
Stories of Light and Love


Does this happen to you too? You try to find information about something and you cannot find it, no matter how hard you try? And then you have to conclude that you need to do it yourself, for otherwise you would have found it.
So. Here is another blog, about the new waves of harmony which I feel are flowing towards us.

What does it mean, for you, for Earth, for me? Harmony?

 1. Purity (in the place of: Now)

Take a deep breath! It is the most used expression, or so it seems, but such an important one.
Changes are coming, for real, so embrace yourselves, don’t take any precautions and let yourself be pushed.
You have been working so hard to become pure, to free yourself of all the old energies, the layers and layers of anger, frustration, sadness, pain, fear, etc. etc. etc.
Now the time is here where you have done enough, and where you can make those transitions which you have been waiting for for such a long time.
And we thank you so very much for all that you have done, even though it may have seemed to you that you did it all for yourselves. But during your own transition you have helped the earth to transform, and for that we are so grateful. Without you we couldn’t have done it and it is time that you realize that that is true. So very true.
You can be proud of yourselves, and we ask you to be just that. Be so very proud of yourselves, as it also helps you to stand tall. We need you, beings of light, to be what you were always meant to be, a strong person in your own right.

It is time to grab that right.

2. Forgiveness (in the place of: The fear)

So why can’t you let yourself be forgiven? Why are you holding onto your feelings of guilt?
Why don’t you receive all the forgiveness that is there for you now and that we have been offering you before? Many times?
Maybe we need to add something new. We add harmony into the mixture and isn’t that easier for you to receive?
So now let the energy of harmony flow into you and through you, in every part of your body and mind. Let it flow into the places where you still feel guilty, for we need you to free yourselves of guilt. Because as long as you feel guilty - whether you are guilty or not - you won’t allow yourself to receive all the gifts we are offering you. In guilt you will feel inadequate and unworthy. And we need to to stand tall!
Harmony will make you feel peaceful and trusting enough to take this next step, and give up on old patterns that feel safe because you have been living according to them for so long. And no, they haven’t been wrong at the time, but now they are not necessary anymore.

Receive the harmony so that you can be filled with all these wonderful new energies that are there for you now. The love, the light, the joy.

3. Healing: Raphael (in the place of: Letting go)

Yes, says Raphael, that is the way. Maybe receiving forgiveness was too difficult for you, and now that the harmony is flowing with it you can receive it.
That is how it feels from where I am standing, says Raphael. Now I can see the difference. You have blamed yourself for so much, in so many lifetimes. You have been guilty of things you couldn’t imagine doing, and you have been feeling guilty of things you didn’t even do. Guilt is so hard to let go of.
Are you afraid that, if you let go of your guilt, you will do it again? Or can’t you allow yourself to be free of guilt because you blame yourself too much? Because the things you have done or thought you did, were to dreadful?
Now, in this lifetime, you need to be pure, so you need to let go of those feelings, whether you were guilty or not. You have to forgive yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to reach your goal, your goal of purity. We need you to reach that goal for we need you to work with us, for Earth and for all the people on it. We need you clear of negativity.
That’s why we offer you harmony.
I help you to receive the harmony, for in harmony you relax and you let yourself be helped. In harmony there is no room for negativity, for guilt. Can you feel it?

 When that is gone it is time for….

4. Miracles (in the place of: Friends)

It is time for us, light beings to work together. For you that means that it is time to meet your friends in the flesh, the ones that are meant to work together with you. When you work together the energies you have been working with will be so much stronger.
Earth needs you to do that, but at the same time you need it too, and maybe you have even been looking out for this time of being together with people of light and love.
You will meet them, and you will know it when you see them. There will be an instant connection between you, and you will know what to do and how to do it.
You will all form groups of healing, of light and love, for earth and everything and everyone on it.
It is necessary. We have to tell you that too, that it is necessary for the earth and everyone on it, because without you working with us and flowing your energies into the earth, it cannot be done. We need you here and now, we really do.
So yes, be that important person that is needed and open up to the new flow.  Allow yourself to stand tall.
Together, in harmony, we can make it happen.
The struggle is not over yet, but for you it can be, if you just let it happen.

 And than miracles will occur. Trust us!

5. Joy (in the place of: Family)

Than you will be forming families of joy!  We can see you now, working together, doing the things you were supposed to do. Those things you have known you should do, couldn’t wait to do and have been so frustrated about not being able to do because you were still held back by the old energies, whether inside of you or around you, that you needed to let go of first.
But all your hard work is coming to fruition now and clearing yourself of those energies has helped the earth to be cleared of them too. As it had helped you to come into your real self, the self you were originally.
That is going to help you to find your place on earth, to do the things you have been wanting to do, and maybe even have been doing already. But from now on your will be able to do them on such a grander scale. Working in groups will make that differences, even more so then the changes within yourself have done already.
When you start working in groupes with the people that are meant for you to do them with you will be able to achieve so much more.
And you will work in joy and harmony. You and the people you are meant to be with.

Your new family.

6. On your own two feet (in the place of: Mate)

Working in a group of people means that you have to be clear about yourself. About what you want, who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, what you allow yourself to be.
It means that you have to be proud of yourself, that you have to feel the light within you and that you allow yourself to shine.
It means that you are clear and transparent. It means that you have nothing to hide anymore, which means that you have let go of all the old feelings of shame and guilt. It also means that you let go of old rules and handholds and let yourself be taken into the new. It means to be free of judgment about yourself and others.
That way you can be together in harmony, because you don’t have to be better or different from who you are.
You will feel completely at home within yourself.

You will feel connected!

7. Fulfillment (in the place of: You)

Isn’t that what you have been looking for? To be connected?
Being connected means that your are in line with your own soul, with the Source, and with Mother Earth. Can you feel it?
The light of your soul is flowing through you now, more and stronger than ever before on earth, and it flows through you into the earth, where you are connected with the sun in the earth, Mother Earth.
When you are in this connection, you are free. You are filled with light, your whole system, your body, your aura, is filled with light and love. If there are people around you who want to take this away from you, who are jealous or who want to have power over you, they can’t, because there is nothing inside of you anymore that they can grab onto.
You are safe, you are free. Free to be you in all your...glory!
You are free to do the things you have been working for, free from the burden of having to work on yourself first, before you can work for the whole.
Now you can work for the whole, and be so happy doing it.

For haven’t you been working for that too? To be happy? Of course you have.

8. Change (in the place of: The gift)

 So changes are coming, but they will be great changes. You know you have been asking for them, begging for them even, and now they are coming.
We know that it is quite normal for humans to be afraid of changes, and that is okay. But call it anticipation. By giving your fear another intention, it will change it’s meaning for you. Fear is such a terrible thing to live with, and maybe you have been living with it your whole life already. So let us help you to let go of the old fears, and step into a feeling of anticipation. Be glad that changes are coming, and see what you have been waiting to see all this time. Look into your future and see that it is great.
Live in the happy anticipation that what you have been working for is coming to you now. So let yourselves be changed and step into your happy future.
Trouble believing it? It doesn’t matter. If you let us help you to set your fears into anticipation, than things will start rolling. Don’t hold on to old patterns, they don’t work for you anymore.
Let the new harmony do it’s job, fill you up, and then you can do it! Can you feel it?
Harmony makes you feel strong, feel connected, feel free to let go.
Then you can live in harmony, next to the next person in harmony. You will live in your own ray of light, connected with your soul and with mother Earth. You will be on your own two feet, together.
Then you will feel safe. Then you will be able to let go of old handholds. Shining your own light.

Then you will really be able to make Earth a better place.



Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖