A New Earth

Hi! It's been a while, hasn't it? The angels haven't asked me to write you a letter for a long time, but today it is really urgent, all of a sudden, to do so. 
So I take pen and paper - or laptop - and go to my favorite place in my favorite park, to write it for you. 
As soon as I enter the park the energy is already a lot more quiet, but what is it that made everything I wanted to do today almost impossible? Is it me? Is it something around me? Or is it in the energy of today and the new moon and the eclipse and I don't know what else is going on.
Whatever it is, I ask the angels to help us and Earth to transform everything that needs to be and can be transformed, so that we will be one step closer to the New Earth we are striving for.

So dear Angels & Co, what is happening?  Can you help us to get closer to a New Earth of light and love? What can we do to help Earth into this  New Earth, into the higher dimensions of pure love?

1. Transformation - on Now

You already feel it in your bones, don't you? So much transformation is going on right now that yes, it is necessary to write this angel letter, not so much for the information it wil give you, but for the healing. For when so much transformation is going on around you, you need to go with it, and if the transformation is going so fast and maybe even too fast for you, as it is for so many people, than healing is of the utmost importance. 
So this letter is about healing. Healing for you and healing for Earth. And healing for everybody on Earth, for the more people receive this healing, the better for everyone, and the sooner we can call this Earth we live on the New Earth. We all need to go into higher frequenties in order to make it possible for Earth to be able to go there too. 
We need to do this together, and no one should be left behind. Even if you think some people may not be 'good' enough to come, than think again, because maybe you can see in your minds eye that if we leave anyone behind, this person will leave a darker stain on Earth and will make it impossible for Earth as a whole to be in light and love completely. 
In order to be able to get into the higher energies of pure love, for us and for Earth, we all need to get there. 
So let your love flow to everyone around you, good or bad or anywhere in between. Don't think bad of anyone, don't criticise anymore, and go Into the energies of pure love. It is available right now. For you and for every one on this planet.

2. Change - on Fear

Change during this period is inevitable. Many people are afraid of change, because they think change is going to bring them something bad. But why shouldn't it bring something good? Or even a lot of good? 
We assure you that the changes that are going on now or all for  the good. For you, for everyone on Earth and certainly for Earth itself. 
But this much love is kind of hard to receive, to realize and to understand for a human being.  So many people have bad experiences with receiving love. They got disappointed and hurt. Where they thought they would receive unconditional love it turned out to be conditional, or it wasn't even love at all. Or it was given and then being taken away from them, often the hard way, ripped off like a plaster
This very high level of pure love is touching all the doubts and such, that are still inside of you. Things you know, but also things you didn't know you had inside of you. It makes a mess of everything, it turns everything upside down and around, and you don't know how to react, how to settle down, what to do with all this energy. 
Round and round and round it goes. On and on and on and on. There is no fleeing from it anymore, no turning your back to it. You have to go with it, whether you want it or not. You are being pushed into directions you didn't even know existed, and you can't stop this flow.

 3. Ray of Rose - on Letting go

Aren't we making this very clear for you? What do you need, to let go of the fear of not knowing where you will go, of not having control of the situation you are in? Of not knowing full stop?
Love. What you get is love, and it is what is making you so restless and fearful, because you don't know how to use it, don't know how to trust it, don't know how to let it in. 
At the same time this same love, which is pure as it can get, is going to help you to make things so much easier for you. 
Try it now and you can feel it already: let the love flow through your crown, into your head, knowing that this love is coming straight from Source, straight from the Elohim. Let it flow through you and feel the relaxation it is giving you straight away. 
This is what you can do, what you should do, with these new flows of pure love. The energies are getting more pure each time they are coming towards you, towards Earth and it is what we want, isn't it? So be open to them, know how to receive them and when to receive them, and let yourself be filled with them. 
The story doesn't change, only you do need an update from time to time, so you won't get distracted.
It is so easy as a human to get distracted, isn't it?! 
That is why we are helping you -  we are the last ones to criticise you and you do know that, don't you? - you come into this flow now, to receive this pure love into your system. To realize that yes, you are worthy of it, and yes you are allowed to receive it and so much more. 
You would make us so happy receiving it, for through you you are helping others and Earth to receive it too, bringing all of us one step closer to this New Earth, where love is the rule rather than the exception.

 4. Ray of yellow: loving joy - on Friends and family

So when you are ready, and when you have filled yourself up with this pure love - and make sure that it is pure love you are filled up with, and make sure that you or filled up with it in all the places you need it - hen and only then let it flow through you to the people around you. To your loved ones first, for they are the best guinea pigs, because they know you and love you back. Because you will want them to receive this pure love more than anything.
Then let it also go to the people who aren't that close to you, who you don't like that much, or even those people who you don't like at all. To those people you are disagreeing with, and to those you even might hate. 
Send this pure love especially to the people you hate or come close to hating, because if you do that it will deminish the hatred within you, and make this other person, wether he/she was really responsible for what you blamed her/him for or not, a better person. You know that the best way to make any relationship better is to send love into the person you have the relationship with? Of course it does, but maybe you didn't realize it and of course it isn't a thing a human being is used to do. When you don't like someone you keep him or her as far away as possible.But now we are asking you to flow this pure love through you and towards everyone around you, including all those people you don't like. Maybe they are the ones who need it most.
We all carry the flame of love within us, but for some people it is hidden deep inside of them, for reasons only known to them. Or not even that. 
So send this pure love especially to the people you know who are having a hard time, who are grumpy or angry, so they too can come with us into the love energies on Earth. 
We need them as much as we need you, for we need all and everyone to be light in order to make it possible to live on an Earth that is light through and through.

5. Isis: Enlightenment - on Earth, on You

I am so happy that you are all helping out here. It is essential that you, who are reading this, let yourselves be healed on all your deepest issues, so that nothing negative will stay inside of you. We are so close to this New Earth and the sooner we are there the better, isn't it? Right now things might seem a bit hard - again - but know that it won't last long this time. Let yourself be healed and let all these last issues of yours be taken out of your system once and for all. Be open to receive this healing and you will feel so much better already. 
It is time for you to know what it means to be enlightened, to be pure, to be love. And when you can feel that love inside of you, you know where you are and who you are. And who you were meant to be all this time. 
You won't need to search for anything anymore, because of this love inside of you. 
No wonder that you have been searching for who you are all of your lives, for when 'who you truly are' is pure love, you wouldn't have expected that in your live as a human. It is the part that has been taken from you time and again in your lives on Earth, in order to be able to learn how it is to be human, to be without the connection with love. To be in darkness. Those were the lessons to be learned on an Earth that was close off from the light. 
They even took that part out of the Bible, that the light, the love is inside of you! 
But now you will be able to experience once again how it is to be love. And this time it won't even be a small flame in your heart, no, it will be the energy that is flowing through you as a whole. 
So be open now, and let us help you. Know that his energy is pure, is love, is coming straight from Source. 
That will make it possible for you to receive it.

6. Sweetness - on The gift

Don't be bothered by the people around you - or even the energies around you - anymore. Concentrate on yourself, and be in your heart. Enjoy the love and the joy in there. Leaving all other energies outside of you, and at the same time filling yourself up with the love and the joy of the higher realms, you won't let any negative energies come in. From no one and from nothing. Of course lots of you are afraid of the disturbing frequenties of mobile phones and such, and of there being nobody who is important, who might be able to stop this flow, is doing anything about it.
It seems to be up to us to work on that too, to fill ourselves up with the new love, that way clearing ourselves of all negativity, including radiation and such.
As we are fully filled with the energies of love, nothing negative can come inside of us anymore. 
Then we can send this love towards those leaders who are able to do something about it. Because we know that complaining doesn't work, does it? We know that sending them your anger or your worries, will only make it worse, as you send negativity towards them. 
We have to go about it another way, and when we send this pure love into all and everyone,  especially to those who have the power to make the big decisions, they too will feel this flame of love within themselves, and maybe realize what they are doing, or just turn into another direction, driven by love instead of power. Send them love and only love, and it will make them better beings, better able to really take care of Earth.
We need you to make these changes, and maybe you think that you alone won't be able to make a difference, but many people are doing the same already, and any one of you is making this energy so much stronger. We need you all to really be able to make these changes on Earth. 
So fill yourself with the flow of pure love that is available now, and send it on to every one and sundry.

We thank you all so very much for helping to make these changes possible on Earth! 

With all our love, The Angels & Co

As I open my eyes there are three people at the other side of the creek meditating. I sense they are with me, sending love to Earth, making the energy of this letter so much stronger already. So many people are already joining in!

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

