Winter Solstice

I can't wait for the days to get longer again, can you? At the same time there seems to be so much to do still, energy wise, before the year, and the decennium in this case, are over. So much to clear out, and so much to receive of the special energies that were part of the first part of the millennium. When I look back upon this time, so much has happened and so much has changed. Unbelievable but true. 
I ask the Angels & Co, what is important for us to let go of, to receive and to let happen during these last days of 2019, and during this very special Winter Solstice.
This is their answer:

So please, join us?

1. Wisdom - on Now

Immediately my ears start to ring. For those of you who have any form of Tinnitus, this is the sign that indeed the ringing of the ears, that so many of us have and that can be so annoying, is part of the changes in the energies during this time. When we are past duality, this will go, and our heads will be clear and open, more than ever. 
For now use your ears and eyes - all three of them - to hear the messages that the Angels & Co are sending you. For they are telling you that you are special, and that they would appreciate it very much if you would recognize and acknowledge that. For denying that you are special makes it so much harder to get the messages to you that you need to know, in order to be in tune with all that is happening now on Earth. 
Not being tuned in means that you might be swept away with the tide that is so strong now, and you might be blown off your feet, not having any control over your life at all. 
For a human being that is not a nice state to be in. 
Of course when everything is said an done, and Earth is free of duality, then it is perfectly okay and even preferable to be without control. Bur for now, humans that we are, it is more sensible to keep track of what is happening, and to be with the flow of Now. 
That way you can stay firmly grounded and connected to Earth, even as you fill yourself up with the new energies of love and light. 
For it is necessary for us to bring these energies down to Earth, and to connect them with Earth. We humans are needed to do that, and without us it wouldn't be possible. 
So yes, you probably are such a special person, who has signed up to do this. And doing it all together  now, it will be so much easier.

2. Manifestation - on The fear

Receiving these energies of love and light should be easy now, shouldn't it? You have been practicing all these years to do it right. Still we sense some fear or anxiety to really let go of the old, of the control, of the wanting or even needing to know what is happening exactly. Yes, for a human having lived in duality for so long it is hard to let go of the ways you have been building up in order to be as safe as possible, knowing that you are never really safe, because you live in a place where rain comes after a sunny day. 
That was the principle of duality, and so of life on Earth. And for some of you the bumps have been very high. Or low. And as a result it is hard for you to let go of those ways. They nade you feel as safe as possible in a place that wasn't safe.
We understand that and we will help you to find a way to let go, in a manner in which it is possible even for you to come with us into the new energies of love and light. 
Be sure that we will help you, for we want you all to come with us. That is why you are here during this time of enormous transformation. That is what you have signed up for. 
So don't be afraid that we will let you go, that we will let go of your hand, of your heart, because you are far too important to us to do so.
So come with us now and we will show you how to get through these changes safely. 

3. Isis: Enlightenment - on Letting go

So before I take you by the hand and take you with me, I will show you how to do it, because that will be a safer way for you than to follow me right away. 
Put your hands up into the sky  with your hands up, in a receiving manner. Connect with the Source of love. Ask for the rays of golden light, of love, of rose and yellow, for these are the energies of the new Earth.
Ask for those energies to flow through you. Through your crown chakra, through your body, your cells, your heart, your belly, your first chakra, your knees and your feet. 
From your feet let them flow into your groundings, into Earth. Then let them go through your Earth star, and let all those places within you be filled up with these energies of light and love. 
Then let them go through your Earth star down into the earth, until they connect with the heart of Earth, the love, the sun of Earth, where it is light and full of love. 
Let this place of light and love become bigger and bigger, for we are all sending love and light into it. It has to expend and of course that is what is meant to be now. 
See this source of Earth get bigger and bigger, slowly but securely, and see how in it all darker energies that are still inside of Earth are being dissolved in this flow. 
See how all of Earth is getting lighter and lighter, until the light reaches the surface, where human people live. 
Feel it touch your feet and let your feet bath in it. 
Ad lots of salt, so you will stay grounded. 
Stay like that for as long as you need in order to stay grounded. 
Let all the darker energies that are still inside of you flow with the energies of love and light into the Earth, where they will be dissolved, so when the energies are coming up from the heart of the Earth they will be pure lovelight. 

This is the ultimate transformation for you and for Earth. 

4. Ray of silver: Divine Feminine - on Friends and family

Can you feel your feet? How big and warm they are? The divine feminine is taking over now. It is planting this energy firmly into Earth, making the changes that are necessary to change the human way of thinking, that has been having the upper hand for so long. The way of thinking in which men had the power, and women were obliged to follow men. The idea of the divine feminine  is not that women are going to take the power, but that we are all going to live in equality. No more power of one being over another, but all of us in our own right, in our own power and in our own Divine Being. 
Once again, so much is changing and still needs to change in order to make that happen. On the other hand, it is happening already and has been evolving for some time now. The rest will come too, and if you think it is impossible then open your mind and don't let it tell you that anything is impossible. 
Let the new energies of lovelight fill your mind, until nothing will stop you from being open to the lovelight on Earth, to the possibility of it and to it really happening, even though so many people think it is impossible and you are crazy even thinking it. 
The energies are changing and nothing can stop it anymore. 

5. Mary Magdalene: Care - on You/Earth

So let us help you! Don't think that you have to do it alone and all by yourself. We are so near now, we want to help you so much. For you and for us, and for Earth itself. 
Be open to our love, to our care. Maybe all you need to do is to take lots of rest, to just sit, relax, and have fun. Put up a lot of lights so it is clear that the dark times are over, really over now. Not only for this season, but for life on Earth on the whole. 
Expect light, expect love. Expect to feel lighter every day, to feel more and more love in your heart every day. 
Until you are this beacon of love that sends love out into the world, into the people around you and into Earth. 
If that is all you do then you are doing great. 
The only thing is to watch yourself becoming too distracted, what with all these special days of Christmas and the New Year. So make it your number one priority to take some time each day to remember, to connect with the Source and the New Earth energies, and to rest in those. 
Just let them flow through you. That is all we are asking off you. 
Do it for you, for us, for Earth. For your friends, for your family, for all. 
And let us take care of you. Let the Devine feminine flow through you, let your own inner goddess shine. 
It is safe now. It is meant to be now. We are here to protect you now. The veils are as good as gone. 
Feel our loving care for you now. Receive it. Feel it flow through your entire body and through all your cells. In this care all darkness dissolves once again, and it leaves you so …..great? Wonderful? And so much more? 

çI ask the Angels & Co, what is important for us to let go of, to receive and to let happen during these last days of 2019, and during this very special Winter Solstice.
This is their answer:

6. Ray of White: Purity - on The gift

Everything. White is the color in which all colors are represented. All colors, All.

All together now! So let's form a big circle now, take your neighbors' hands, and let this loving care flow through you. First through yourself, then towards your neighbors, so it flows trough the whole circle, A circle that is surrounding Earth. From this circle we will all now let this loving, caring divine feminine light that is filling our own hearts, flow towards all the people on Earth. Everyone. No matter if you like them or not, no matter if you think they are doing it all wrong. Send the loving care to everybody, so everybody will become part of this loving care. They will be better persons for it, believe us! 
If every body would be filled with this loving care, no one would be suffering anymore, nobody would feel the urge to have power over another person, everybody would feel they have enough. Filled up with loving care means that you have what you crave, and so you won't need anything else but this feeling of being enough. You are enough, you are filled with enough. So what else would you want? 
You are loved! You are cared for! We are taking care of Earth until it is pure love. 
It would be a big help if you would form this circle with us, every day for a couple of minutes, for the next ten days. These last days of 2019, So we can enter the New Year clear and bright, loving en being loved. 
To make the New Earth really happen. 

 Thank you. We are so grateful to you all, who are helping Earth into a planet of love. 

 Lots of love, The Angels & Co.
