Spring Equinox

Today is the Spring Equinox. Always a strong energetic portal, this year it seams to be even stronger. This White Light is the light of intens healing, for us and for Earth. So much is happening, again and still, and so much is being healed en transformed. Very old stuf is coming up, so we can heal it and move on into the New Earth. 
So I'm asking the Angels & Co, can you help us transform, can you help us know and understand what is happening, can you help us where we need your help so we can transform our deepest issues, and so earth can be transformed on her deepest issues?
So that we can now move into the New Earth?

This morning I woke up with a white light around me. It scared me because I know that white light isn't always of the loving kind. It reminds me of the white light of psychoses, of electrocution, of electro shocks, of dark beings showing me a kind of white light to fool me into their power. 
Luckily for me I was for-warned that today - the spring equinox - a portal of white light of intens healing is opening up for us. 
So this time, instead of hiding me or turning into my defensive state, I tried to relax, and called the light of the Angels and Co to help me. 
Which of course they did. But which this time I could receive to the full. 
Receiving being the operative word here. 

1. Ray of rose: the truest love - on Now

Yes, this White Light is full of love. Not even a hint of falseness or confusion, it is the deep healing light of divine love. But in order to be able to let it in, you need to be able to trust it. To know it is there, to know that is the pure light from Source. For you people, having lived in duality on earth for so long, have had lots of experiences where you have met a different kind of light. 
We are here now to lead you through those experiences, from this life and any other lifetime, where you have experienced a light that wasn't of the Light of love.
It is also possible that this light is too much for you and your system, because your human bodies need to change so that they can receive this much healing, loving light. 
So many experiences have given you so much need to be careful. Sometimes justly, sometimes not, but you do need to be careful because when you take in too much of this light when your body isn't up to it yet, then you really need to do it slowly. Too much light, even of the great light of the love from source, can be like an electrical circuit, where too much electricity is going through. It can cause fire, or an explosion, or something like that. 
We don't want that to happen to you, so we will guide you from here, whether you feel it or not, so this light can become a part of your being slowly and carefully. So no harm of any kind can come to you through this light.
You will be safe, and if there is anything this light of love is bringing you, it is safety. Safety from the harm that was a part of duality. Safely within a place of the light of love. 
Feel this ray of rose as a warm and gentle cloak around you. Let it comfort you, let it love you. 
This is where you will be safe, in our arms of love. Love is the highest frequency in the universe, and nothing negative can enter into it. 
Feel it, get to know it. Enjoy it.

Take a deep cleansing breath and let the energies pass through you.

2.   Mary Magdalene: care - on The fear

I know how it feels when people are afraid of your light. I know how it feels when people are jealous of your light. I know what people are capable of when you show your light into the world. I know what people, living in duality, are capable of when you are living on Earth as a being of light. 
I, like you, have been hurt, and tortured, put to the test and evicted. I know what pain is. 
Having said that, now it is that time where all of humanity is going to be forgiven. So we don't need to be afraid anymore of what people can do to you, or even what you can do to harm other people. 
It is the end of duality, it is the end of fear, the end of anger, the end of negativity. It isn't necessary anymore to live those feelings, because it is the end of duality. 
As an individual, you have experienced enough to have learned all you needed or wanted to learn as a soul. 
It is done. You have succeeded. You get your stripes, you get your diploma, and you can go on. 
You can go and put your  - first? - steps in a place of love and trust. 
You did it!
If you are afraid to make that change then know that I am still here to help you take it. For of course you are afraid - after so much darkness and so many promises, from our part too - that is isn't true yet. So it is OK to be afraid. Accept that fear, and take it into your loving arms. Give it the possibility to transform into love. 
I am taking care of you, even thought the New World is developing around you now. Those fears of the light are natural, and need to be taken seriously. We all have these experiences of a fear of light, in one way or another. So take them seriously, for only then can they dissolve into love. 

Rest for a couple of minutes. Take some time to let this happen.

3. Forgiveness - on Letting go

This new portal of white light is bringing us the power of forgiveness. It may be easy for you to forgive or it may be very hard, and you feel you don't have it in you to forgive certain people or experiences. That is OK, because the energies that are circling earth  now, from today on, are so full of forgiveness that it won't even matter if you can forgive or not. 
But do allow yourself to be forgiven! Sometimes, when you have been hurt, or you have been hurting others, you will find it very hard to forgive, and forgiving yourself can be the hardest thing of all. 
But it doesn't matter anymore, because the earth itself is changing. Everything and everyone will be forgiven. 
It is done. Duality has been lived to the core, and a new dawn is here. 
All you need to do now is to sit back and relax and to let it happen. Then, when that too is done, you can go and live your new life of love. 
This new portal of forgiveness is ready for you now. It is enveloping you into its rays of love, forgiving you and everybody else whom you are not yet ready to forgive. That way you can also let go of your judgements, fairly or unfairly, and of your doubt. Of your need to blame yourself or anybody else. 
That too will be forgiven, because it is that time. 

Take a deep breath, and realize what is happening! For you, for earth and for everybody on it.

4. Freya: feminine power - on Family and friends

Hey! I love to be of service to you and it would make me so happy to help you wherever you think you need help. I just allow my ribbons of many colors do their thing, and take everything that doesn't feel quite right for you with them. 
I would love to help you to fill your world with your own colors, with your own unique self, which you only can get to really know when you are free of the negativity you have collected in your life/lives on the dual earth. 
Don't think you will get restless or over exited, in a way that doesn't feel good. In a way where it might seem that it is too much for you to handle, even though it is only for the good that it is happening. 
As a human you need to get used to the good too, and that time is now. So let me help you, as I so much love to help. Let me help you to receive your colors, your uniqueness, slowly and steadily, so you will be able to receive them in good order. 
Nothing is gained now by taking too much at once, as maybe you did need to learn before. Now it is time to take it slowly, as it comes, so you can steadily and securely enter your new life of love and light. 
Maybe you have been helped in ways that didn't feel good for you. Maybe there seemed to be too much care, and you wanted so much more to be free, to do it your way, to be you. To discover for yourself what life had in store for you. 
Or maybe there wasn't any care at all, and you had to do it all by yourself, although you were much too young to know how. 
Maybe it was both, which is even harder to let go of because of the confusion it brings with it. 
Now, in this flow of forgiveness, your will be able to forgive all of that too, and to step into your new life of love and light. 
But I am here to help you even if it is only to let you know and experience how it is to be helped in a way that is comforting instead of suffocating. Even it it is just to let you know that help can be great. That it is great to be able to do things together, and that exactly that can make you stronger and more secure. 
That you are safe, even though you are being helped. For of course it depends so much on who you allow to help you.
I would love to help you from my place of pure joy.

5. Joy! - on You / Earth

Yes! Joy!
Joy can be frightening too, can't it? Living joy in duality meant that was lived only for a short amount of time, and then it was being taken away from you, one way or another. Gently or harshly.
You may have experiences that joy was being taken from you in extreem measures, and you come to be afraid of joy. 
But now this joy will be the kind of joy that is connected to a different Earth, that is off a different Earth. An Earth free of duality, free of the need to live your life from both sides, up and down, light and dark, where you needed to  learn from your mistakes. Where you needed to learn from negativity. 
Imagine now, you living on an earth of joy. Joy under your feet as your most trustworthy companion. Together in joy. 
A joy that is steady and comforting, that is here for ever. Earth a planet of love and light and joy. 
It is hard to imagine, isn't it, especially after this last year of hardship. But you might know by now that that is exactly what was necessary for you and for Earth and everybody on it, to live through. To be able to make this enormous transformation, to let all the negative energies be there, up onto the surface, in order to have them transformed. 
And don't think we haven't been helping you all the way, for we have. You did your thing and we did ours, and together we have been able to make it happen. Still do. 
For we have been sending you all those rays of light and love, and you have picked them up and let them help you. 
That was our coordination, and of course this will continue until it is done. Until Earth is that planet of light and love en joy, and until everybody on it is too. 
You and your loved ones, but also your biggest enemies. For they too will turn into love now, because love will be all there is to be lived on earth. And everybody is coming from love. 
Are you already imagining it!?

So much love, the Angels & Co

6. Change - on The gift

Our gift to you is change. Your world is going to change, and there is no need whatsoever to be afraid of it. A lot is happening, and it is easy for a human being to step into fear, because you are so used to things going the wrong way, into negativity and darkness. 
But the changes that are happening now are all for the good, and you can expect them to be great. Your old restraints are being taken away from you, as far as you allow them to go, so you will feel good about it. But let us strip you of all your restraints, so you will becomeā€¦.You. 
For when all those old harmful feelings fall away from you, the real you will become visible. Your light, your love, will become visible. Can you feel it already?
And that will be the biggest change of all. You able and safe to be the real you. First for yourself, and then in general. You will discover who you really are. You will be able to live your own uniqueness. 
Our gift to you is You!
Out gift to you is to be able to feel safe to be you. Our gift to you is safety. Our gift to you is for you to know that you are safe to be you.

Imagine you!

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

03 - 20 - 2021

