
Stories of Light and Love

Light flows and fuses

It has been some time since my last blog hasn't it!
Only now this urge is there again to write another one, so here goes.

I have got one fuse in my apartment and it was blown four times in the last couple of days. When I got into my studio this afternoon, there was no light. Another fuse down. That cannot be coincidence, can it?

A new portal of light is opening during these days, and so a lot is happening energy wise. I ask the angels and Goddesses - Yes, I am in the process of making Goddess cards - what does it mean and what can we expect?

1. Wisdom in the place of Now

It is time, the angel of wisdom is telling me. That is why everything is so restless and the energies are moving around like mad. You feel like so much is happening and it is true. Shifts upon shifts upon shifts. Almost too much to understand for you, in your human bodies.

Take a deep breath, and relax, for we are telling you that it is okay. We do have a grip, even though you don’t, and it is all about trusting now. Trusting your process, trusting the process of the earth, and above all trusting us angels. For now it is time. Now the energies are changing for real, now it is happening.

And although it may feel a bit rough at the time, tomorrow everything will be better already, and next week things will be different.. Things will be so much better.

So breathe, relax and let it happen. It is the only way, and it will make it easier for you.

2. Transcendence in the place of Fear

There is a lot of fear coming free under the influence of these new light flows, for although people can feel the changes in the energy, they don’t know what is happening. They can only feel that a lot is happening.

Changes often have been for worse so people are restless and scared. In scary situations, as a human being you need to have control, but as you don’t even know what it is all about, there is no question of having control.

Until now only a few people could feel the changes, but now everybody can. You who are used to feel, who are used to trust these changes, now can feel the fear of all the people around you. So now it is hard for you to trust. So now you are afraid too.

You ask us what it is all about, and we can tell you that Earth is transcending. Earth itself is being taken out of it’s worn energies, and is lifted into the light. That is scary for you humans, because you do feel the shifts, but you cannot see them. And you can’t trust your feelings, certainly not when it feels like you are on a stormy ocean without a life jacket.

We ask you to feel the fear. Get right into it, for it needs your attention. It is like a small child that is in need of her mother. This old fear of the earth needs your attention and your consolation, so it can relax in your arms. Then it can relax.

Feel it?!

3. Art and beauty in the place of Letting go

You who are reading this have lived so many lives on earth and you know so much. You have become so skilled in the art of living. Now we ask your help to help the other people around you who are not so experienced to overcome this fear. To comfort them and to send them light and love. It will help them and it will help you, because letting these love energies flow through yourself in order to flow them to them, you will benefit from them too. More then you can imagine.

Get in touch with the new flows of golden energy, let them come to you, let them flow through you. That is all you need to do.

We need you now, more then ever, because so much is going to change in the near future. We have told you before that we can’t do it alone. We need you, who are living on earth in your human bodies, to connect these energies with the earth itself. That is why you are here and you probably know it.

It will make you feel so much better if you do because if you do, you feel that you are connected, that you are not alone, and the fear that you have been absorbing from the people around you will pass. 

4. Forgiveness in the place of Friendship

It is a time of forgiveness, so connect with the energy of it. Feel it for yourself, the softness of it. Let it fill you up. Everything and all needs to be forgiven now, for now is the time of total and overall forgiveness. Everything and everybody needs to be forgiven.

In the new energies all is forgiven, and everything that is not cannot stay on earth.

Of course this is not something that will happen within a couple of days, but it is the energy of now and of the near future, and it will change everything
Imagine a world without blame, without guilt and without regret.

You don’t actively need to forgive all the people around you, you just need to feel the energy and let it freely and abundantly flow through your own energy field. Let it flow into the earth, and you will feel so much more peaceful.

It is such a sweet energy, this forgiveness. It is the energy of our time. It is everything.
So connect with it, and make it your own. Let forgiveness flow to all your friends and loved ones, and let it flow all over the earth. Follow this flow with your inner eye and imagine an earth where all is forgiven.

See it glow! 

5. Trust in the place of Family

Beware, says the angel of trust, for families will change too. Lots of you will meet your family of light, and you will go and work together. As it is meant to be.

Together you can do so much more for the earth and it is time. So be open to meet your new family members, and trust your own instincts when you do. For you will know. It looks like you are now flying towards each other, knowing exactly where you are going. You will meet and you don’t need to do anything about it. It will happen and you will know it when it does. You will know it by a slight feeling of joy deep within you. It will make you stop, look around, and find that person. One at a time.

So open your heart and eyes and don’t miss it. This is one of the most important things of this time, to meet and connect with your new family, in order to be able to work together. In order to live your life plan and help the earth transcend into the light and love of the new.

Open up to us, angels, and we will help you to know when you meet and to trust that it is right.
Then when you are together, let go of old issues like judgment, jealousy, competition etc. When you still have those feelings, recognize them, give them to us, and feel the flow of forgiveness in your heart. For now you will want to live and work together in harmony as that is what Earth needs. And what you need, of course.

It is that time.

6. Inner power in the place of Mate

Lots of changes here too as of course the energy is shifting here too. Your mate will no longer be someone you can or will want to lean on. We will all be in our own right, in our own power, and you will not even want to lean on someone else. It will not be necessary either. You will be together with your mate because you want to, not because you can’t do without. You will be yourself, next to the other, enjoying the other the more for not needing him or her. Rules, habits, and givens will change and it will all be for the better, as you will see.

You will feel free within your own power. One next to the other in perfect harmony.

Or are we getting ahead of ourselves? We must admit that it is own of the trickiest issues of human beings as it has formed itself out of the fear that living in duality means. That is why you all have mated up, afraid of being on your own.

That is what will be changing. The fear will go, and your will not need another human to mate up with, because you don’t need him of her to lean into. Then being together will be for fun, for love.

7. Fulfillment in the place of You

So relax. It is going to be well. It is going to be great. Earth is transcending, slowly but surely, and sometimes a bit more quickly, as it is now. These are just the changes that are necessary to make it all happen,an d you are here to make it happen.

Maybe at the moment you are very tired of everything that has been happening already, and that is fine. Take a rest now and just concentrate on the light, for before you know it, there will be so much work to do. And it will be great work, it will be the work you have been looking out for, the work you like and love. And you will be doing it together with the people you love, with your own new family of light.

From this place you are in now, whether it is good or bad, keep your focus on the future and on the light, for that way it will happen so much more quickly and easily for you.

Another thing: go for your own fulfillment, and don’t wait for others, for they will have to go their own way in their own pace. Your fulfillment is yours, so go for it.

8. Isis in the place of The gift

Hi, says Isis. I am here to help you into your place of Light on Earth. I was there for most of you when your connection with the Light faltered. You asked me for help, but I couldn’t give it to you because the dark needed to be lived in order to be able to transform it. That was part of your plan too.

But now we are at the other end of the circle, and now I can help you back into the light. We have done it, and nobody is as happy as me to be able to say that. I have missed you, my good friends and helpers on earth, I have missed you so much.

Do you know how it is for a mother to have to let go of her child, because the child needs to learn its lessons of live? That is how I have felt during all this time in which you have been living in darkness.

I am so glad that now we can connect again during this life of yours on Earth. I can see you all, I can see you connecting, with each other and with me. I love it so much!

I am activating your crown chakra’s, so you can receive so much more light, so you can flow so much more light through your bodies and shine your light around you. If you want me to, of course.

It is safe now, I can tell you. The times have changed and it is safe to let yourselves be seen as the light beings that you are. In all that you are and in everything that you can.

It is time!

Lots of love and light!

The angels, Isis and me, Winne.

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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖