
3 more days

Day 3, 4 cards

What do we need to know, what do we need to do, what do we need before the end of 2017? Dear Angels & Co, can you help us with that? Can you heal us?

1. Kuan Yin: kindness - in the place of Now

You are doing well, even if for some of you it doesn’t feel like that. Yet!
Tune into the kindness within you instead of the other feelings of darkness - for even the weather is off - fear, humiliation, manipulation, etc, etc. But if those feelings still ask for the upper hand, then do give them the attention they need. It is the only way to heal them. Tune into your own inner child, or inner children, and be kind to them. Treat them like you yourself would have wanted to be treated when you were a kid. Or even now. Reach out to them, and shower them with your love instead of your frustration! 
Take them into your arms, into your heart, and cuddle them. Remember them as the perfectly good kids they were. Don’t blame any one of them anymore, for they weren’t guilty in the first place.
Shower them with the kindness of your heart. 
Then feel what that does to you. It makes you glow inside, doesn’t it?! Light and warm and loving. All of that within your own heart. For you.

2. Artemis: Inner goddess - in the place of Fear

Keep your focus on yourself during these days between Christmas and New Year. It seems like an empty time, without a meaning of its own. As if we are all waiting for the new year to begin, and there is nothing else to do but wait.
But these times of waiting are specially made for you. It is a time in which you need to go inside of yourself, to notice your own inner glow, and to focus on that glow. If you can start the new year with this glow inside of you, keeping your focus there, knowing it, then your year will be so much nicer. Imagine living from that glow, and thus seeing the world around you from that glow. That way your whole world becomes a part if that glow, and everything around you will be glowing. 
Stay focused on that glow inside of you for now, during these ‘nothing’ days, so in the new year you will be……glowing from the inside. Imagine how people will treat you then. For when you are glowing, people will treat you like a goddess.

Stay focused on your inner glow, and live from there.

3. Guinevere: Love your self - in the place of Letting go

Notice the emptiness inside of you when it comes to loving yourself? How you have been draining yourself of love all your life? How you have been giving away all of the love that was inside of you, thinking that that was the way to go? That that was the way to receive love in return? 
It doesn’t work like that, does it? You probably have noticed that by now. 
The way to go is to love yourself, and to keep that flow of love within you in shape. Keep your heart in shape as you might be used to keeping your body in shape. Give it your attention every day and fill it with love. Feel love for your children if you have them, for the people around you, for the flowers, the animals around you, for anything that deserves your love. But don’t give it away. Fill your own heart with love, and from there let it flow around you. Again, keep your focus within yourself.
Stay focused within your heart, and if it is empty, ask us, angels to fill you up. We are here for you. Feel how we help you to fill your heart with the unconditional love from the source.

Start living from there, from your heart filled with this unconditional love. The Christ love.

4. Mercy - in the place of The gift

‘Lord have mercy on me’.
Haven’t you been thinking that? Didn’t you have the feeling that life was asking too much from you? That you had to give and give without receiving anything in return? 
Well, the good news is that now the angel Mercy is coming to you to shower you with mercy. And did you know that for most of you goes that you are the one to blame yourself? Maybe after others have been blaming you once too often, even though you weren’t doing anything wrong? 
Receive this mercy, and feel how it makes you clean. All the guilt, self inflicted or not, is flowing away from you. 
Letting go of guilt makes it possible for you to attract positive things and people, because you won’t need to feel guilty anymore. As long as guilt is one of your driving forces you will need to feel guilty in order to be able to recognize it, to see it and transform it. But if all those guilty feelings are gone, you won’t need to live them anymore, and your life will change.
You will be free to be your own self, free to be your light, your love, your inner goddess. The glow within your heart. And to live from there.

Kindness, your inner goddess, love and mercy in your heart. What else do you need? 
We’ll see about that tomorrow. 

2 more days to wait, 2 more days to focus, 2 more days to heal.

Lots of love, 

The Angels & Co

Day 4, 2 more days, 1 card

Hi! Again just the one card today, as we all have a lot to do for New Year’s Eve.

1. Your path of light

It’s an ongoing story, isn’t it! This path you have chosen, as they say, of being a being of light. It isn’t an easy path either. Is it?

But don’t dispair when the going gets rough sometimes, for the worst part is over. Yes, over. Believe it or not. 2018 will be a very different year, as the energy of that year is quite different from all previous years. 

You will be able to step into the light, to feel and know your connection with the light so much easier and clearer.

Let us, angels, gather around you now and support you. Really support you as you have never been able to allow us before. 

So if you are tired of it all now, that is OK. Be tired, but do know that it won’t be long anymore for you to really be this being of light that you were born to be. That you have doubted to be so many times, but that you are. 

And enjoy your days of tiredness and doubt, for shortly your life will look very different, and very busy, doing your work of light for real. 

It feels so good, doesn’t it? Right now old layers are being taken away from you. Layers of dense energy as you have known it so well living on an earth that was separated from the light. But now the light can really hold you, and the density will be something of the past. For you at least. Being of light.

It is time to be your light.

Lots of love, 

The Angels & Co

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