How to be your light

I feel as if I have one foot in the old energies of fear and other negativity, and the other in the new energies of light and love. 
Do you know the feeling that, when you let go of your fears and get light all over, it feels very scary? Do you know that fears probably have become your lifeline? Fear makes it necessary to watch out, to stay alert, and if you are not alert anymore it is as if you give your fears every chance to come to the surface and to manifest themselves. 
So you can't let go of your fears, because it is too scary. 
So you hold on to your fears as if everything depends on it. 
You just can't feel safe without fear. 
Yet we all want a life without fear, don't we? And it isn't only a collective fear, is it? So I ask the angels how to let go of our fears, and to be our light

1. Liberation - on Now

It is that time. We are helping you, we are watching out for you. Don't think for even a moment that we have left you to your own devices. It is a very important time for Earth, so we are with you. 
It is definitely a time of liberation, as this whole period of corona has been, but we need to take things slowly, so the important changes will happen now, and we won't have to go through something similar later on. 
Know that and try to understand it, for we need you with us. We beg of you to be patient, to go through your own stuff where necessary, and to keep on helping us and earth to shine. 
Know that each time that you are meditating, or going through a rough period, or transforming your own energies, you are helping Earth as a whole. You are a part of the energies as a whole, so everything you do to help Earth or yourself, you are helping the energies on earth to get more loving and light. 
The more you send positive energies into yourself, others or Earth, the quicker this whole process will go. 
We need you to do that, any way that feels best for you. We need you to work with us, to do your work of transformation, to be able to turn Earth into a planet of love and light. 
We will get there, it is only a matter of time now, but we will get there much more quickly with the help of all of you who are here on Earth to do it. 

2. Mary: You are so beautiful - on The fear

You are tired, aren't you? And maybe that means that you should rest. That you shouldn't work so hard. That you should take time for yourself, time to look into your fears. 
Why are you working so hard? Are you afraid that when you take time for yourself that your fears will come to the surface? 
What are your fears? What is your biggest fear? 
Can you name it? Or is it just a feeling somewhere in your gut? Do you want to live with this fear forever more, or do you want us to help you now to have it transformed into love? 
I'm offering you a golden bowl full of love now, and asking you to give up on your fears, and to let them all go into this golden bowl. To leave nothing behind. To really let it all go now. 
Can you do that? Is it alright for you to do that now? 
How does it make you feel? 
Happy? Sad? Scared? Alone?
Did you know that, when you let go of those fears that have been your best friends for so long, you might get very scared, because their support is going to fail you? 
Did you know that being without fear makes you feel visible and exposed for everybody and everyone, and that you probably aren't used to that? That you probably have been hiding who you really are for the biggest part of your life?
If it feels comfortable for you to be your light and to be without fear, then just be that. You are one of the lucky ones. But if not, then read on and let yourself be helped, so that you too can be free from fear, and be your own light. 

3. Freya: feminine power - on Letting go

Imagine there is only light before you and you are looking into it. Feel all your fears behind you. Each and every fear, or just the ones that are most important to you. Feel them as layers on your back. 
Feel the equilibrium of light and dark. Doesn't it feel comfortable? 
Now take a step into the light. Does it feel as if your whole world is crumbling down? 
As a human being living in duality, you need darkness and light. Like jin and yang, like day and night. 
But what if you don't need the darkness anymore? What if you don't need to live your life in the equilibrium of darkness and light, but you can live in light and love? 
Can you imagine a life like that, where you live your light and only your light? 
Can you imagine letting go of all the fear that seems to be keeping you upright? Can you imagine not falling on your back when letting go of this fear? Of standing in the light, without the fear to keep you straight? 
Because that is what we are working on right now. We are letting go of all the darkness that has been lived on earth, in duality, and we are going to live in light and love. 

4. Ray: all darkness into light - on Friendship

It is not something you can do by working very hard, or by forcing things to go the way you think they should go. You do it by sitting still, by taking time for yourself, by looking into your own heart. It is the feminine way, letting go, and letting things happen. Make it your intention to let go of all those layers of fear on your back, and let us help you. Intent to let go of the layers one by one, slowly, so you hardly even notice it. 
Keep your eyes or mind on the light before you, which is a beautiful light of love.  
Let the layers behind you  be healed. 
One by one.
Just feel them dissolve. 
Don't think of what you should do. Don't think of how you would like to see your future, living your light. 
Just let the energies work for you. And take all the time you need for this. 
Don't think it is easy, for it probably isn't. These fears have been your back up your whole life. They have warned you when you did something new, or when something went wrong. 
But now, as the energies on Earth are changing from duality, from darkness and light as a given, into love and light, it is safe for you to let go of fear. Of your own personal fears and of fear in general. 
And that is why we are doing this exercise with you now, because we know that now it is safe for you to let go of those fears that have been helping you, warning you, until now, to live your life the best way you could. The safest way.
But in a world where there is only light and love you don't need any warning anymore, because all is good and safe. 
Can you imagine?
But you need to let go of the fear, because fear is a negative energy, so you can't live in light with fear.

5. Passion - on Family

It is safe now to let go of fear, and to live your passion. Maybe you know what your passion is, maybe you have known it all along and maybe you have been fighting for a long time to be able to live your passion and it didn't work out. 
Maybe you have thought your passion to be a thing of love and light, and you thought you did it all wrong because you couldn't get there. Or maybe you have been living your passion but it has run it's course and you need something new to feel real passion again. 
Maybe it was your passion to help Earth to become a planet of love and light and now that we are almost there you feel you are up for something new 
Either way, it is time now to sit back and to let go of your past. It is time for something new, something better, something light.
It is time to let go of your hold on life, and to let yourself be guided by us, the angels, to get you to where you will be happiest. To let go of the reigns and to let yourself be led. You don't need to do it all by yourself anymore, you can trust us to make it as beautiful as possible for you. And so much more beautiful than you could ever imagine it to be, from your point of view, coming from duality. 
Let passion be an energy and throw it into the air, so we can pick it up and make the most beautiful future from it. Your passion will be manifested as soon as possible. 
We promise you that.

6. Transcendence - on Mate

But maybe you are tired of promises. Maybe you have heard it all before and it never turned out to come true. Maybe you are sp tired of all those promises that you can't hear them anymore, and you only want to sit back and hide, or to be angry and frustrated, and not to believe it anymore. 
It is okay. If that is how your feel, and know that we do understand it when you feel like that, then let this feeling be there. Wallow in it, let is be bigger than you, let it all be there. For it is necessary for you to recognize it, in order to be able to get past it. And getting past it is very necessary for you now, for we don't want to leave you behind, now that we are almost there. 
So let all your frustration and anger out, make it as big as you can, so it can dissolve. Now. 
Only then can you be ready to enter into the new Earth, the new world of loving light. 
And when you are there don't let the people around you tell you that you are crazy to believe that you are there. Believe your own world, believe in who you are. Don't allow any dark or negative energies from the world around you enter your being. Stay true to yourself and from there you will meet others like you, as crazy as you, who are living their lovelight too. 
Be with them, communicate with them, and experience how it is to be your light, and in that light to be excepted and admired for who you are. For who you really are. For being your own essence of love. 

7. Your path of light - on You / Earth

With them you will be going on. Maybe you don't have any idea where it will lead you. We can tell you that that is the best way to be right now. Or maybe you do have an idea where you would like to go, and that is okay too. But don't try to force anything, for it won't work. It will only stagnate your process. 
Be your light and from there let things happen. You will know when and what to do, you will know when it is right for you. You will know when it is the right path for you, when it is your passion that is inviting you. 
If you are still afraid to just let go of all the old ways you are used to work with, then recognize that fear and offer it to us. Put it into the golden bowl of love, and don't let it interfere with your path of light. 
Be considerate towards yourself, and take a rest when you feel you need it. That might be often, or not; it doesn't matter. Let things happen for you. It is the quickest way to get where you have always wanted to be: in love and light on Earth.

8. Ray of rose: Love - on The gift

So let this rose colored ray of lovelight full you up. Let it heal you, allow it to take away all of your old fears and angers, frustrations and sadnesses. Let this love transform you into a being of love and light. 
Be in love. And then let yourself be led. Trust that we will bring you into your golden future of love.
It is coming and it isn't far now. 
Let this love flow through you and into Earth. Let it ground you.
Let it flow into the grid of Earth, and see it transported through Earth. Let this love fill all of Earth and then let it go towards everyone on it. 
Imagine everybody filled with love. What a wonderfull world that would be. 
It is where we are going. 
But for now, just be you, filled with love. Live love. Then the rest will come, for love is the strongest energy of all.
If you can't trust it then at least try it. It is all you need to do to get there and if ever there was a win-win situation, it is this one!

Lots of love, the Angels & Co 

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September 7 - 2020

