
Autumn equinox, 22 09 2018

Transition. That’s the word I hear, and the angels tell me that that is what this letter is about. Nothing more and nothing less.

Ray of Crystal - in the place of Now

Crystal clear. That is how it is meant to be and that is how it is. Everything will be coming crystal clear now, for all of you who have been working so hard on this transformation of Earth, of You, and of your Families. 
We are so grateful to you all, for we couldn’t have done it without you, just as you couldn’t have done it without us. 
Maybe you have felt it already, that it feels like the Earth is moving under your feet. It isn’t, and you know it, but still you can’t stop the feeling that it is. 
So much is moving around in the energy, and you don’t know where your next hold is going to be.
It is so hard for a human being to be without hold, but that is what you need to live through now, because this transition is so intens. You need to go from the place where you are used to be for centuries - where it wasn’t great or even less, but where you kind of knew where you were - into a place you don’t know anything about. And we are the only ones telling you that it is going to be great, but you can’t see it for yourself - yet - and you don’t know if we know what is best for you.
So you are stalling.

But no worries, for it is going to be crystal clear and that is what this letter is all about.

2. Love - in the place of Fear

But is this love we promise you really crystal clear? Or is it all blurred, the way you are used to in your lives on Earth? Is it freely flowing towards you to start with, and is it then asking all kinds of things from you, for it to stay with you?
Is it making demands by the time you have the feeling that you can’t live without it anymore?
Is it pure? 
Is it really pure, and will it really be there for you, without a doubt? 
You don’t want to be hurt anymore, so you don’t want love anymore, because love is the thing that has hurt you the most. And you don’t know if you can stand it to be hurt again.
To love and then to loose that love, that is the hardest thing of all.
So maybe it is better to live your life without love, or with only very little love? Maybe that is easier and safer?
It is sad, yes, but still better then to live life to the full and be hurt again, this time worse then ever before, because this time it was promised to you to be there and to never leave you again. It was promised to you by the angels, and you trusted them……
So if it doesn’t fulfill its’ promise, then the fall will be so much worse. And you can’t bear that. You know you can’t bear that. To have something that is so good, that is love in it’s purest form, that is promised to you to be there forever more, to have that love taken away from you. There would be no way past that!
So you stay where you are, until something happens that makes it clear to you that this time it is for real, that this time the love that was promised to you is here to stay. That this time it will be real, everlasting, pure and divine love we are talking about, flowing freely for you on Earth. 

But how can you believe it, as it has never been there before? Only bits and pieces, but never for real.

3. Rhiannon: Truth - in the place of Letting go.

What I am offering you is not the truth as in: hey, I stand for truth, so you listen to me and accept that what I tell you is The Truth.
No, what I offer you is a deep cleansing of all the stuff in your body and in your mind that is still holding you back in this old place where you have been told so many untruths in the past. 
Religions have been telling you things in the name of God, of truth, that weren’t true. People, parents, teachers have been telling you untruths, for there own good or because they believed them themselves, which weren’t true at all, and you believed them. 
So many untruths have been playing with your minds, and you believed them, for whatever reason you had.
If you want to live on like that, it is your right to do so, but if you want to change it, and make your future different and light and filled with the pure love we have promised you, then let yourself be cleansed through me, Rhiannon.
That is all I will do, to set you free of your old believes, to make room for the new.
To be able to receive the new, you need to be clear of the old tricks of the mind. This mind of yours that has formed itself around all the truths and untruths that you have been told. 
Let me help you to clear them all. That way your mind will be free for the new, without a shimmer of a doubt. That way you will  be able to believe what we have promised you: The new love, the Christ love. The ‘just love’. Nothing more and nothing less. Love in its purest form. For you.
Let me help you to clear your mind now.
Just be open to my help. 
Let me help you to be free of worries, free of cares. To be empty of mind.

It may be scary, but hey! You have done a lot scarier.

4. Guinevere: Self love - in the place of Friendship

Instead of looking for love in the people around you, focus on the love in your own heart now. Maybe you didn’t even realize it is there, but I can tell you that it is. 
Maybe it wasn’t there before, or maybe it has been hidden so well that you didn’t even know it yourself, but now, right at this moment, it is there. I can see it, so you can too.
See it now, tune into it, know it, and welcome it. 
Set it free from all the doubts you had about it being taken away from you, being punished, being hurt, being lost forever. Take it into your own arms and cuddle it. Tell it that it is safe in your arms, and that you won’t imprison it anymore. 
It has been hurt, yes, but it is no solution to imprison it, and to let it die there within the so called safety of your own heart. Love needs to live, to explore, to be free. 
We know we are asking a lot of you, who have been hurt so much and so often, but now that you are enveloped in the love of the angels, safe and protected, please make contact with your own love in your own heart again? 
And from there connect with us, angels, and let us connect your love with the everlasting love of the Source?
Now that you can?
Let your love help you to let go off all your frustration about love, let go of the blame about the hurt it has brought you. 

Be love.

5. Fulfillment - in the place of Family

Now that you can, let love be your uppermost feeling, and let it help you to let go of all frustrations you have been living on Earth. 
Let us put you on a higher dimension then you normally are, and from there look at your parents, at your family. See what they are doing, see the lessons they have come here on earth to learn. See their ancestors, and look at their issues, which are the same, ultimately, as yours. See why you became part of this family. See how your father has turned into your father, and how your mother was forced to be who she came to be. 
We are all formed by our families, good or bad and everything in between. 
See the patterns, see how they came to be, and see how you, and maybe your parents before you too, are transforming the darkness into light and love. 
Then you can also see that you couldn’t have reached your goals in life without these parents, or ancestors. 
All of you together have, in a long row of lives, done your jobs, and you have all needed each other to accomplish it. 
Only after fulfilling this goal can you come into the light. It is how it works.

Is it too quick to suggest that you may be grateful to these parents of yours, because they have made it possible for you to accomplish your goals? 

6. Tara: Universe - in the place of Mate

The same goes for your mate, whoever your mate is at the moment. It could be your best friend, your partner, or someone else you feel close to. These are the people in your life that bring you the hardest lessons. They help you to repeat issues from your past that need transforming. 
Old struggles are being relived, to be recognized for what they are. To to be lived through all the way. To be left behind.
Now, from your higher perspective, you can look into those relationships too, and see them for what they are. People who help you to recognize old patterns that you want to get out of. See them for what they are, and let them go. Not the people, if you can help it, but the patterns. 
That is the beginning of the new you. That is the beginning of your new life in light and love. When you have been able to forgive all those people who have been helping you teaching you the lessons you needed to live in order to live the purpose of your soul, then you are free to live the light.

If you understand that, and if you can do that, then there is a smile on your face now!

7.Forgiveness - in the place of you/Earth

Imagine that everything is forgiven. All the faults of everyone around you, and all the faults you have made or think you have made. What a different world it would be, wouldn’t it.
So now really do it, this imagining. Close your eyes, and imagine that everyone you meet is forgiven, so for now is without fault. It doesn’t matter anymore that this person could do something wrong again, because you are able to forgive her or him right away. 
In your mind there would be no question of who is doing something wrong, there would be no question of wrong. Your own mind would be free of wrong. Your perception would be free of wrong. The word wouldn’t exist.
Imagine a world where all is right. Where you don’t need to watch for wrongs, not in anybody else and not within yourself.
Wouldn’t that feel free?!
It is hard to imagine, isn’t it? But that would be where you would be going, if you could forgive the wrongs that have been done to you. 
Would you be safe?
Yes, you would be safe because wrong wouldn’t be in your mind anymore, so you wouldn’t attract it anymore. 
Because that is how it works, ultimately. 
An Earth free of wrongs would be an Earth of light and love, for light and love are free of wrong. 

Talking about clarity!

8. Ray of Orange - in the place of The Gift

Orange is the color of strength. Orange is the color of your second chakra, the chakra of emotions and sexuality, of freedom. Orange is a joyful color, and a color of movement. Moving along with orange makes you happy. Allow yourself to be taken by the birds on the card, to a place that is good for you. Let yourself be moved to a place where you will be happy. A place on Earth, yes, but a place free of blame, free of wrong, free of accusations. 
Allow yourself to let go of the ground you are standing on, and be brought to this place. Say yes to the birds, say yes to us, and come with us. 
Cleansed now of all the old stuf, aware of your loving heart, free from blaming your parents or yourself, with a smile on your face, you can.
Make it your intention to let go of your need to have a hold on things, make it your intention to be free as the birds, and to arrive in a place of light and love. 
This place you have been looking for your whole live, the place you knew existed but couldn’t find. This place of love and light on Earth. 
If you make this into your clear intention, then we can help you to take your there. Don’t fill it in yourself, but keep an open mind. The place will be great, and you will be where you have always longed to be. 

Take a leap of faith, let your mind be open, and let us take you there.

Lots of love, 

The Angels & Co

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