
Stories of Light and Love


It can hardly be a coincidence that I am in Damanhur for Easter, can it?
Damanuhr is a spiritual, ecological community in Italy. Very big, with 600 people living there permanently and lots of visitors.
It is built on a crossing of four ley lines, so the energy is a lot to digest.
So because of this load of energy - and don’t forget the  full red lunar eclipse - I need to write you a blog.
The question the Angels ask me to blog about is: past, present and future
So let’s see what they want to let us know.

1. Healing - Raphael - in the place of Now

A lot is happening right now, and as a human you can probably hardly keep up with all the changes. ‘You must be tired’, says Raphael!
What you need to know is that it is a time of great healing, and if old troubles, fears, anxieties, etc. are coming up again, it is just in order to get them healed. And yes, that process is going on and on, until everything is solved, transformed or whatever word you want to give it.
It needs to be done, in order to get where we want to be, in the light, in the love of the source itself.
Don’t despair, for these are the last pieces. I can’t tell you yet when it will be over for you, as that is different for each one of you, but it will be soon.
What you can do now, and what would be very healing for you to do is to imagine what it will be like when you are living in the light and the love of the source, on earth. Feel that, and it will already be so much more quiet and easy for you.
That is what is healing you right now. You will be there so much sooner.’

So stay there for a couple of minutes and enjoy this energy. 

2. The last pieces - in the place of Fear

‘We are here for you’, is what the angels are saying. ‘Don’t ever doubt that. What you need to do is just be quiet, and receive our energies, our love, and our light. That is what will make it easier for you.
In the past is has been necessary for  you, people living on earth, to go much deeper into yourself, to get to the parts inside of you that needed healing and transformation.
You have done what you needed to do, and now it is only a question of letting the pieces of darkness, of trouble, of fear, that are still there, come to the surface. Then we can take them from you. We can transform them now, without your help.
So if there is a fear or an anger or whatever, coming up, let it come up and don’t hold it inside. Show it to us, give it to us on a golden platter, and we can take it from you.
That is all you need to do now. You don’t have to live the negative feelings anymore, just give them the opportunity to be there and we will do the rest.
Now that we can. For you must understand that we were on the other side of the veils, which is why we haven’t been able to help you as much as we would have liked.  The veils were between us, so it wasn’t a one way street, as you might have thought. Now that these veils have almost lifted, we too can do so much more for you.’

3. Love - in the place of Letting go

‘Concentrate on the love that is in the air now. For through all the turmoil of these last couple of months the air has been cleansed and made free of the old. When you concentrate on what is there now, you can’t not feel the love that is in the air now.  It is a softness, a clearness, a lightness,  a tenderness, a friendliness, a kindness, all put together here for you to inhale, to make it your own.
This is the Christ energy we have been talking about, and now it is here for you.
Maybe you can’t feel it yet, but don’t worry, it is here, and it is here for you too, even if you can’t feel it.
If you are afraid to be left out, it is probably an old feeling/friend of yours, a feeling you know. All you need to do now is to let that come to the surface too, and we will take it from you.
Let all of those old anxieties come to the surface now, as you read this, and we can take them from you.
The hard work is done, now it is time to let go and start to enjoy your life.

Concentrate on the love, let it fill you up and let is make you bigger and bigger. Be this love.’

4. Miracles - in the place of Friendship

‘When you start radiating this love, your friendships will change. Maybe they were okay already, maybe not, but they will change for the better, and they will get so much more than you have ever been able to imagine. Inequality, self-destruction, feeling better than the other, needing to feel better than the other, feeling inferior to the other, feeling competitive, etc. etc. All those feeling are going to dissolve in this new energy of unimaginable love.
It has never been here on earth before, not this kind of love, so it will definitely feel like a miracle for you when you are starting to be just that. Then it will bring the miracles to you.
So let the love help you to let go of those last negative energies that have been between you and your friends. Let all the energies between you clear of negativity, and be in love.
Together, in this love.
Once again look at the card of love, and connect with the energy. And do that each time you have the feeling that you are out of it again.

Print the card of love, and carry it with you.
Be this love.’

5. Surrender - in the place of family

‘Now that all the work of transformation is done, and your family is free to let you go, you can surrender. You probably couldn’t before, as you needed to clear the negative energies within your family, and even within your family lines. You were probably the ones who had taken it upon themselves to do that.
The past has been transformed, as it was necessary, in order to be able to form a new world.
Even now the energies are changing. Even now the last pieces are being transformed. But now we can help you so much more, so now you can surrender.
It is done. We have done it. We have set ourselves and our families free from whatever harm has been done, to you and within your families.
So surrender and again let yourself be filled with the new love that is flowing around you, now that all the hard work has been done.’

6. Guinevere: Self love - in the place of Mate

‘To be together in harmony it is necessary to love yourself. If you don’t, you will blame your partner for the things that are not complete within yourself. You will want him or her to fill the emptiness inside of you, and blame him/her if she/he doesn’t.
When you are filled with love, there are no holes within you anymore, and your mate can be easily beside you, without needing to be healed.
Imagine to be whole, not to need anything, to be filled with love, and in that state to be together. It will give a whole new dimension to togetherness.
You will be so happy, so together, so fulfilled. Together as in together within yourself, together with yourself.
You will walk together, one and one, walking through love. No exchanges will be necessary, as you are both fulfilled. You will be one in the energy of love.’

7. Wisdom - in the place of You

‘Then Wisdom will be a state of peace. It will be a place within you that you know. You know that it is good, that the world around you is good, that everything is as it should be. It feels as if you carry the whole of the akashic library inside of you, because you have gathered all this wisdom, in this life and of course in many previous lifetimes.
Then you can leave it all behind you, and go and live in love, in happiness and in joy.
You won’t even need to be afraid to lose it, because the energies on earth have changed, and negativity is not a necessity anymore. ‘Losing’ will no longer be in your vocabulary.
Duality as we have been living it until now is over, so allow yourself, allow us, to take you out of it, and to put you in pure light and love.
As it was meant to be, and as it has been your goal in this life.

Now you are free, believe it or not.’

8. Yemanaya: Golden opportunities - in the place of The gift.

Yemanaya is the goddess who is offering you golden opportunities, and what a coincidence that she is the one offering herself to you here, in this place of the reading: the gift.
‘Take me’, is what she is asking you. ‘Take this golden opportunity to let me help you find the perfect opportunities for you now.’
‘Let me take you by the hand and show you what I - we - have in store for you.
For you it has felt like you were cut off from the light. As for us, it felt like we couldn’t reach you and help you the way we wanted. We were on the other side of the veils, and for us it wasn’t possible to be with you just as for you it wasn’t possible to connect with us.
But now we can - each day more so. Now, all we ask of you is to let us. Let us take you by the hand and lead you into your future of light and love on earth.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts that you have helped to make this happen!’

Lots of love,

The Angels, Goddesses&Co



Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖