Pure Love

Yesterday I started to write a new angel letter. I didn’t have any specific questions, but it felt like I should. This is how it started: 

“ 1. Gaya: Home - in the place of Now

There are two sides to this story. I can feel that you are tired. Tired of waiting, and tired of having to do the work. It has been so long since you have been feeling at home on Earth, and the same goes for Earth itself. We are all so looking forward to this time where life will be easy and beautiful on Earth, and still it is keeping us waiting.
Not even just waiting, it is asking you to close ranks and to help the energies of light and love flow through you, to connect with them much more consciously than you have been doing lately. That is why we wanted to write you this letter. 
For it is as if you have given up hope. Or maybe that is too strong a word, and doesn’t apply to everyone, but still. It feels as if you are tired of doing the work, and you are letting Earth itself do the job. 
But Earth can’t do it all by herself! If she could, she would. Just like you.
I am asking you from my place within Earth, to help once again, and to help until it is accomplished, this era where the Lovelight can flow freely on Earth. 
We still need you. 
We still need you, humans, to connect with the light and love from Source, to let these energies flow through you, and to connect them with the heart of Earth. With me. 
I am as sorry as you are that it isn’t ready yet, but as long as it isn’t, we need you.
On the other hand, what could be more helpful for you than to connect again with these love energies? It is what is missing in your life. So connecting again, right now, will help you to feel better too. 
We need you, and you need the energies of light and love. So! Help us? Please?”

That is where it ended yesterday. I was so tired I couldn’t write, and I didn’t get any more information either. 
Today the energy is totally different. Can you feel it? So today I am going to write again, and in the meantime I do have a question too. 
Do you know the feeling of having lost someone you love, and that someone is suddenly, after years and years of not knowing where he or she was, coming back to you?
The happiness, the love, the joy.
But also all those feelings of pain, of loss, of not knowing how he or she is doing, of doubt, of sorrow, of anger, etc etc. which you have needed to repress because it was too hard to live with them. All those feelings are coming to the surface because you don’t need to repress them any longer, because this person has come back, to you.
That is what is happening on Earth now. All the layers that had been closing us off from the unconditional love of the source are dissolving and have been dissolved, so now all of our repressed negative feelings are coming to the surface of our being, because the love that is coming back to us, is working the same way. 

So what I am asking the angels, is to help us cope, and to make it possible for us to be happy and in love again. And to let go of the fear of losing it again.

1. Your path of light - in the place of Now

Just know that you are walking your path of light. No matter what happens, know that that is what you are doing. It will make life so much easier for you. It will bring back faith, and faith is what you need right now. 
For it is happening, not only when you are in tune or when you are feeling light and love, but also when you are in your darker periods. Those darker periods are what is needed, for you personally and for Earth, to get those feelings to the surface, in order to make it possible for them to dissolve. 
Again and again, until finally, they will be dissolved. That is the time where you will feel the happiness and the love you are craving. Without the fear of losing them again, because then they will be gone forever.
Then your work will be done, because all the darker feelings inside of you are gone, and nothing of darkness can ever touch you again. 
It was promised you before you started this life, and it will happen. Know that! 
It will happen. 
Take a deep breath, knowing this. Breath it in, deeply into your being. 

Only then go on reading.

2. Liberation - in the place of Fear

Yes, when you have done your job of cleaning out all those darker feelings, the fear will be gone too, as they were part of those exact darker feelings. 
Fear attracts fear. It is not a nice thing to say to you, because living with fear is one of your greatest fears. If you hear that fear attracts fear, you want to run away from it as fast as you can, and dismiss the fear that is there inside of you. You put it away deep inside of you, so you will - hardly - be able to remember it.But it comes to the surface time and again, because it is there. Seemingly without you being able to do anything about it. 
That is the way it goes with all negative feelings. You can repress them for some time, but then they will come up again. Some situation will bring them back to you and as long as you haven’t cleared out the roots of those situations and the reasons why you are living them time and again, you will keep living them. Seemingly powerless to stop them. Blaming others for them, blaming God, blaming the angels or whoever. Putting the blame on others, instead of looking into yourself, in order to get why you are living those feeling again and again.
Of course, the why is what this is all about. Because as long as you carry the fear - or whatever other darker feeling - you will experience situations in which you will relive it. 
So, getting to the roots of the fear is the only way to make it stop. 

Because if and when you get to the root of them, you will be able to heal them, and only then will they get out of your system. Only then will you not need to live them again. 

3. Your essence - in the place of Letting go

We don’t say it is easy, and we do know that those same feelings are hidden in all kinds of situations and lifetimes and family lines. It is a long job, and you need to look into it all the time, in order to be able to let go of them all. You have been living a lot of lives, so you have collected a lot of feelings and situations in which you lived the same kind of feelings again and again. 
That is life on earth for you. Sometimes you go through happy periods, sometimes you go through bad ones. There is two sides to everything. 
But being the light worker that you are you means that you are reliving a lot of the bad times, because those all need to come to the surface. In order to get them healed. To do that, you connect with the light. That way you bring the light to Earth. That way Earth is getting lighter and lighter. And as we are all doing this together, it is working
Earth will be a planet of light
The good news is that this is a lifetime in which a lot of clearing can be done, and that is probably why you have chosen to live now. During this time where the light and the love are coming back to Earth. Where the layers that have been closing Earth off from happiness and love are being dissolved, and you can come back into them, while living on Earth. 
You are getting back to the essence of you, to the light and love within you. It is your goal for this lifetime. It is who you are. 
Believe it!
So once again, take a deep breath and let all the feelings that you are feeling right now be there. Give them to the angels, and set yourself free. 

Not long now. 

4. Isis: enlightenment - in the place of Friendship

You have lost so much. During this lifetime, but also in previous lives. The pain and the sorrow are still a part of you. They are making you sad and angry and frustrated, all at the same time.
You don’t want to let go, because letting go of those feelings seems to be the same as letting go of the of all those persons or situations that were so dear to you. So you hold onto them with all the power that is within you. You hold onto them and at the same time you hold on to the feelings that go with it. The pain, the sorrow, the anger. 
What you need to know is that holding on to these feelings doesn’t make those people come back. You need to separate those feelings from your current reality. You need to realize that those feelings are what they are, but at the same time realize that you are not those feelings. 
Put those feelings in the past, where they belong. 
Then realize that moving on is not the same as leaving those persons or situations behind. 
The angels are helping you now, to make you realize that those persons aren’t really gone.  See them before you now, or if these feelings come from previous lifetimes, feel them before you. Say what you need to say to them. Let your anger, frustration, sorrow or whatever feelings you still have, be there, and tell the other person about them. 
Let go. 
Then know that in the light, they are all still there. Closer then you could ever imagine. 
If you can let go of all the layers of darker feelings that go with loss, then you become a person of light. 
That is how it goes. 
And in Light we are all together. All separation is gone. 

Again, take a deep breath, and let it happen.

5. Buddha: inner silence - in the place of Family

Of course that is the essence of things. The essence of life on Earth. To live, to know, to experience. To come back into love. Into light. 
Knowing that, realizing that, makes it possible for you to come into your own essence. 
What we offer you now is to do just that. To know that that is the essence of life as it was. 
Then to sit still, and to think of nothing for a while. 
Come back into your heart, feel what is inside of your heart. Let it all be there. 
Get to the essence of what is in your heart. 
Let us help you now, in this moment, to heal it all. 
Take your time.
Anything else? That too.
Feel them all.
Let us help you to let them go.
Feel your inner silence.

When you feel that, and only then, go on reading.

6. Sweetness - in the place of Mate

New things, new beings, new opportunities are coming into your life now.
When your work is done, when you have let go of all those darker feelings, then you are moving on. It is not a question anymore of whether you can live a different and better life then before. No, you will be living a better and happier life, full of the love and light that you will now be able to feel. You will be able to feel love, and to feel the pure - new to Earth - love that is available on Earth already, but that you haven’t been able to feel because all of these darker feelings that you had hidden for so long because you couldn’t cope with them, where still holding you back.
When a lot of love is suddenly coming your way, it will touch your deepest feelings. 
Don’t blame yourself for that. It is how it is. 
But now we ask of you to deal with them, once and for all. Let them be there now, now that all the help is there for you to let go of them. Now that all the love you can ever imagine is here for you to dissolve those feelings of loss, of separation and ……you know. 
Feel the love now. Just feel it. Because now you can.
Now you can feel the pureness of it. Because this love is truly unconditional. 
This love doesn’t ask anything from you, the way you probably have experienced it during your lives on earth. 

This is pure love, and now you can feel the difference. Now you can experience the difference. 

7. Miracles - in the place of Earth/You

Now the time is here for miracles to happen. For Earth and for you. Let go of all the voices that are still bothering you, that are telling you that this is for everyone else but you, or that it can’t happen for Earth because ….any reason you can think of. 
It is that time. The time where miracles are going to happen for you and for Earth. 
The love energies are flowing around on Earth. It is only a matter of time now before it really touches you, before it touches the people around you, before it touches everyone on Earth. 
It has touched Earth already. 
There is no way back, and the reason why you haven’t been able to feel it yet is because you had all those darker feelings still inside of you.
Now that you have been asking for our help, and now that the time is right!, now you can go and live the lovelight. On Earth.

Believe it, and the rest will come.
Or don’t believe it. It will come.

8. The Source of Light - in the place of The gift

See?! The light from the source is here for you. You are in the last stages of being able to feel it, to live it, to believe it. 
All you need to do now is to be open and to connect as much as possible with it. To make yourself available for it. And yes, to let it flow.
Tune into it, and feel the pureness of it. It is only pure lovelight, and nothing else. 
It is what you have been working for so hard, and is is here. So once again, let all those feelings of sorrow, fear, anger, the fear of loosing it again, and whatever else that has been bothering you, come to the surface and let us, Angels of Love, help you to dissolve them. Now it is that time where it can happen like that. 
The love of Source is here, on Earth, for you.

Nothing else.

Lots of love, The Angels & Co

03 March 2018

