
Stories of Light and Love


Are the winterblues troubling you too? Or the end-of-the-year-blues for that matter? For it is the time of the year where you need to finish what you started to accomplish this year, 2015, to make way for the new year. To start 2016 with a clean slate. 

Let’s see how the Angels & Co can help us make it easy and fluent and strong.

1. New beginning / Isis: Enlightenment - both in the place of Now

It is certainly going to be a new beginning, this new year, this winter solstice, I hear the angels say. 
“You have all been working so hard to finish this year, and you have accomplished so much. We love you for it, and we are looking at what you have been doing, and how you have done it. How you have conceived that what you needed to do, and how you have been spot on each time.
It is amazing, and we couldn’t have done it better.
You are on your way to enlightenment, but you know that already. Maybe the word is a bit too big for your taste, but still it is the closest word available.
It is important that you realize that that is your goal in this life, for as soon as you do that it will make it all easier for you. This is a time in which sometimes you are on a high, and than again you fall back into the mud of the earth, from which it is hard to get out of.
But it is that time, and it had to be done. You are making a start for a new year, a new time, and the last pieces that need to be healed are all coming up now. Most of the work has already been done, for you personally and for the earth itself, and you need to know that too.
From our perspective we can see that so much light is already flowing on earth and around it, and we want to let you know that that is so. Reach out towards this light, grab it, receive it, and own it. 
It is yours for the taking.
Don’t let yourself be overshadowed by doubts, fears and frustrations, but keep reaching for the light and do it consciously. Do it every minute of every day, if you can.

Most of all: don’t dispair, even in your hardest moments, for it is happening, the enlightenment of Earth.

2. Michael: Protection - in the place of The fear

I am here for you, now more than ever. All the darkness and negativity that is coming up from Earth, as part of the cleansing that is necessary to make Earth light, sometimes seems to overshadow all the good work you have been doing. And yes, there is still a lot to be done, but you can take some distance now, now that you know what your goal is and always has been, lifetime after lifetime. To clean Earth of all negativity.
And that is exactly what we are asking of you now, to imagine what it would be like if you were living on an Earth that is free of negativity, and where there is only light and love and joy.
Can you see it before you? Can you imagine it at all?
But try. Do it and by doing it help to make it happen. 
And than, when you are standing in your own light, in the light on Earth, I am here, standing right behind you. For it might feel very uncomfortable for you, who has been living in darkness for so long, to suddenly stand in this light. 
For do you realize that fear has been building layers of dark energy within your aura and that those layers have been giving you the illusion of protection?
When you are afraid, you hide, and most hiding places are dark. So darkness gives you the illusion of safety. A dark layer in your aura gives you the illusion of safety.
On the other hand,  fear makes you alert. Fear makes you aware of danger. 
So it is very hard to let go of fear.
That is why I am protecting you as you go and stand with you in your light. So that you can feel safe, being your light.

Then once again imagine an earth free of negativity!

3. Romance - in the place of Letting go

So much is happening in the energies on Earth. So much is changing. Some things that were dangerous to do before, such as being your light, are good and even safe to do now,. But the things you did in order to feel safe are keeping you back. 
I am inviting you to follow me, but can you trust me? Who can you trust? 
Romance has been such a seducer in the past, and you had to follow it, whether you wanted or not. And the outcome wasn’t always good.
Now I, Angel of Romance, promise you that it will be good, the things that offer themselves to you now, and I ask you to trust me. I know you are scared, as you have done it before and it didn’t turn out in your favor, but in order to be able to achieve your goals in this lifetime, I tell you that now it is safe to follow me. To follow the things that are now being offered to you. And that now the outcome will be great, because of the changes in the energies on Earth, and within you.
I am clearing the way for you, making it free of the old, free of old fears, so that you can follow this opportunity. Now it will be great, now it will be everything that you have been hoping for. 
Now it is the time, for you on earth, to receive. To receive without fear of being betrayed, of it being taken away from you again, of being made a fool of.
All those experiences can be, will be, cleared now, as we speak.
The shift in the energy on Earth and within you, makes this possible. 

Set yourself free, let yourself be set free. I am helping you to step out of deceit and betrayal, so you can walk your path of light.

4. Miracles - in the place of Friendship

As you let go of your fears, as you let go of the illusion of the protection that fear has been, new friendships will follow. 
When you jump for joy, being in light, you will attract others who are at the same page as you are. Your friendships will change. You will be so happy with the people around you. You will feel recognized, you will feel respected, you will feel overjoyed. So will your friends be for being with you.
You don’t have to let go of everyone you know, but we do ask you to be open for new friends and to let them into your life. It will be so rewarding, so special, so unexpected, and so unknown. 
Do be aware that some of the people you know might be jealous of you, being your light, and that the energy of jealousy is a very dark and sticky one.  You might want to keep your distance from them for now, as you are vulnerable in your new lightness.
Others may be busy achieving their own goals, goals that have nothing to do with your goal of achieving your light. Just let them.
Know that your goal is to live in light, and let it leed you to the people with whom you can do just that. In appreciation. In respect. In love.
Then miracles can happen. 

Let go of the old, and allow yourself the new.

5. Your path of light - in the place of Family

The old is falling away from you. Feel it? Even if you wanted to stay within your seemingly safe cocoon of darkness, it won’t be possible anymore.
Of course you know that you don’t want to, and that you really want to let go of this old, old coat, as it has turned out to be so heavy, with all the dust and grease and stuff.
So feel how old it has become, and let it slip down your shoulders and onto the ground. Feel it around your feet. Step away from it.
Feel how that feels?
It feels free, doesn’t it?
But does it feel safe? 
That is where we are helping you now, as that is what is making the changes so profound. You are leaving your old comfort zone while stepping into the light. But being in light hasn’t always protected you. Old memories, old fears are coming up, each time you let go of this old coat. 
Step by step you will be able to go and experience that it is safe now to be your light. You will be able to choose the right friends, even the right family, old or new. Now you will be able to make the right choices, choices that bring you more and more into your light. Choices that make it possible for you to experience that these are the choices that make you happy.
Each time you will be more confident, more self assured, and able to trust us more.

Feel us, Angels & Co, surround you now, to protect you, so that your choices will be the ones that make you happy.

6. Mercy - in the place of Mate

Have mercy with the people around you who are not within their light - yet. Some will turn out to have the same goal as you do. Others won’t. Even is your mate isn’t coming with you now, leave him or her be. Let Mercy help you there, so that you can go your own way and do the things you need to do in order to receive your enlightenment. 
Send mercy to your mate and to all the people that are close to you instead of blaming him or her for not following you, or for seeming to go in a completely different direction. Allow yourself to be you and to go your way, apart from everybody else, for it is the only way now to be in your own light. You need to do this all on your own, and all for yourself.
Let no one disturb your light. 
If you can let go of blaming the people around you for whatever they have done to you or haven’t done for you, and instead let mercy flow towards them, you will be free. Free of negative energies, free to do your thing. 
Let Mercy flow through you, and all your need to blame the people closest to you will dissolve. Then there will be nothing inside of you anymore to attract those negative energies, so that you can be with anyone. No one can hurt you anymore, and no one can fill you with their negative energy, because it has nothing to do with you anymore.

Be free of blame.

7. Manifestation - in the place of you

See! If you let go of the blame - blaming yourself or blaming others -  you will be able to manifest those wishes that you have been carrying around with you for so long. Help us to let us help you letting go of blame and other kinds of resistance that you still seem to need to hold onto, for whatever reason you have. Let us help you now to let go of them, and then we can help you where we so much want to help you: manifesting your dreams.
And once again, feel the energies shifting within you. Feel how you are now standing securely on your own two feet. Feel your strength. Now you can go anywhere, do anything, being protected by us. We will follow you wherever you go - only if you want us to of course -  to keep you safe, realizing your own dreams.
So take a look at your wishes, say them out loud for us to hear, and then sit back, so that we can make them happen. Don’t put any energy into them anymore, because that way we can do our work in the best way possible. If you don’t interfere with our work, that is if you don’t put your fears or worries in our way, then we can make your dreams happen.
Let us do the work - including healing you of your worst fears - and then, some time very soon, you will find that your dreams are coming true. 
Just leave us to it. 

Then miracles can happen for you.

8. Sexuality/Freedom - in the place of The gift

So let us help you to leave that comfortable but greasy old coat behind and to jump out of it. Maybe you want to thank it for it’s protection, let it know that it has served you well. But also let it know that now it is time to leave it behind, so that you can walk your new path of light on Earth.
Let go of those friends that don’t serve you anymore. Thank them for what they have brought you, for pointing out old patterns of yours that you have been able to let go with their help, showing them to you. 
Let us help you to jump into your light and to stay there. Forever if you want.
Let us dolphins help you to jump out of your old sea and into the sky, leaving the old behind.
Let us help you jump into your freedom, the freedom that we, dolphins, experience every day of our lives. 
Be open, be new, allow yourself.
Then, when Earth is coming with you because she can leave her restrictions behind too, than Earth is free to send you her energy up to you, in the same way the dolphins are doing. The flow of Kundalini energy that is coming up from earth now is amazing. It has the spirit of freedom written all over it, it can’t be stopped anymore even if we wanted it to. It is here, it is strong, and it takes you with it. Go with it, and don’t hold back, is our advice. For if you go with it, it is like swimming with a dolphin. It takes you high up into the sky and then brings you safely back on earth, feeling exhilarated. Bringing all your light, your joy, down onto Earth.

Connected in light.

Lots of love from us, The Angels & Co.

Send me an email if you want to share:


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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖