Summer Solstice 2021

Time flies, doesn't it! Already we are halfway through 2021, and what a time it has been. So much transformation has been going on. It wasn't easy, but it was strong.
Now we have arrived on this special day, the end of spring and the beginning of summer: the summer Solstice. Have a look at the date: 06 - 21 - 2021 = 5, which means freedom. Of course this year is a year of 5 (2+2+1) too.

So let's see what the Angels & Co can tell us about this day and the next part of this year, shall we?!

1.Yemanaya: Golden opportunities - on Now

The dolphins are jumping up and down, in and out of the water. We have done it, is what they are shouting. We have changed the energies on Earth and the frequenty has become so much higher. It is what was meant to be, but until it happened nothing was certain, because you, people on earth, have your own free will and that is what could have stopped this flow of opportunity. 
But it didn't, which means that there are enough people who kept the energies high enough for Earth to evolve into these higher frequencies of love. 
On this day of the Summer Solstice, once again changes are happening, opening up a new world of love and light on Earth. 
And you can step into it, if you want to. 
So take this opportunity to do just that. Let yourself be led by the dolphins and Yemanaya, divine mother of the seas, into love and light. Let love and light surround you, let it enter your body, your cells, your DNA, and let it heal you from all the old and past experiences that were not of love nor light. Let those dissolve in this lovelight. Set yourself free, so you too will be ready to start your life of love on Earth. 
Let the dolphins help you to ground these energies, so they connect with Earth through you, so Earth is going to be filled with the love that is flowing through you. So that Earth is closer than ever to being a planet of love.
Feel the grounding of these energies, and feel them fill the earth beneath you. 
These energies are so joyful, and joy is hard to ground. But the dolphins are ready to help you do that now. So jump with the dolphins and their joy into the sky and then let them take you deep down into the sea. Dump the energies of love there, and  - as a kind of bonus - the oceans will be cleansed too. 
This is what is happening now.

2. Ray of rose: Universal Love - on The fear

The dolphins are helping us and helping Earth. That is why they are here. Especially during this time of soul deep transformation. They are offering us their joy and freedom and they are so eager to give it to us. 
So receive it and let it help you to let go of the last vestiges of fear or other negative energy inside of you or around you. Just imagine that the soft pink ray of love is entering your aura, your body and everything, and see all negativity dissolve. Feel the deep peace of it happening. Give up all struggle, all defenses that you build around you because it wasn't safe for you to be, but which you don't need anymore now. Because the energies around you have been changing and are so much clearer now. Let the dolphins in, because they are dolphins of love, here to help you let go, here to help you be happy and free. 
See or imagine that these rays of rose are flowing all over the earth, entering animals and trees, buildings, people, the seas and the land. Help imagine Earth as a planet of love, so all fear dissolves. 
It starts with your imagination, with our imagination, and from there it becomes reality. 
Feel the love in your heart now, and start from there. Let it grow, let it surround you, let it become bigger and brighter and let it flow. 
You are such an important part of Earth in her process of becoming a planet of lovelight. 
So let yourself be helped in order for you to be able to help Earth.

3. Mary Magdalene: Care - on Letting go

Now relax. Mary Magdalene is taking care of you with her oils and potions. Can you smell them? She is taking care of you in the same way she was taking care of Jesus, the night before his crucifixion, helping him relax. That is when this cycle of healing was started, and now it is coming to an end. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. 
Taking care of yourself now, with the help of Mary M, is the best thing that you can do. In this relaxation you will feel grounded. Your muscles will relax, so the energies can flow effortlessly through you and into the earth. 
You, people on Earth are needed to do that, to bring the energies of lovelight into the earth itself. From the bathtub, filled with rose petals, that Mary M has prepared for you, let this happen. Know that you are safe now. Safe in the arms of Mary M, safe in the arms of the dolphins, safe in the higher frequencies of love on Earth. 
That is all we need from you now. 
I love you all, says Mary M, and I am enveloping you in my love for you. That way no harm can be done to you anymore, because in love harm doesn't exist. No negativity can enter into love. Feel the love and know you are safe. 
It is so important for you to know that you are safe, for that's the way to let go of those last fears and negativities. Because letting go means to let go of your old defenses, the ones you have been building during this lifetime and probably during many lifetimes past, where you weren't safe. Where you were living different kinds of lives, learning and living duality. Good and bad, dark and light. So you needed those defenses and that's why you have been building them. 
Now it is possible for you to fill yourself up with love. Now the love that is already flowing on and over Earth is so thick, that it is possible for you to grab a hold of it, and to let it surround you. Then you are safe and you will know it when you are there. 
You will know when you will be ready to do the things you have probably always wanted to do but couldn't. No more undermining, no more barriers that will stop you from reaching your Devine goals.
You will know it in your gut when you are ready. Fill yourself up with this love, and feel how it makes it possible for you to let go of your defenses. 
For now, take care of yourself and know that it is me, Mary Magdalene, taking care of you.

4. Raphael: healing - on Family and friends

So many of you are afraid that, if you let go and step into the light, you have to leave your loved ones behind, because they are not there yet. I assure you that that is not the case, unless you feel you want or need to let them go yourself. But if you don't want to loose them, then send them love. That is the best way for them and for you, so they too will be able to grow in love, as you did. Be careless with love and let it go everywhere. Maybe sometimes you need to be a bit careful because the person you send it to isn't used to so much love and feels threatened by it. People are often afraid of what they don't know. So send a little less, or send it less often, but do send it. They will know, in the long run, how to receive it. 
Relax. Feel how this sending of love to your loved ones relaxes you, comforts you. You don't need to loose them, because they can come with you, even though it isn't right now. But then again, you didn't get to where you are now - this being of love - in one day either, did you!?
Be in love, let yourself be surrounded by love, and it will heal you. Then, through you, it will heal the people around you. 
That is how it works. You are able to influence people. People influence each other. People who are negative, influence the people around them with their negativity, and people who are positive, who are love, influence the people around them with love. 
You knew that already, but now it is time to live it. To let your love be, and to let it flow to the people around you. 
When you are love, it will just happen. 
So relax.

5. Ray of New Gold: Elohim/the pure light of love - on Earth/You

The purest light of love is here on earth now, for you and for everybody else. Let go of all feelings of doubt. That it can't be true. That you aren't worth it. That you aren't good enough. That you don't deserve it. Or that the people around you don't deserve it.
Everybody who is here on Earth at this time deserves it, and is able to go with it. 
In order for Earth to be this planet of love, we need everybody on it to live this golden lovelight in her highest form. And vice versa.
Imagine rivers of this golden lovelight flowing around and through Earth, through you and through everybody on Earth. All of us are becoming this golden lovelight in its purest form. 
It is your destiny. 
All is one in this light. 
For you this means that you will be who you truly are and that you will finally be able to do the things you have always known you really wanted to do. To be your own unique self, to live your gifts and talents and to be admired for them. To be free of constraints. To be free. To be love. 

6. Ray of Blue: cleansing/cleansed - on The gift

So relax and look up into a clear blue sky. No clouds, no birds, no planes! Just the clear blue of the sky. Let yourself be cleansed by it. Relax.
It is very important for you now to relax, to sleep, or to do things that are relaxing for you. For when you are relaxed you open up to healing, and as your muscles relax, positive energies can flow into them. Be open to receive the new golden lovelight of Earth. 
Earth too is being cleansed now of all negativity, whether you can imagine it or not. 
Imagine a clear blue sea. Imagine a clear blue sky. Imagine dolphins jumping around, in the sea and in the sky. Feel their joy, their freedom. Now jump into the sea and join the dolphins. Play with them and let them play with you. Feel their freedom and feel their joy of you joining them. Feel their desire of you being a part of their family. Feel their desire to be one with you.
Doesn't that make you happy!
So let it happen: be one with their energy of love and joy. Connect with their freedom.
It is all about being free. About being free to be you. Of being your unique self, with all of your gifts and talents. Knowing it is safe to be you. 

It is your time to shine. 

So much love!. The Angels & Co. 

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

06 - 21 - 2021

