
Stories of Light and Love

Important times

Time to write another blog. High time even, for so much is changing at the moment on Earth. So very much, and most of us - including me! - have no idea.
Most people I meet are very negative and only see it getting worse. 

So yes, let’s see what the Angels & Co are telling us, shall we!

1. Miracles - in the place of Now

Thunderstorms are all over the place, here where I am, in Florida USA. Not only today, but a whole week of it at least. 
The angels show them to me as a sign that so much negativity needs to be cleansed, because so many people seem to have lost their positivity, even as that was their normal disposition until now. 
The angels show me the lightning bolts striking deeply into the Earth, to get to the depth of it, as if the earth itself is being opened up in order to get to the darkest matter in there. The lightning bolts are cleansing the earth into the deepest possible particles.
Go with the thunder bolts, let them enter your head - not literally of course! - and let the same happen to you. Don’t let anything untouched, and get it all out. 
It is of absolutely no use to resist it, for it is there. So go with it, as it is the easiest and the quickest way to get through it.
At the same time, people are aggressive. They don’t know what is happening, but do feel that something is. They don’t know how to cope.
So we, Angels & Co, are telling you once again, that all of this doesn’t mean that the miracles that we promised you are not happening. From where we are looking at Earth, we see that it is all part of the changes that are - that really are - happening. 
So don’t look away from the negativity of the people around you, but notice them, and send them light and love. Because we are all a part of the whole, and you are all living on Earth together, and together we make the changes possible. The people who seem negative now are the ones who are still carrying the fears and the angers that are still a part of Earths energy, and it needs to be cleared.
So help them transform it, and we will all get the best from it. It is all part of the miracles that are happening right now, the miracle of Earth being transformed into a planet of light and love.

Miracles are happening, and it is a miracle in itself that we are getting to the core of the negativity on Earth. From there it will get better and better, and don’t you doubt it.

2. Inner peace - in the place of Fear

So be still. Be quiet. Be in connection with the light. Concentrate on that, no matter what is happening around you. Let the light come into your head, into your heart, and let your heart be healed in this light. All those parts of you that still need healing, and yes, they are still there, no matter how much you thought you were already there. We are all on this time line, and we all do our parts, and we all have this same plan to transform what is needed. We have all taken our share, some a bit more than others, but we will be ready when this timeline is there, at this point where everything is going to change, because all is light. 
We all do what we have to do, and then, some time in the near future, it will be done. We will all have done our share. That is how it works, as it is all planned to be like that. 
So don’t fret, for you will do your share, although you may not even know what your share is. We are doing this all together now, and we all do what we have to do.
So you, who read this, be in connection with the light, with the love, so that you can do this part of what you need to be doing from your own inner peace. 
That is what we need to do right now, for ourselves and for the whole.
From there send your light to those people around you that are confused and fearful, who are angry because nothing seems to be working out for them. That way we will all form a chain of light. You take care of yourself, then you take care of the others falling behind. But only when you yourself are strong enough.

Doing your lightwork will bring you peace, and it is the best way to stay connected. It needs to be doen, ans we need you to do it. 

3. The angels are helping us - in the place of Letting go. 

From there it is so much easier, for you personally, to stay connected and to not let yourself be moved into the negative energies of others around you. 
A lot is happening and it ’s as if there are two teams to choose from, and those two teams are in competition. One team wants to stay where they are, in the dark, in negativity, and the other team wants to be in light. It can happen inside of one person too.
It seems like the negative team is trying with all their might to remain in the dark, as they feel comfortable there, because here at least they know where they are. Or they might like the power they have achieved in the darkness, and they may not be ready to let that go.  
The other team has chosen to be in light on Earth and to help make Earth a planet of light. 
So if you are one of the last team, or part of you is, than you are part of the team that is helping the other team to come through, to let go of their fears of loosing what seems comfortable to them, and to step into the light with you.
Then, together, we will be able to conquer those who choose power over light. That too is needed for Earth to be able to become a planet of light. It might even be the most important part.
So once again, start with yourself and take care that every part of you is fully  committed to be in light, so no part of you will be able to undermine the other. Treat those parts of you that are not ready with the utmost respect, because they will have their reasons for being careful. 
At the same time stay honest with the part of you that does know the light and that does want to work on being in light, even though at times it may be hard to believe that it is really going to happen.

Let us, Angels, help you.

4. Mercy - in the place of Friendship

From there send light to all those people around you that seem to disappear into the pitfalls of negativity.
That way you can take them with you instead of letting them go. And isn’t it better to take with you whoever you can, now that you are going to go into the light, going to live in light on earth? We want you to take everyone you know, no matter how negative the person in question seems to have become, with you into the light. Once again it is a time of working to make things better. But as long as working is connecting with love and light it is easy, isn’t it!
And then, as you are making your connection stronger once again, you can feel the energies of Mercy cascading down on you, through you and on into earth. It’s as if the rain that is part of the thunderstorms is transformed into Mercy, raining down on you.
You know the feeling of rain on you after a really hot day? That is how this feels, as an enormous relief after so much darkness and so much work.
It is happening now, as we speak. Because of our talking to each other we are all joining in.
Can you feel how much stronger we are, how much stronger we get every day, working together!

Let Mercy flow trough you, become Mercy, and connect Mercy with Earth. 

5. Transformation - in the place of Family

Now let’s all join hands and form big circles. See how these circles get bigger and bigger. See how they encompass Earth. Big circles of us, beings of Light, around the earth. From there look at your family, the one that you grew up in, with every one that has become a part of it until now. See your families past, as long ago as is necessary. 
Then look how your family is doing now. Have all of their energies been transformed? 
From this circle of light lets flow our light into all those parts that aren’t healed yet. You don’t need to look at what is was, or who was involved. Just send the light and the mercy into it. Then your family can be set free, with all and everything that has been happening to them through the ages. Then, and only then, you will be free. 
For you are the one to transform the energies of your family. Maybe, if you are lucky, with some brothers or sisters, but you are the one to heal your family, as you the one who has taken it upon yourself to do so, and to not leave anyone behind. 
And no matter what has happened to you or your family. Everything and everyone needs to be transformed in order to be able to live on a planet of light.
So let’s do it now, now that we are all together, now that we are so strong, with so much light inside of us. Now that we are so much stronger together.

And thank you so much for doing this, for it is so important. For us, for Earth, for you and for your family.

6. Raphael, Healing - in the place of Mate

Now you can make a new start. A new family, a new mate, a new life, anything. 
The ground you were standing on, the roots you had in the old that needed to be transformed, are transformed. Your family, the one that you grew up with, is not your home base anymore. That is gone. That is healed!
You were standing on your past. The past of your family has made a firm ground for you where you thought you were safest and so, best. But this ground was - for most of us - dark and muddy and slippery. But is was what we knew, so we stayed. It was what needed to be transformed, so we stayed. Somewhere deep inside of us we knew this, and that is why we stayed. 
From birth we took the fear of leaving our familiar ground with us, so we stayed. It was necessary, for we are here to transform our family history.
Maybe you know - part of - your family history and maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter anymore, because the work has been done, and it can be transformed now. 
See it, feel it and know it. 
Knowing it will be your new truth.

Then, with your new mate - or maybe even, for some of the very lucky ones, with your old mate - you can start your new life. For the earth beneath your feet - your family history on which you were standing - has been transformed.

7. Kuan Yin, Kindness - in the place of You

When this is done, you will find so much peace within you. You might be very tired to start with, because of all the work you have done and because you will realize only now, afterwards, how much work you have been doing. It is OK. Know where it comes from, and than you can enjoy it. Be tired, rest, be with yourself. 
All of your fears, your anger and other negativity will be gone. All you will feel is warmth, friendliness, compassion, love. That is such a wonderful energy to have inside of you.
Kuan Yin is holding her hand on the back of your heart right now, telling you that yes, it is true. Your heart will be healed, and there will be no negativity left. 
Feel it, know it, and take a deep breath into it. Your heart is growing, getting bigger and bigger. Able to open up to those of your friends and family who still need you to help them, to send them light, so that they can step onto this new, history free, ground with you. 
Together is how we are going to do it now, because now we can. 

So join us, be with us, help us to form this big circle of light around the Earth, so that Earth can be transformed of all the negativity that has been lived on it, that formed a part of it.

8. Fulfillment - in the place of the Gift

Thank you all for helping forming this circle of light. We couldn’t have done it without you. We are all a part of the whole, and this is the time where we need you to all work together, to do the jobs you have promised to do before you started this lifetime. 
This is a very important time in the timeline of Earth, and of course in yours. It is the time in which we are all starting to be able to work together, and this has been such a good start, now, today, you reading this and thus being a part of this whole.
This is how we can work together, even though we are miles apart. We are doing it, and we are so strong, we are so light, all of us together. 
So stay this way for a while, and feel the peace of it, feel the truth of it. Make it yours. 
Make time , every morning before you get up, or every night before you go to sleep, to join hands, and to feel our connection. See our light flowing through us all, see how strong we are, and see how together we can send so much light towards Earth. Towards those families and friends who still need it so badly, and towards all of those who are no family or friends at all, but who need it too.

Connect. Keep connecting, stay connected. And don’t forget it - it will only take a minute - every morning or every night, one minute being connected and sending our light all together now towards where it is needed.

Thank you so very much for helping to make this happen!!!

Lots of light and love from us, The Angels & Co!

Send me an email if you want to share:


Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 




Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖