
Stories of Light and Love

Big shifts

Once again everything is shifting. Can you feel it? It feels big. As in: sometimes you feel good and optimistic, and then you fall back into old patterns and issues? And then you come out of it again? Etc, etc...?

So what is going on this time?

1. Protection; Michael (in the place of: Now)

Michael takes me by the hand and leads me to a place where I can have the overview. He points to certain places where things are happening, where the energies are shifting. It is possible now, he tells me, because so much has already shifted, and maybe these specific shifts are stronger and scarier than ever before. But I assure you that they are not.
They do go deeper then ever before. Yes, that is true. They touch the deepest levels of your being.
So look with me at what is happening. Do you see the layers of the earth? Do you see them moving, changing places? Interchanging?
Yes, big shifts are happening and maybe to you it feels as if the ground is taken away from under your feet, but again I assure you that new ground has already formed itself and if/when you let go of the old ground the new one will be there for you and catch you.
It is a big moment, yes it is, for now is the time to jump into the unknown, into the light on earth.
You have to let me help you, for then you will be safe. Then you will jump into the right place.

So come with me?

2. New beginnings (in the place of: Fear)

Yes, I can see now why this is so terrifying for you. To just jump. Because of all the fears you have known on earth, you need security more then anything else. The knowing that you are safe. Which means that things stay exactly as they are. That way you know where you are, you know what to watch out for. That gives you a feeling of safety.
But is it nice? Is it great? Are you happy?
If so then yes, I understand that you don’t want to jump, and of course that is perfectly okay.
But if you are not happy or even if you have the feeling that you would miss out on something big that is happening right now if only you jump, then risk it.
For a wonderful new beginning will be there for you if you do. So feel the energies of harmony and joy around you. Of expectancy, of promise.  Those are the new energies, and they will make you happy.

As never before. 

3. Healing: Raphael (in the place of: Letting go)

Raphael brings healing for all those who need it. Healing for your fears, your doubts, your anger, your cynicism. We know that you have been promised time and again that yes, now it would happen, now it would get better, now it would be wonderful if only you would let go.
As time and again it didn’t happen you became cynical. Now you cannot believe that it will some time and maybe even in the near future really happen and the changes will be great.
Of course it is taking a long time, as so much needed to be done to make the changes possible. On earth and within you. Of course we understand how you can’t believe us anymore. Of course we understand your anger and frustration.
But we also ask you to go on with the wonderful work you have been doing, for we can’t do it without you. We need you all, as so much needs changing still.
So show us your pain, your anger, your cynicism or any other feeling that you experience as negative or old, and allow us to put it into the light. That way it can transform, and that will feel so much better for you and for us. For do you like feeling cynical or angry or afraid? Does it feel nice to have those feelings?
For if it does for you, then stay there. Of course we wouldn’t want to take that away from you.
But if it doesn’t, then let us take them from you and transform them. Come with us into the light.

Risk the jump. Allow yourself to be happy. Choose you.

4. Fulfillment

Take a deep breath, for if you have gotten this far reading this, your are going to jump! And we are so happy that you do!
It is the only way for you to find that place where you have been looking for all this time, to find those people you know you will meet but who still aren’t there for you. You know you will find fulfillment, but it still keeps you waiting.
First you need to  jump. That is why you are still waiting. And no, you couldn’t have made it before because the time wasn’t ripe, you were not ready and Earth was not ready. So don’t think that you missed out or did something wrong. Everything is happening in divine timing now.
So now sit back and relax, and let us help you to clear out all the old energies that are still inside of you. Let us make you ready to jump.
You probably have no idea what you should do to jump. That is okay too, because this is something very new, and to be honest, we haven’t done it before either........But the difference between you and us is that we can trust, because we have the overview. We know what to do and how to do it, because we can see where this is all leading, and yes, we are very aware of the fact that you don’t.
We are even aware of the fact that you need to trust us where you probably don’t have much reason to trust at all.

See us, feel us, see right through us so you can see that we are pure, that we don’t try to lure you into something bad. We know the way and that is why we hope that you will trust us enough to follow us and to ake that leap of faith. To jump.

5. Stormy weather (in the place of : Family)

Big changes are going to happen. But for now it looks like a jigsaw puzzle, where all the pieces are lying around seemingly with no place to go. You are searching, you are looking around, but where do you need to go? What is the meaning of all this, where do you need to be? What is meant for you?
We assure you that all the storms are inside your head, so that is where we are going to help you. We are sending our light into your head, and this light will relax you. There will be no worries left, and you will know, just know that all is well.
From our perspective everything is already ordered and exactly how it should be. If you let go of the things you have been holding onto, because you were afraid or simply didn’t know how or where to go, we will help you now as never before to let go and to find your place in this beautiful new world.
So again, take a deep breath and relax. Don’t worry anymore, all is well and all will be well. You will know when to move and if necessary, where to move too. We will show it to you and you will recognize the signs.

It will probably be jumpy, but all for the right reasons, to get where you long to be.

6. Joy (in the place of: Mate)

So what do you need?
You need to open your heart to these new possibilities. You need to let joy and love come in. You need to fill up with the energies of joy and harmony. You need to be open to the idea of a new beginning, otherwise nothing good will happen.
So what do you think? Are you ready to let us help you to open your heart? Knowing that we know that it can be scary for you, that old stuff may come up that you don’t want to let go of? For which you have worked so hard never to let is be seen? We know things like that can happen, but still, isn’t it time?
Don’t you want to let the joy come in? Or you afraid that it will once again be an empty promise?
Of course you are, but still, if you never try again, you will be stuck where you are, and never be able to move on, always complaining about where you are and being unhappy where you are.
Let joy enter your heart. Let fear and distrust go. Allow yourself the joy.
Maybe this is the biggest risk you have needed to take until now. But only with a heart filled with joy can you meet joy.

 Wouldn’t it be great to meet your mate in joy?

7. Protection: Michael (in the place of : You)

 What we need from you is that you focus on joy. Open your crown chakra and let joy fill your brain. As humans you have been used to be without joy, as you were separated from the light. That is what is going to change now, if you let it.
Concentrate on the joy and don’t let anything or anyone disturb you or keep you from it. Focus on joy. Let it in. Let it fill you up.
That way your brain, which has been able to use only a small part of it’s capacity, will be restored. You will be able to be in touch with the higher wisdom.
As the capacity of your brain grows, the need to survive will disappear. You will know and the knowledge will seem to come from nowhere, but you will know. You will be able to tap into this higher knowledge and know everything it knows.
It will feel like you don’t exist anymore in the way you always have. You will feel such an immense peace.
As humans, separated from the light, you have had to think of everything all by yourselves, and that has been the challenge.
Now we can make your lives so much easier, connected with the higher energies of light, love, joy.
The universal knowledge will guide you. When you allow yourselves to be in your own flow of light, the world as you know it falls away and there is nothing to worry about anymore. You can just be.

It is happening.

8. The angels are helping you (in the place of: The gift)

We are helping you. Even if you can’t see us, if you seem to be in total separation, we are here to help you. Look for the signs. They can be different from what you expect, but we will give you signs, until you will recognize them as such.
We would have liked things to go faster too, but hey, we can’t help you there. They didn’t, as there was too much to do. This is about new dimensions on earth!
But don’t despair either, because it is all in your own hands now.
Feel our light, the angels are asking you. Do everything that you can to connect with us and to feel our light. It is up to you now to connect with us, to allow us to be connected with you. We have been helping you wherever we could and now we are asking you to do your bit. See our hands stretched out towards you and grab them. Yes, it is up to you to grab them, because we can’t do anything without your permission.
But we would love it if you let us take you with us. We would love it to work with you to change the world. We want you to meet each other to work together, and with this new joy inside of you you will. You will, all of you, meet other people who have achieved living the joy, and you will want to work together. Together your energies will be so much higher and you can do so much more.
That is our desire. You working together in joy, bringing your energies around the globe, making earth a place of joy.

That is our desire. Are you coming?



Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖