Sadness transformed

So much sadness is hanging in the air today. It seems to be the sadness of the Earth, about everything that is happening on it now, and in the past. I asked the angels for their help, and of course they asked me to write this letter! 

So here goes: 

1. On your own feet - on Now

It is all about letting go. Letting go of everything you have known about life on Earth until now. 
Letting go of old believe systems, of old ways to live, to survive, of people that don't fit in your life anymore. 
Letting go of everything and all, so you will be free to start your new life, away from everything you have known and learned, and able to let things happen in the flow of the new energies of the new Earth. 
A new life, a different life, 
It is as if Earth knows this, and it is sad for the people living on it, living in her lap, that they seem to have to let go of so much.  Because the people living on Earth are always holding on to the things they know, and mostly are afraid to let go in order to let something new and unknown happen, even if it is so much better than what they had before. 
Sadness is a way to hold onto things, to hold onto people. When somebody died, or left you in another way, the sadness you feel in your heart makes the person - or thing for that matter - attached to you. The sadness reminds you of him/her/it. 
Letting go of all you have known will give your the feeling that you are all alone, that you even need to be all alone to accomplish this. And sometimes that may well be true! 
We made it easy for you, as now is a time where you are not allowed to come close to most of the people around you, so it is easier for you te be alone. Even more so if you are living alone. It is even why some of you are as alone as you are, so that you can serve your highest purpose to the full.
If you are, know that this is your opportunity, not your punishment, for being alone so much gives you the time to go into your own heart, to connect with the new lovelight on Earth all on your own, so you can receive it even so much better. 

So let's see how we can free Earth of all this sadness, so we can all let it go, and start our lives anew, on a new Earth, shall we?! 

2. Passion - on The fear

You know passion. You want to live your passion. But you are also afraid of it. It is as if your passion has been hidden for a long time now, and you don't really recognize it anymore.  But you know it is there. 
In your seemingly sheltered life, where passion wasn't the done thing, you have been afraid to live your passion because you were afraid to show your real self to the world. It seemed to be the safest way to live, consciously or unconsciously. You didn't need to be your passion and nobody knew what your real passion was. 
You probably lived other lifetimes where you were forbidden to be your passion, or where you were punished in terrible ways as you did live it, or even a part of it. 
It has happened to so many of you, beings of light on Earth. Especially when you have been living your passion, your light, during those lives. 
You probably lived a lot of those kind of lives, trying again and again, because you wanted to show your light, because you wanted to help Earth become a planet of lovelight even then. 
So you have become afraid to live your love, your light, your passion. 

You probably lived this lifetime too trying to live your passion, and have been punished for it one way or another, time and time again. 

Do it for yourself now, and it will happen for everybody on Earth and for Earth itself. 

3. Essence - on Letting go

If you want to let go of this pattern, bear with us now. And know that doing it for yourself, you are also doing it for Earth itself, for as you change the energy within you it will work for the entire energy of Earth. 
Take your attention deeply into your heart chakra. Take your time to do this. Let go of all your thoughts, Be in the silence of your heart. 
Know that everything that you see or feel there is all right. Even though it might feel as if it is too much to bear. 
We are with you now. 
If you feel you have to cry, then do it. You will need it, whether the tears are yours or anybody else's. Or from Earth itself. 
Cry and let those deep feelings of sadness about everything that has needed to be lived on Earth and that was so much too terrible and seemingly inhuman, so unimaginably sad , let all those feelings come up now and cry with us. 
It is so much easier to do it together, so much easier to do it with our and each others' help. The sadness won't be less, but you will know that you will come through it, and that you will feel so much better for it. 
For letting go of all the sadness of life on Earth, letting it go from your system, being able to leave it all behind you now, will change your life and will make it so much better.
You will be free to be yourself, free to do the things you have always wanted to do, free of all restrictions you have been feeling, 
So let those tears, whether they are yours or anybody else's, get out now. 
Then put yourself into a river, and let it help you to let all those tears flow away with it, until you are free. 

From this place of peace in your heart. 

4. Inner peace - on Friends and family

Feel the peace that brings you? It is as if you have become untouchable, in a good way. You can feel so much more centered within yourself now, and let the world around you be. 
It seems to be of so much less concern to you. It is so much easier now to connect with your own light, with Source, with your own soul. 
Everything seems to be forgiven now, everybody seems to be forgiven, which means that you won't need to control your world and/or the people around you, for your own benefit. 
You can let them go because they can't hurt you anymore, because you don't need to feel any sadness anymore, because it isn't something that is inside of you anymore. 
You are free of those restrictions that were there for you to be able to feel your sadness, the deep old sadness that came from living so many lives on Earth in darkness and dispair.
You are free now to change perspective, to look forward into other possibilities, other dimensions even. 
Letting go of sadness means letting go of control, and letting go of control means that we, the angels and co, can help you into a new life. A different life, where the energies are so different from the ones you have been living in. 
The new energies of love and light are already there, and have been for some time now, but now they are so much more available to you. Now you can really grab them and let them live your life. 
It feels safe now to do so, doesn't it? Because you don't need the negative energies anymore for which you were living your lives on Earth before, because you have lived through them, helped by the change in energies on Earth. 
You will be able to live your life in the higher energies of love and light, and of gladness. 

5. Freedom/sexuality - on Mate

The dolphins are asking you to really let go now. To be free as they are, swimming with them, jumping for joy with them. Dance, sing, do whatever you feel you want to do to make room for these feelings of joy and of freedom. Let them come up, let them be there, enjoy them. 
And then ground them. For that is the challenge now, of this time. To ground especially those feelings of love and joy. Of connecting them with Earth, so that they can flow into Earth and become a part of Earth. Normally and until now you were probably rising up into the air when you felt joy. That way you could be full of joy, but only for a short time, because then you needed to come back down to Earth again, as you are human, living on Earth. We said it before, joy hasn't been a feeling of  Earth. Joy needs to be grounded so that it will be part of the energies of Earth. So that you, feeling joy, can stay on the ground, That way you can feel joyful all the time, and it isn't necessary anymore to jump up into the sky to feel it. That way you can stay connected with joy as both you and joy are grounded. 
That way they can become part of your daily life. They can be a constant in your life. 
Feel it, and feel it in your heart. Feel the love in your heart that is a consequence of grounding your feelings of joy. For your heart knows that it is so. 
Feel grounded and feel how good that feels now. Now that joy has become an energy of Earth. Now that joy has become a constant part of your life. 

Feel the love in your heart, and let it flow around you, into Earth itself. 

6. Sweetness - on Earth/You

For now, still restricted by the rules of this crisis, let life take over. Let us show you the way. Feel the love in your heart, and let that leed you to where you are going and to what you are going to do. That way the restrictions won't bother you that much anymore, and you can enjoy what life brings you. You might even be able to start plotting lines to those things you already know in your heart that you want to do with your new life.
Maybe you can start planning those things although the restrictions are still there. And then, when they are being lifted, you will be ready to go. To live your new life, in freedom and in love. Let us, angels, help you now to take away the last vestiges of sadness, and maybe some fear, anger or whatever feelings of negativity are still a part of you, so that you are ready to go when the time is right. 
Ready your own heart. 

For that is where you will be building your new life from. From love, from heart, from gladness, from joy. 

7. Love - on The gift

Infusions of love is what we are giving you now. Infusions of joy, infusions of joyous love. For love isn't heavy or thick, love is free, love is flowing, love is joy. Let yourself be taken up by the dolphins again, let them play with you, let them throw you right up into the air, Let them catch you when you come down, and let them help you to ground all this energy of joyful love straight into Earth. 
It is yours now, it is Earths's now. So this is all you need to do: to ground your exhilarated feelings of joy. To stay firmly on the ground with your joyful feelings. To make them one with the energies of Earth. 
Take your time to do this, for it is all new to you and new to Earth. Know that the timing is always right, as you stay connected with us, the angels, for it will make this time in which you seem to have to wait for your future to happen, so much easier for you. Know that things will open up for you when you yourself are ready. Use this time wisely and then, when things are opening up on Earth, you will be ready to jump right in.
And we will be taking you there.
Don't doubt it for even a minute! 
Let all your old, seemingly safe restrictions dissolve in the new light of joy, and you will be free to go into the joyous light of love. Joy will be firmly grounded. You will be safe to be who you really are!  Safe to be your light, safe to live your passion.

Lots of love, The Angels & Co.  
