Believe it or not

The total solar eclipse.

Now is exactly the time of the total eclipse in the Netherlands. Of course here the eclips is only partial, but the energies are worldwide.
So I’m going to ask the Angels & Co what it means for us and for the energies on earth, this solar eclipse.

1. Gaya: Home - in the place of Now

What a time it’s been! says Gaya. There has been an enormous switch in the energies on Earth lately, and all because of you. We couldn’t have done it without you, you know? We needed you to get here, to get to this place where we are now. 
This eclipse is like an opening of everything. You have lived through many portals of light and love already, and you know more or less what it does to you and to the people around you. 
This one gives you so much more. 
It isn’t only a portal, a temporary opening, where a lot of positive energy is flowing through This is more like a flood of light, of love, of forgiveness. Rays of sunshine, over and over again. And they are here to stay. 
It means it is a time for reminiscing, for looking into your old photo albums so to say,where you can see how life has been for you until now. For looking into special occasions, good or bad, and weighing them, putting them in order, look into them to see what you still know and what you had forgotten. 
To look into these photographs one more time, with the purpose of letting them go. To leave them behind you and to step into your new future. 

It is a time to say goodbye to the old and to welcome the new, even if you have no idea at all what the new is going to be.

2. The angels are helping you - in the place of Fear

The angels are ready for you. They are around you, more then ever, and they are holding out their hands to you so you can take them. They know the way, is what they are telling you, so go with them. 
Don’t let your fear of the new and the unknown hold you back, for it is going to be beautiful.
Don’t hold back, but be open to receive these gifts from the angels. They are pulling you out of your comfort zone, only to help you towards better opportunities,
It is always funny for us, the angels are telling us, to see how you humans on earth are holding back when it comes to changes, especially when you have no idea what these changes will bring you. Even though we keep telling you that it will be wonderful.
But we do understand, because we see you as if you are standing on the edge of a cliff, and you need to jump. You can go back, but you know you don’t want to. Somehow you have to go forward, but you have no jumping device or anything. It is just you and us, angels, holding out our hands for you, and most of you can’t see us.
So we do appreciate your fear, but still we implore you that you let go of your old ways of needing to know where you are going, as it is of no use to you now. 
Things are happening, in the energies on Earth, and no one can stop them. And even thought these are the changes many of you have been waiting for, now that the time has arrived for them to be, it is scary. It is so very different from anything you have ever known on Earth.

But we are here to help you to jump, and to jump safely. Just read on!

3. Ray of love - in the place of Letting go.

We give you parachutes of love. Love is coming towards you like manna from heaven, and yes, it is manna from heaven for you. Love will be the food of the future, and there will be enough for each and every one of you. No matter what your views are, what your religion is, what you do for a living or if you can’t do anything for a living because you are ill or there is no job for you. 
This love is for all of you and it will feed you in a way that you, receiving this love - and there is no way anymore to not receive it, because it is there, around you and inside of you - will be satisfied in every way. Love, food, money, you name it. There will be enough for all.
So feel it now. Take some time of, sit down, and feel it enter you. Be aware of it, even if you don’t know how to do that. But be open to it and it will fill you up. 
This time it doesn’t matter if you do it now, during the eclipse, or in a week’s time, or even a month, because this time it will stay here for all of you.
The gate is open and it won’t close again.
Each one of you will react differently to these changes. It doesn’t matter. Find your own way and it will be great. 
The only thing we ask of you is to receive it, for it will make your life so very much more fun, so very much more loving.

There is no holding back, but the sooner you start and the more open you are the easier it will be for you.

4. Surrender - in the place of Family and Friends

Surrender is a bit of a different meaning here. It is a bit like isolating yourself from your friends and family, in order to be able to make your own choices, without being influenced by anyone else. Choosing You. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Don’t let anyone tell you you are crazy making the choices that you want, or that you are crazy believing in what you do, Go your own way, feel your own way. Don’t let anybody hold you back. 
It doesn’t mean you have to leave everyone you know behind, but it does mean that you go where you feel you need or/and want to go. Even if you have to leave some people behind, because you need to move to another place or because you don’t feel comfortable anymore with some of them. 
Let it go, and do your own thing. Be honest with what you want and need. And go there.
Even if you have to go on your own. 
For some of you the changes will be big, and if that is so you will know it. Maybe you have always known it, and you will be okay with it. You will even welcome these changes.
For others the changes might be smal, but still you will notice them and feel the need for them.
It will all be for the better. You will be filled with love, and that is what you will show. That is what you will radiate, and people will love you for it.
This love will flow from you to the people around you, even to those who can’t relate to it at all. They will have to get used to it or you well have to leave them behind. 
There is no way back. We have done it, and it will only go forwards from now on. 

There is no way back, even if you would want to. But who would?!

5. Change - in the place of Earth and You

Yes, we have said it before: it is all about the changes happening on Earth, those changes that have been professed for a million years, by so many peoples and tribes. We know you can’t imagine it, but it is happening now, and it will remain happening for some decades to come. 
Earth is being held in love, because it is possible. You have made it possible, together we did it! 
Don’t doubt it, just let it be. Don’t fight it either for that will be difficult and will hold you back. 
It is hard to explain, but as these new flows of love move over and through Earth and you, when you try to hold them back you will fall. Because the flow is forwards, and only forwards, so if you stop, it will push you on anyway. That’s when you fall.
The only way is forward, and of course it has always been that way. Only now the way is different. But again, it is only for the better, and when you come with us, you will be able to stay in this flow of love, and that way it will be easy. 
Don’t hold back, don’t try to stop it, but go with it. 
The earth is changing, the changes on earth are going to happen. No matter what you do or want. And believe us, you don’t want to hold them back, for they are going to make your life so very beautiful.
Don’t let fear or anything hold you back. Go with it, even if you don’t know how. Let us help you. Be open to our help. 

6. Miracles -  in the place of the Gift.

What can we say? Miracles are going to happen. For you, for Earth and for everyone on Earth.  
We did it. Grab the opportunities that will show up for you. You will know it when they do. They will give you a deep feeling of joy and happiness like you have never felt before. You will want to grab them for you will know these are the things you have been wanting to do for a long time. You will know! 
The same goes for new people who will show up in your live. There too you will know when they are the right people for you. Trust your intuition, for it is right. It knows. Maybe that hasn’t always been the case for you, but now even you will know that your intuition is  right. 
Miracles, that is what they are. If before you couldn’t trust yourself, now you will. If before you could trust, period, now you will know that you can. 
The energies themselves are changing, and you have no idea what that means. Everything will be different, because you have been living in duality, where things were sometimes good, sometimes okay and sometimes bad, and that is what is going to change. When there is only light and love around you, you will live it. There is no other way to be. 
And who would want it to be different? 

Live your life, live your love, live your joy!

Love from us, The Angels & Co.

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