
It seems to be time to take hold of our own power. We have lingered enough, is what I hear. To be able to do that, we need to look into the eyes of our own demons, and that is what this angels letter is about. To help you face your deepest demons, those that have been holding you back, all this time, from being your power. 

Let's see what the angels say, shall we!

1. Your inner power - On: Now

I feel a very soft energy flowing towards us from above. The power that is meant here is not the kind of power we are used to label as power, in the world in which we are living. 
Maybe we should call it feminine power, because it really has nothing to do with the power of muscle or the power of being better than someone else, or the power of one person over another. You might call that masculine power, but even then the word is used in a way we angels, wouldn't use it. 
This is about the power within yourself, the power over your own feelings, your own energy even. 
It is the power you have over being you, without restrains, without any criticism at all, least of all from you. 
Being in your own feminine power, no matter whether you are man or woman, that is what this is about.  The feminine power that is creativity, movement, subtelty. Again: being without restrains. Nothing within you that is holding you back, and being able to be the flow. Not in the flow, as it is so often said that we would like to be, but to be the flow. You the director of your own life, for the highest good of all. You.

What is keeping you?

2. Artemis: Your inner goddess - on The fear

Look within yourself. Take a deep breath. See where it stops. Look into this place where you feel blocked. Know that we angels are here with you, so whatever it is, you can look it in the eye. It is safe, even if it seems to be bigger than you. Don't go into the feeling or energy you see, but look at it and tell it that you love it. Let love flow through you while you look into this energy inside of you that has been so angry or afraid or whatever, that you haven't been able to face it until now. That has been holding you back because you didn't dear face it. It wanted to be seen, but couldn't because you weren't ready yet, for whatever reason. 
Now take this energy, this demon, into your arms and hug it. It is okay to do so now, because you let it know that you love it, no matter what. 
Maybe it was afraid that you would leave it behind as  soon as you had grabbed your power, maybe it was very angry because you wanted to grab your power and leave it behind. Maybe it didn't want you to grab your power, or there was another reason altogether why you couldn't see it and why it couldn't be seen. 
The important thing is that now you two have been able to meet and to let go of the struggle that has been defining your life until now. 

3. Mohammed: Loving peace - on Letting go

So take another deep breath. Leave your attention within yourself and feel the peace, now that you have slain your monster. For it was a monster, wasn't it? It seemed to be so big that you haven't dared to look it in the face for so long.
And feel how it feels now. It is like a little baby, isn't it? And you can hold it in your arms and cuddle it. Love it, like it, be with it. Like a baby who needs its' mother as much as possible, this energy needs you to hold is as long as possible. Until it has had enough and it becomes one with you. 
Then there is only peace.
Then there is only love. 
Feel how your whole being is now filled with this loving peace. 
This is what this years' Lions' Gate is about: to face your inner monster, and to be able to get past your past. To step into your own power..
It is like stepping into a new life, isn't it? The thing that has been holding you back is gone, and you can finally take those steps necessary to built the future you have been wanting to built for such a long time. 
Together with the power of the monster that was inside of you, that was a part of you, that was apart from you. That is now one with you. The monster was your power and it was stuck. Now that that part of you is healed, now that the anger and/or fear deep within you are healed you can claim your power back, and you can feel it as your feminine power. That soft kind of power that gives you the freedom to live the life you want to live. 

Now your power is free to be happy. 

4. Wisdom - on Friendship

So much is going to change for you now. Nothing will be the same. 
It doesn't mean that you are going to leave your partner or your friends, your house or your job, although if that is what you want or need to do then of course that is an option. But this is much more about being you. You are the one that is going to change, to be able to change, because this thing inside of you that was holding you back isn't there anymore. 
If your friendships change it is because something inside of you has changed. Because an anger or a fear has dissolved and doesn't hold you back from flowing the love that is and always has been inside of you. You will look into the world from a place of love, not from a place of hiding, or seclusion or resistance. 
That way you will give the person before you the chance to feel her or his love inside of her/him too, and your relationship will be one of love. No more struggle, no more criticizing, no more jealousy, no more negative feelings that you needed in order to mirror your own inner demons. 
Now you can have the realtionships you have always craved, directly from the love within your heart. 
Look for the love in the person before you, look for the positive, the light in the other person. It will be there, and you won't even need to search for it when you look from the love within you. 

5. Change - on Family

The change is within you. Notice that, know that. You are the one who is going to change, so don't blaim others that they feel different. Stay within your own heart, and look from there into the world around you. 
Always look at others from within yourself. Always look at them from the love within your own heart. That is where the change has happened, and form there your outer world will change. You will need certain changes because your new self has different needs, and different opportunities. 
You will want to make certain changes because you don't fit in the world you have been living in anymore. Some people will come with you, others won't, and don't fight that. Let those others be themselves too and don't try to change them. They have the right to make their own choices, even if that means that you will have to part ways. Don't make a drama out of it, but see it as progress for yourself and for the other person. Or house, or job or….
Look into yourself and know what it is that you need, what changes you need to make in order to be able to live your own, your new, future. 
It is necessary for you to do that in order to be able to find the best future for you. 
Let go of all restrictions now, and look into yourself to see what you really want and need. What it is that makes you happy. 
It can be anything! It can be with anyone! This is going to be your path into your future. Into your future of light and love. 
It is that time! Isn't it exiting?!

So let the changes take place, for they will bring you into your highest potential for your new, happy future. 

6. Purity - on Mate

Purity is going to be your best friend. You are going to be able to live from a place of purity and that will be your guidance. 
When you take purity by the hand - and it can be an angel, an energy, or a human being, the important thing being that it is pure - it will lead you there. It won't be necessary to focus much on what you want, for it is already written. Maybe you have known it all the time, or maybe you will be brought somewhere where you never dared to think of because it seemed totally impossible, but you will get there, no matter what. It is your destiny, and it is for the highest good. But it will also be what makes you happy, from this new place of pure love in your own heart. 
So if you focus on purity in whatever you want to do or wherever you want to go, it will be the right way. You will get there where you are destined to be, there where you will be happiest.
Your demons are gone, so they won't hold you back anymore, for whatever reason they had to hold you back. 
You will probably meet others who did the same. You will recognize them too. You will know that they will be part of your new destiny of light and love. 
Old relationships, new relationships, it doesn't matter anymore because they will all be from this place of pure love in your heart.
Heart to heart, love to love. One flow for all. 

Peace, creativity, flow, possibilities, knowing, doing. 

7. Sexuality / Freedom- on You

It is done. The Devine femininity is here. We, you, me, us, the angels are going to live the divine femininity. All is one. All is light. Earth is light. You are light. 
Jumping high into the sky and - almost at the same time - diving deep into the see. Free from the old restraints that have been holding us in dark places all of our lives. That have needed to be transformed. That we, that you have been transforming. 
Come with us, let us take you to these new dimensions of love on Earth. Don't stay behind because you are afraid of change, come with us and leave all fears behind. Allow yourself to be free, to be you. And if you are still scared, after all that we have been promising you, then go it slowly. Take one step at the time. But do take that one step, and then the next, each time when it is offered to you. 
And then, with each step, you will see that you are leaving all your fears behind you, until there is no more of it left, and you can take the last leep of faith without any restraints. 
Keep your focus on the light, and you will get there, even if you don't seem to be able to make it just now. It is okay, we won't leave you behind if you go a bit slower then the rest. And maybe the rest would like to go slower too, and in the end you will all get there at the same time anyway.

Important to know is that you won't need to be afraid anymore of not getting there, because you are.

8. Liberation / A new beginning - on The gift

Two cards. You are going to feel liberated, if you don't already. All the old that was still like a dark cloak on your shoulders is fading away. It just drops to the ground and you are free from it. All the things you have been working on so hard, all the people you needed to help in order for them to let go of you and for you to let go of them. In order to help them all into the light. 
It is not your responsibility anymore. You have been helping them enough for them to be able to get there without your help. Know that, especially when it is about a person you love very much. 
This new flow of love that has been flowing through the Lions' Gate today is changing not only you but the energies on earth itself. When only one person starts living from the pure love in his or her heart, it has repercussions on the whole. 
It goes from one to the other, and to the next person and to the next. Everybody will be touched by it. Everybody. 
Let that be your focus too, for when you do it, the next person will do it too and that way we will make it happen. We, the people on Earth, we, the angels & Co. Together we will make it happen. 
The earth will be saved, although there is a tendency, even among the more spiritual people, to think otherwise. 
Don't go into that kind of negative thinking anymore. Focus on the love and light on Earth. Focus on this flow of pure love that is so strong now, and let it flow from you to everyone you meet, see, or feel. You don't need to be with someone to let your pure love flow. Just focus on someone, anyone you think could do with a bit more of this love - or a lot! Especially let it flow to those people who are still focussing on the negative, and to the things that seem negative to you. Make your own world right. Let your own pure love flow into  everybody and everything that comes your way and doesn't seem all right to you. Each and every time. 
That way you will stay out of it. You will only be a spectator, looking at the person or the thing that is negative or bad, sending the pure light of love into them or it . Everything and everyone. 
That way your own liberation will liberate the world. Your new beginning will be a new beginning for Earth. For all and everyone. 

For that is what we are here for, isn't it?! To make the planet whole and on the way, make ourselves whole. 

Thank you for being such a dedicated fighter for love! 

The Angels & Co. 

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