
It feels like summer has hardly began, and already it is midsummer. But what a great summer it has been!
Although….Doesn’t it seem as if nothing is working? Or maybe some things are, but others, which you expected to happen, or hoped they would happen, don’t materialize at all? 
It feels like you are stuck in the mud?

So what I would like to ask from the Angels & Co is, what it is we can expect for the rest of the summer. Is it a time to rest, or to prepare for later, or can we start doing the things we expected to do in this lifetime on earth, living and spreading our light?

1. Ray of White: Purity and healing - in the place of Now

Look at me, the angel of the Ray of White is saying. I am as white as snow. I am pure. There is no darkness in me, and you can see it.
It is important for you to see that, for you as a human being, are normally not able to see through people. You always need to get to know them for a while in order to be able to know know them and so be able to trust them.
Now, in this moment of time, it is very important for you to be able to see through the person standing in front of you, because you are going to meet the people you are going to work with. The people who are destined to work with you, and for you to be together with, to do your work of light.It is going to be a time in which you are really going to be connected with the light, and in this connection you can meet those people, where before you couldn’t, as you weren’t connected -  enough - yourself. 
So prepare yourselves for meeting your mates in light. You will recognize them by a feeling of joy in your third chakra, your stomach. 

We angels are so happy that this time has come for you! Congratulations!

2. Mary Magdalene: Care - in the place of Fear

Don’t be afraid anymore that you won’t be able to fulfil your destiny. That the things you have been feeling that you should do during this lifetime won’t happen for you.
First; you cannot not fulfil your destiny, no matter what. But it could be that your feeling about what your destiny is, was off.
But if you feel that you are a person of light, then you will fulfil that destiny. 
I am going to help you now to push you forward, to push you in the right direction, so that you will be able to do what you came here to do and what you so want to be doing, to the best of your capacities.
I love your eagerness, and I love you for wanting to do your part. It is not as if you haven’t been doing your part until now, for your whole life has been necessary to come to this part, where you can start to live in joy and love. 
Again, you will know what to do when you feel the joy in your heart, when there is a lightness in your heart. And yes, you can trust that feeling now - for maybe in the past you have been confused about it - for now I am helping you towards those things that are necessary for you to get. To the places where you need to be in your life, in order to be with the people you are going to do it with, and to be in the place where it is best for you to be. 
Don’t be scared that it will not be what you want it to be, for it will be great. You will feel the joy and the love, and that will be the most important thing about it.

You will know it too.

3. Jesus: Yes! - in the place of letting go.

Yes, I love you and Yes, I want the best for you. 
Maybe it has been hard for you to get to this point in your life. Maybe at times you thought you wouldn’t make it.  But you did! Yes, you did!
I too am so happy for you, and for us, and for Earth, for now is the time when it can all happen. When we can really start to feel the light on earth, and when we can start to live the love that comes with it. 
Big changes are going to happen, not in terms of earthquakes or other disasters, but within people. 
Your minds are changing, and it will be as if you have been looking back for a long time - back into the past where a lot of fear, sadness, anger etc, was stored, because a lot of your experiences as a human have been uncomfortable to say the least. Especially when you hear and see disastrous things still happening, on TV, on the internet, in your own life and everywhere you look. 
But now the way your mind is directed will change. You are going to look forward, and we will help you to see things that are loving and light. As if the direction of your eyes will be different, and you won’t even be able to see the sadness and the fear that has been a part of you for so long. 
We are going to put you there. If that is okay with you of course! If you want to, you can give your permission now, and we can take you there. 

It is what we are here for, and where we have always wanted you to be.

 4. Ray of Green: Harmony - in the place of Friends

So if you give your permission now, your minds will be opened to harmony. For you will be doing your new work of light together with other people, and you will meet them shortly, if you haven’t already.

(Here I, Winne, get very tired and I can’t go on for now. It has to do with all the disharmony that is still happening, and so many people being afraid that bad things will happen to them. They can’t let go of those feelings of doom, and they are being terrorized by those feelings. What to do about that, Angels & Co?)

When you meet, when you are going to work together with the other beings of light that are going to be your much desired-for friends, together you will be able to send so much more light onto the earth. That’s the way to go, and that is why you are now ready to go and do that work. Together you can change the energies on earth, and make them light, harmonious, and loving.
Maybe you have been doing those things already, and we thank you for that, but doing it together with the people you are meant to do it with, will be so much stronger. 
Now it is that time, when it can happen, when you are ready to go and do that kind of light work.
For now, feel yourself in harmony with these new friends of yours around you. Feel the possibilities you have together. Feel the light, the love, and the joy it gives you. 
Look how that energy is already spreading, just thinking of it, to the world around you. Actually being together will make it so much more.

5. Forgiveness - in the place of Family

Now is also the time to forgive. Without that you won’t be able to move on. Maybe you have been working on it a lot already, and you simply can’t do it. If that is the case, but you are open and willing to forgive your parents, or whoever has done you wrong, or yourself, then we will help you to be able to forgive. 
Forgiveness is a state of mind, and if you allow us to help you to transform your state of mind from looking back - into your past, and so into the fear, the sadness, the hurt you have been experiencing -  into looking forward, into a life of joy and love, the hurt will fall away from you and with it the unwillingness or inability to forgive.
We know that it isn’t easy, as a human being, to forgive those that have hurt you, especially if it is about abuse, mental, physical or even sexual. You can’t force it either.
Maybe you have been blaming yourself, as so often happens, and you can’t forgive yourself.
So now is the time to be able to forgive, as your minds can be changed into a new way of looking at the world. Fixing your mind on your future, where there can be light, love and joy, will make it happen. 
Dark clouds of unforgiveness are being taken from your mind right now, as you are reading this. They are not compatible anymore with where you are in your life right now, so they are leaving your system. 
Feel them go. See them go. You will be so much lighter for it, and so much more able to feel the love inside of you.
You will be able to love yourself where you have been blaming yourself, justly or unjustly, when those clouds of unforgiveness go. If it is okay with you, we will do it for you. Just tell us Yes!

Even if you thought you had forgiven one and all, do this, say ‘Yes’, for there probably is still some residue inside of you that still needs to be cleansed. 

6. Yemanaya: Golden opportunities - in the place of Mate

Now relax. Let the energies do their work for you. Give yourself some time to let this happen, for it will be much easier for you to go from there - from the place of being healed and having forgiven. Blame will no longer be a force within you, and you will be able to look ahead. No energy will be lost anymore by looking at those people who have hurt you, and the looking behind you won’t be necessary anymore.
You can move on.
Which means that you will be able to be open for the people of light that come into your life. 
I see you, being free of blame, open for those new people who are coming your way, and able to connect with them. They have been on a similar path as you have, and they have been healed of blame too. 
So there won’t be any necessity inside of them or inside of you to blame the other.
Do you have any idea what that means? You can be close to them, and you will be in harmony together despite this closeness.
Until now, you people living on earth always needed to go through so many emotions being close together. There had to be struggle and pain because that was what you were here for to live through, in order to be able to know the feeling, and then to transform the feeling. That has been your job, living on earth.
That will not be necessary anymore for you. You will be able to live in harmony, and that is such an enormous change.
Can you feel it? Do you understand it? 

Joy will fill its place. Love and light will fill its place.

7. Surrender - in the place of You

All you need to do now, if you want that, is to surrender to us, Angels & Co, so we can help you transform your way of looking into your world. To change the direction of your eyes, from darkness into light. 
From being harmed and not being able to forgive, to harmony and love. To joy.
The clouds in your brain will go, will be gone. Your sky will be open and blue, cloudless, and free.
So if you haven’t given your permission before, because you didn’t understand yet what we were talking about, do it now. And if you still can’t do it, but you do want it, then read this blog again, and we will help you to change your mind! If you want it to.

8. Mercy - in the place of The Gift

Can you feel how it helps you feeling good if you can have mercy for those people around you that have been hurting you?
So our gift to you is to have mercy on others, to really let go of your not being able to forgive them. To be stuck in the unforgiveness, of not being able to move on into the next part of your life. The life of joy, love and light that you know you have been destined for.
Let us overflow you with this mercy that is so healing for you. 
Let Mercy fill you up. Let it enter all your cells, and especially your DNA, where unforgiveness and blame has been stored during so many lifetimes. Let it enter your head and your brain, and your energies, your emotions, your heart, your feet, your everything.
Let it fill you up, so that you can’t do anything else but have mercy for the people around you. So that you can feel mercy for the ones who are to blame or those you feel should be blamed. God maybe?
Who is responsible for the hurt you have lived? Your parents? Your brothers or sisters? Uncles or aunts? Teachers? The church? God? Your soul?
It doesn’t matter anymore, for if you let yourself be filled with mercy and you can let mercy itself fill up your world, then you won’t need to be stuck in the life you are stuck in now. All the last particles of blame and unforgiveness will be gone. Mercy will heal your feelings of hurt and because of that your feelings of blame, and you can go on. Even if you have been blaming yourself. 

Let us help you and be open for our help. Let us help you to make these changes possible, so that you can move on into a life of joy. Say Yes! to our help, your Angels & Co.

Lots of love, light and joy! The Angels & Co.

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