
Stories of Light and Love

Autumn Equinox

So much is shifting again this month. What about three solar eclipses and an Autumn Equinox. And what about Jupiter, this over friendly planet, coming closer to Earth, sharing its energy with us. 
So, Angels, what does it mean for us?

1. Surrender - in the place of Now

The angel of Surrender is standing quietly before me, her hands hanging down, her palms directed towards me. 
‘We are entering winter,’ she is saying, ‘and winter is a time of being quiet, enjoying the quiet, being cosy and warm inside your houses. For now, everything is fine. All the hard work has been done, the harvest is ready and inside. So sit, even if you can’t believe that this is happening. Or in fact: not happening. Sit, be quiet and enjoy the inner peace you are being offered.

Breathe deeply into your heart. Be within yourself. Breathe.

2. Joy - in the place of Fear

The low winter sun is shining over the fields of the Earth, giving it a golden glow. It is nourishing the fields, bringing it the same peace and quiet as the angel of surrender told us about already. The joy is inward, and the joy is also quiet. A golden quiet hew shining over the Earth.
If there are any fears left inside of you, you can place them into this golden hew and as you do that, you can already see them dissolve. All fears slowly seep away from your body, into the earth, where nothing is left of them.
Quiet joy is all that is left. The low sun shining into your eyes, healing all that is left to be healed. The joy as you have known it, the feeling of jumping in the air for joy, is not what is meant here. This is a quiet inner joy, a feeling of oneness with Earth itself. A knowing that all that needed to be done is done, and now being quiet is all that is needed for Earth and for you.

3. Manifestation - in the place of Letting go

As the sun is shining her golden light over the surface of the earth, making the ground fertile for next spring. Some spots become visible where roots are already growing. Small plants are coming up, as if the light of this golden sun is shining into these special places, made for you, where you can start planting your seeds. You can already start to water them, so they can start growing. See how beautiful they are, how dapper, able to grow through the rough weather of winter, getting strong. Slowly, carefully, they make new beginnings, knowing perfectly well where they want to go, what they want to be, and when spring is coming. 

Just let them be and sit back, look at them grow, and send them your light and love. That’s all you need to do now.

4. Purity - in the place of Friendship

The angels are helping us. They take care of the energies on earth, purifying the ground where our seeds are growing. Taking care that nothing bad can happen to them. Nourishing them. Unicorns are grazing on these spots where your seeds are growing, not to eat the grass, but to keep the energies maximized, so they will become pure gold. 
Pure gold is being sown into these places, so beautiful crops will be able to grow when the time is ready. Pure gold is now being dropped on Earth. In these quiet golden showers friendships will change, will grow, will develope into so much more. Into the joining of hands, into the joining of the network of light. Joining in, showering the golden light onto Earth.
So quietly, hardly anyone can see it, hardly anyone notices it happening. But we know that it is. We are allowed to join in this happening of golden light.

So quiet.

5. Passion - in the place of Family

You will know when it is time to come out of your shell, to break through this quiet. You will feel it in your toes. It will feel like spring, although it may still be the middle of winter. You will feel energized with the power of the gold, feeling free and joyful, finally being able to do the things you have been wanting to do for such a long time now. 
You will know what to do, and how to do it, how to make it happen. It will just be there before you. All your former doubts will be gone; you will be a new person. Really and truly new, as in: you don’t recognize yourself anymore.

Feeling great because of it.

6. Stormy weather - in the place of Mate

Breathe. Don’t go too quickly, for then you may break a leg. Literally. Right now it is still time to sit and enjoy the view, enjoy looking into the golden sun shining over Earth. For it is from there that things will start growing. You still need a little bit more patience, because in this quiet your roots need to grow. 
Take care of your roots, the roots of those little plants that are growing in your very own spot on earth, in the golden light. Take care that those roots are strong enough before you take action, for as soon as your start taking action, things can easily grow out of hand.
That is why you need this quiet time, to grow your roots. To be strong and powerful when things start happening. For you will need those roots, to remain on the ground. Without those roots you would be swept away, as in a hurricane or a rollercoaster, and that is not what is supposed to happen.

So for now take care of those roots! Watch them, watch them grow, knowing they are growing into these fertile golden rays of light into the earth. Your golden roots.

7. The last pieces - in the place of You

Golden roots. So different from the roots you had before, or didn’t have at all. Know for now that you are growing them, that they are yours, and that they will bring you and Earth the exact right energies to develop into the new age of Gold. Big trees are growing from these roots, all over the earth, and they will have hands of gold. 
You, a big tree with golden hands, delivering your golden energies all over the earth.
You being strong, capable, loving and true. The new you. Look at the tree that has your name on it. Recognize it as yours. Look at those firm golden roots reaching deeply into the earth, showering earth with your golden light, bringing the golden light deeply into Earth, spreading your golden rays of light into it. Making Earth golden. 
Look at the golden hands of your tree. Look what your hands are capable of, sending their golden light around you, making your world golden. Spreading your golden light on Earth.

8. Forgiveness - in the place of The gift.

Maybe you already suspected this, for yes, the golden light is full of forgiveness. We all need to be forgiven. Everybody on Earth needs to be able to forgive everything that has happened to her or him that made them feel bad or unhappy or sad. So much has been happening on Earth, and so much has been worked out. All these last pieces of negativity, all the negativity of everyone alive on Earth now, are coming to the surface in the new golden light. It is impossible to keep it hidden, for the golden light is leaving nothing obscured. It is shining everywhere, so that all negativity, all darkness will be visible.
But it will also be healed in the same golden light, as soon as it is visible.
In golden light, in forgiveness, all darkness dissolves. That is how it is: where there is light, there can be no darkness. Where there is sun, there is no shadow.
Then forgiveness is rolling over Earth, like a big stream of lava, touching everything and everyone who is still in anger or hatred or injustice. Healing everything and everyone in its stream.
By then, your roots will be strong. Strong enough to stay rooted in these streams of lava. Strong enough to be your golden tree. You as you were always meant to be.

So for now, just you wait and see!


Lots of love from us, Angels & Co

Send me an email if you want to share:


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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖