come to the surface and give them to the angels. They need to be transformed. For you and for the earth.
Maybe even fear itself is what you are afraid of letting go of, as fear can have become a well-known partner in your life. The things you are used to, feel safe. Remember?
Know that fear is never safe. The only good thing about fear is that it can warn you of the things you have experienced that were not safe.
As you already know those experiences, you don’t need the fear to warn you anymore.
Let it go, give it to the angels or cuddle it yourself. Be kind to it. Comfort it.
And then it can fall asleep like an angel.

 It is time to feel all your fears, especially the fear of connecting yourself with the earth. Let the angels help you.

8. The angels are helping you (In the place of: The gift)

See, told you!: the angels are helping you! Feel them, know them, reach out to them. Don’t forget that they are here for you now.
Let them hold you, let them carry you, let them envelope you. Let them help you to feel safe. Safety is what you need when you are coming down to earth. Otherwise you won’t do it, because you have experienced too much pain on earth. You need help, you need reassurance, you need the angels themselves to be able to trust the process of connecting with the earth.
Be careful and watch your step, but don’t let your fear hold you back either. Do go on, don’t stop now where you are almost there.
Let the angels help you. They want to help you so very much.

Feel how the air is clearing now? Now that you can feel the angels again?
Almost there now, and that is probably why it was so hard this time
But that is going to change.

So connect with the angels again, be with the angels again. Ask their help whenever you can. Let them help you, let them help us, let them help the earth. Help the earth by asking the angels. Let the new golden energies flow into everything and everyone. Especially into those things and those people that are holding you back. Especially to those things that belong to the old energies. The economy, the banks, the people who have hurt you or are hurting you still. Send the energies of gold onto it all, so everything can turn into this gold.

Than the earth will be changed!

We are going to be there, but don’t think we are there yet. The earth still needs your help. And again: now more then ever.


Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖