All Saints Day

Today is All Saints Day. So I'm asking the saints, the beings of light:  what is it that you want us to know? 

For I have the feeling that I should write this letter, although I have no idea what it is going to be about. And that I should leave it like that, that I shouldn't interfere by asking.
So here goes:

1. Ray of gold: Christ love - on Now

Today is a portal of the golden love of Christ. More and more love is flowing towards you and Earth, and the meaning of it is that you will feel safe. On an earth that has never been really safe, and especially not for people like you who listen to these messages, because you are the ones that help Earth heal, so you are going through a lot of stuff that needs to be healed. For you know by now that you need to experience negative stuff in order to be able to heal it. 
It isn't easy, and maybe today is more difficult than ever before, because so much darkness still needs to be healed and so much can be healed today, because of this portal of golden lovelight that is inviting you to receive it. 
So be ready and open your arms, open your heart, and let yourself be a vessel for this love. All the dark stuff that has come up lately, or even today, will be healed as soon as you offer it to the saints of today. The ones that are helping you, helping us, to heal. To heal you, us, Earth.
As you invite this golden ray of love into your heart, you can feel it, can't you? It heals everything that is still negative, and transforms or dissolves it. 
Feel it in your heart and let your heart fill up with this golden lovelight. It makes your heart bigger and bigger, until it fills your whole body and system, all your cells and all of you. It radiates out of you and fills the space around you, it flows all over Earth, until all of this transformed energy is becoming part of Earth itself. Until Earth is love.

2. On your own two feet - on The fear

For some of you 2020 has been a year of loss. For others a year of transformation. For a lot of you it was both. 
What we are asking you now is to give yourself the opportunity to take all of your experiences of this year, until now, together, and to put them in a bowl of golden light. 2020 has been an opportunity to let go of old pain, fear, anger. Of loss. 
There is no one to blame. It is important for you to realize that there is no one to blame. We are changing the planet, all together are we making all these changes, and in order to do that, we have had to let go of so much of the old stuff. Feelings, things, and people. Blaming others for het bad things that happened to us. 
Of course you are allowed to feel the pain and the blame, it is very necessary for you to feel the pain, the blame, to feel the anger, to feel everything that you feel. And then, having done that, to allow it to go. To transform or to dissolve, and to let the new energies of golden Christ love take them with them to be healed. To let love prevail over everything and anything. 
It is important for you to do that, and it is the time to do it now. 
If you have the feeling that you have been waiting for so long for things to change, then know that now it is that time. Now all the old stuff has to go, because in this new light they can't survive. Let go of trying to have a grip on things, let go of the need to control things. 
Give it up. Give up trying to hold onto them for fear of…….the new? The light? Love?
Why are so many people afraid to let go of the negative feelings, and afraid to be in the light? 

3. Passion - on Letting go

Your new passion is going to be to let go. As the golden rays of love are flowing through you it is going to be impossible to hold onto your old ways of having to control your world, your life. Maybe that is scary, and for most of you it will be, because in your lives on Earth you have experienced a lot of bad stuff, and the only way to control your life seemed to be to take control. And that was true, as long as Earth was separated from the love and light of Source. 
But that is changing now. It is changing this minute. It had been changing for some time already, but now you are going to notice it much stronger, because you will notice that you can't control things the way you did or tried to do anymore. The whole energy on Earth is changing, and you will need a different approach to life to live. 
Your passion should be to not take control, to let go of control. Your passion should be to let go of the ways you have been living your lives during those times of separation, and to realize, to know, that those times are over. You are not separated anymore, and the light of love is here for you. On Earth.
In this light it is necessary to go with it. To let go of anything you have been holding on to. To be in this light and to let yourself go with it. 
And to trust! 
And that is often the most difficult part of it for you humans, who have lived so many lives on Earth during the time of separation. You have needed to sort it all out by yourselves, without our help. You have needed to decide for yourself what you thought was best for you, and then try to make that work. You needed to put all of your willpower behind that, in order to make it possible, to make it happen. 
Sometimes it did, and oftentimes it didn't. 
Because there wasn't enough light or love to go with it. 
So we are asking you to change your passion. To not put a goal before you and to try to make that happen, but to let go of your goals. To be in these golden rays of love, and to make that your passion. To feel them, to connect with them, and to be within them. 
Then to let yourself loose in those golden rays of love. 
And to allow to let go of all the old feelings and fears that you have collected during your time of darkness on Earth.
Wouldn't it be great to be able to do that? So why are you still in doubt?

 4. Ray: all darkness into light - on Friends and family

Are you afraid to leave someone behind who has been important to you? Are you afraid to have to leave things behind that have been important to you? Are you afraid to let go of the old and familiar, because they seemed to be the safest way to be? 
Because that has beenyour truth, hasn't it? That that which was familiar seemed to be the safest way to be, even thought it might have been not safe at all. The familiar seemed to be the safest place to be, even more so if your world was threatening and even dangerous. 
The darker your world, the harder it was - and still is probably - to let go of what you had. 
Now we are asking you to let go of all what seemed to be 'safe' to you in the past, and promising you that it will be better without it. 
Yes, it certainly seems to be very hard to do that. 
So let us help you now! 
Let us help you to let go of the most difficult things you are trying to hold onto, and put something in its place. 
Let us help you to see your old patterns transform. Not all at once, but piece by piece. One or two at a time. 
So what is it that you are going through right now? What is making life hard for you now? 
Take it to you, look at it, look into it, put it down before you. And let us take it away from you in love.
Then feel how it is for you when this 'thing' has gone from your system. 
How does it feel? Good? Empty? Scary? 
Do you feel more light around you? And does that feel good, but is it also scary to be in that light? 
Why is it scary for you to be in the light, to be your light? 
Why are you resisting? 
Of course light has become very unfamiliar to you during your lives of darkness, closed off from the light. 
Of course you have been working hard on surviving in that world without the help from the light. That has been the whole purpose, hasn't it? 
Maybe it has become normal for you that, if you were in light, if your lived your light, it was being taken away from you the hard way? Maybe you have been living a lot of your lives like that. Maybe you have experienced that being your light was the surest way to loose it, to be hurt. 
That has been the purpose of your lives on earth, so you could learn from the negative feelings of pain, fear, anger, darkness. To know them, to learn from them, To experience them. And from there to learn to feel compassion, to feel love. 
But all of that is over now! 

5. Mohammed: Loving peace - on Earth / You

The times are changing, whether you can believe it or not. Because for your mind, that has been reduced to be able to use only 10 percent of its capacity, it is very hard to grab these changes happening on earth. It needs a 180 degrees turnaround in how you experience things. Where love was almost absent, now all is going to be love. 
And that love is here on Earth now, whether you want it or not. It is going to flow through you because it is in the air around you. You are breathing this air so full of love, and it will fill you up. There is no way around it. 
You are becoming love. Your heart is filling up with love. You are changing as Earth is changing, because you are part of this changing Earth. 
And it is all for the better and the very best. That is if you want to live your life in love. 
If you want to be taken by love. If you want your life to be good and positive and free and joyful. 
Because that is your future here on Earth. 
Some people you know may have gone on to another place, because they hadn't chosen to live a life of love on earth. But if you are still here, then you have. 
It has been your destiny all the time, and only now are you going to live it. 
There is no way around it anymore, not even if you would want it to. But why would you? Because now it seems scary to be part of all of these changes? Because right now you are afraid of what life is going to bring you, if you can't decide for yourself what is best for you? 
Yes, the changes are big, we do realize that. But that is why we are asking you to accept our help, so you will be led. This time you won't need to go it alone, this time we are here to help you, to take you along. 
Just take our hands and come with us. If that is your intention, then it will happen. 

6. Jesus! Yes! - on The gift! 

So come with me. Give me your hand, and you know you will be safe. Let me take you through this time of doubt and darkness into the New Earth, into the new love and light on Earth. 
There will be no lack there, no hunger, no shame no guilt no anger, no fear. I can imagine that it is hard for you to imagine, that you are still holding back, afraid to believe what we are saying here. A world without darkness is so hard to imagine when you have been living that world for so long. 
It is so hard to believe, because you will be so scared that if you believe it and come with me, that all is going to take another turn of 180 degrees, this time for the bad once again.
You have probably been promised a lot of good things, and they turned out to be taken away from you again. That has been your truth for so long, so how could you imagine a world where that isn't happening anymore? Better to stick to your old truths, and to stay on the safe side, where everything is grey, isn't it? 
The thing is that you can't do that anymore. The choice isn't yours anymore. Before you took on this life of yours you already decided that you would be part of these changes on Earth, and that you would be helping it along. You have taken it upon yourself to help Earth transform, and now it is that time. 
Do realize that life for you is going to be so much better.
So please, take my hand and let me take you along into safety and love. Into joy. Come dance with me in love and light and let your worries dissolve during the dancing, Because during the dancing there is no time or energy left to think of the old ways of life on Earth, the times of darkness and hardship. 
Come with me, dance and sing with me. 
Let go of all the old stuff, and come with me into the golden rays of christ love. 
Please say Yes! I will take you there, slowly but certainly. Please say yes and come with me! 
Let go let go let go, and come with me into the lovelight on Earth.

Lots of love, The Angels & Co

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

November 01 - 2020

