

As i drive home from the beach I am thinking about writing an angel letter. So, as I am driving almost into this beautiful and very special full moon, I see it as a sign. 

The first month of 2018 is almost over. We have made a start, one way or another, but it feels like we could do with some help from the angels, doesn’t it?

Here is their answer:

Let’s ask them what could make our 2018 into our 2018, the year in which we will find our way, our light and our love. Shall we?

1.Purity - in the place of Now

To regain purity is what you are here for, and to be able to receive the new energies of love that are now almost on top of your head, it is necessary for you to be pure. As in pure of heart., and pure of mind.
It isn’t easy, as a human, to reach that state of mind. We know that. Still it is what is meant for you to be. For you need to flow the love through you, and through your body, into Earth.
And when that is done, the next thing is to let it flow through you towards the people around you. Can you imagine what effect that will have?!
It is what you came here to do and it is what you are craving for. It is your destiny. 
And we are here to help you. No need to do it all alone. 

You can feel it already, can’t you? Already you are feeling lighter and clearer, don’t you?

2. Passion - in the place of Fear

What is your passion? Have you already defined that? Do you know what you are working towards? Or are you just tired of trying and going to the same motions again and again, hoping that this time it will reveal itself? 
Do you feel it is time for something new, but don’t you know what it should or could be?
Do you know and live your passion already, but doesn’t anyone see it or even want it? 
What are you hiding and where are you hiding behind? 
What is holding you back?
Do you have the feeling that your life isn’t important, that you are not important? And does that bother you?
Do you ask yourself what the purpose of your life is? 
Do you know that old fears from former lifetimes, or from this lifetime,  are still holding you back? 
What is it? Why can’t you live your passion, or why doesn’t anyone see you for who you really are? That important being that is you? Why?

3. Ray of yellow: Fun - in the place of letting go

It is as if there is no fun anymore in life on earth, isn;t it? Everybody is so serious and taking life so seriously. Especially those of you who are here to change the world, to change the energies on Earth. 
Still it is fun what you need, to be able to let go of these old feelings of self doubt, of not being important, of not knowing what to do and who to be.
So we will show you some fun. Come out of your reverie and let us take you with us into fun. Let us take you by the hand, take you to where fun is. Feel yourself being lifted from your place on Earth, into the sky. High high up into the sky, in the direction of the sun, the source. There you will get a shower of fun and you will see how good that feels. How it will help you to let go of all your old restrains, the ties that were holding you from going on, on into the new energies of love on Earth. 
Old religious beliefs, old values, old rules that have been out of date for a long time, and you didn’t even realize it. 
So come now into this place of fun, which is so close to the Source of Light itself. Purity invites you to have fun and to get to know fun. To allow yourself to have fun. To really let go of all restrains that are still yours, and to bath in fun. 
Don’t be afraid anymore, for here it is safe, even for you.
We are having this party here with you, because Earth is so well on its way into love.  Maybe you can’t see it from where you live on Earth, but we can and if you come with us now into this place of fun, you can see it too. 

That alone will be worth it, and the knowing will help you even more.

4. Inner power - in the place of Friendship

Letting go of all these layers of self doubt will set your own power free. It’s as if it has been wrapped up in all these questions you needed to ask yourself, to which you didn’t know the answers. 
This party also helps you to make new friends, friends who have the same ambition, the same passion as you do, and who want to work together with you. For it is becoming more and more important for all of you to be working together, as together your power is so much stronger, your light and your love will be so much stronger. 
That is what we need from you now, so you can be the examples you have come here to be. 
So look around you, joining this party of ours, and connect. You just need to look at each other and you will know.
And then later, back on Earth, you will know when you meet that same person on Earth, and you can work together.

It is meant to be. 

5. Ray of gold: golden light - in the place of Family

Now you can let go of all the ties that have been holding you within the boundaries of your family on Earth. It doesn’t mean you have to leave them behind, unless you want to, but you can leave the old beliefs and stuff they taught you behind, as those don’t serve you anymore. They are only holding you back from who you really need to be. 
Enjoy this golden flow of light and feel what it does for you. Feel how it puts your whole family into it’s light. Your parents, your siblings, your grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc etc. There is enough of it now to let them all join you in light. There is enough of it now for you to feel safe, even if you come from a family that was abusive. Everyone is light when they are standing in this shower of golden light. Everybody is forgiven, and everybody is clean.
It will set you free. Free of them, free of their rules, and free of your own feelings of negativity. You will be free to be you.

6. Artemis: your inner goddess/focus - in the place of Mate

Then focus on your own heart and see the golden energies enter into it. Feel them flowing around in your heart and taking with them all your doubts, your sorrows, your pain, your anger, etc. ect. Allow your heart to be free and joyful. Don’t get stuck in blaming them, or even in blaming yourself. Blame is not a nice energy to be in.
Often, when bad things have happened between you and your parents or siblings, you blame yourself because you didn’t want your parents to be the culprits. In bad situations you need your parents, and if they are the ones to abuse you, who can you blame? 
So you blame yourself.
You get stuck in that. Enwrapped in it, with no free hand to free yourself. 
So focus on the golden light that is in your heart now, and let all the blame, whether it is yours or theirs, dissolve into it.
See it happen, feel it happen. It will set you free. 
You will be able to see your own inner goddess, your own light and love within your heart. This goddess is now free to be the real you, in all of her light. See how she is standing up right now, bigger and more beautiful then you have ever been able to imagine. 

7. Soul connection - in the place of You

With this golden light of forgiveness in your heart it will be so much easier for you to feel the connection with your soul. 
Did you know that, when you blame others for the bad things that have happened to you,  true or not, you probably also blame your soul? 
When you came down to earth to start your human life, you were closed off from the light of your soul. That is what life on Earth does for you. 
So you probably blamed your soul for leaving you behind in this darkness that was Earth, also closed off from the light.
Because as a human being you need someone to blame, don’t you? So who is to blame? Your parents? You? Your soul? Where can you put the blame?
Now that the light is coming back on Earth, now that it fills your heart, you can let it dissolve all the blame towards any one. It is not important anymore who was to blame. Whether it was someone else, or you, or your soul. Important is that you allow this new golden light to dissolve it all, and in this proces, that you set yourself free. 
Let it happen, let yourself be set free. Free from this strangling feeling of blaming your soul. 
Feel the golden light within your heart and let it happen.
Feel the golden light also envelope your connection with your soul. Allow it to let go of all the blame or other feelings that have cut you of from your soul, during the difficult parts of your life in darkness, closed of from the light. 
Follow the golden light all the way to your soul, until your have reached the heart of your soul. Connect. See how the golden light enters the heart of your soul. Connect. Keep connected until your merge with your soul. 

That way you will be able to experience your soul as the being of tremendous light and love that she or he truly is. 

8. Tara: the universe - in the place of The gift

Concentrate on this reunion with your soul. Then, filled with this tremendous love energy, come back to Earth. Take your place on Earth. Fill your place with the golden light that is yours now. 

You don’t need to do anything else. Things will come your way now, because light attracts light, love attracts love. Your core is now light and love. The golden lovelight of this time.

Lots of love, 

The Angels&Co

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