Autumn Equinox

1.Transcendence - on Now

We are going to transcend judgement on this planet Earth. It is such an important step towards unity and it really shouldn't be forgotten. Judgement is one of the most important reasons for strife, for inequality, for war. To be judged means that you are thought to be wrong, not fitting within the rules that are on the upper hand at the time. You are being punished one way or another. Send to gail, left behind, exposed as bad or wrong, etc. Not fitting. With all of the consequences it brings with it. 
The judgement from one person towards the other has ruled for such a long time on earth. Now we are going to transcend it, now it is time to pass this new portal of love of the autumn equinox, and to step into equality. The energy is so different on the other side of this portal. It is so bright and loving, even more so than we have seen so far. On the other side there is happiness, people are dancing and singing and playing. They are having fun. 
No more judgement. Do you have any idea what that means, and how different the world is going to be without it? 
If you have lived through a lot of judgement, and most of you who are reading this do, then you will know. 
So imagine how your world will look like when there is no more judgement and where you are free to be you. Absolutely free to be you! 

2. Ray of Rose: unconditional love - on The fear

So what are you so afraid of? Are you afraid that all this love will swallow you whole? Are you afraid that you won't recognize yourself anymore? Are you afraid that you will be the only one who is going to step into this love and you loose everything and everyone that is known and valuable to you? 
But what is more important than love? And don't you realize that when you are in these rays of love, you won't be alone ever again, because love is an all encompassing energy and within it nobody is alone? Don't you realize that love is the energy of unity? 
So why are you afraid of falling, of sliding? Why can't you just trust in these new energies of love on Earth, and understand that you are passing into a new way of being? 
Is it so hard to understand? 
Why can't you just change your way of thinking and step into the consciousness of love and trust? 
What are you afraid of? 
Are you afraid that it isn't going to be true? Have you been disappointed once too often, and it that why you can't trust it anymore? Why you can't believe it anymore?
Are you afraid of being judged, or are you afraid of not being judged and feeling lost without it? Because without judgement you feel insecure, and don't know if you are doing it right or not? Because you are so used to judgment that you can't decide for yourself anymore? You can't trust yourself anymore because you have been judged once too often?
What are you afraid of?
Is your brain so fixed in the old world on earth that it isn't able to adjust to another way of thinking?
Take some time now to sit back and look into yourself, and let everything come up that is holding you back from coming with us into these new energies of love. Just look into your heart, and let it come up, because now is your opportunity to sense it, to recognize it and to let go of it. 
Because now we are here to help you.

3. Joy - on Letting go.

So realize this. Realize what holds you back from letting go of judgement. Realize what it is that makes you afraid to let it go. 
Trust yourself in what is coming up. Give whatever is coming up into the hands of the angels. Don't be embarrassed, for we have all been through it. We have all done things of which we are ashamed or feel guilty about. In this life or in previous lives. We have all been there. No one has only lived lives in which they were good. The purpose of living in duality was to live all kind of different feelings and issues, so you would become wiser and full of compassion and love. 
So feel the love again now and let it fill up all of your judgments about yourself. If you can do that it is much easier to forgive the people who have hurt you and it is necessary now to let go of all judgement and of all hurt. For you, for Earth and for everybody on it. 
Each time you see yourself pointing a finger at someone else, for whatever reason that seems fair or unfair, look at your finger and let compassion flow. 
We have come into a different frequency on Earth. Maybe not for everyone yet, but let it be here for your. 
Feel how it is to be without judgement, to not needing to feel you have to judge.  Take judgement inside of you, swallow it whole. And know that you are doing it, know that you have made the decision to let go of judgement. 
Then breath, and feel the space it gives you to be you. 
Use the ray of rose now to let all judgement that is still inside of you, be blown away. Let it flow down into the earth where it can be used as fertilizer for the new Earth. 
Judgement has been such an important part of life on earth. It has been like a spiderweb , connecting everything and everyone, holding them back, forbidding them to be themselves, with the fear of death in mind. 
Feel or see the love dissolve all these spiderwebs, feel how it clears everything. Your aura, your energy field, your surroundings, Earth. 
Then imagine there is no judgement anywhere anymore on earth. How happy would you be?! How happy everybody would be!
It is what is happening now. The New Earth is coming. Right before you, behind you, and all around you. 
Imagine it, feel it, and let it happen. For if we all imagine it, it will happen. The power of positive thinking is getting stronger and stronger.  The more people imagining it, the sooner it will be our reality. 
Not long now. 

4. Ray of Silver: Divine feminine - on Family and friends

Feel what it does to you when there is no judgement anymore. Maybe it makes you tired at first, because being judged has forced you to be alert all the time. Because in judgement you have learned to be as the other person, or school, or society, has forced you to be. The harsher the judgement the more alert you have needed to be. 
We all know the judgement of our parents, don't we? Whether they meant well or not, as a person you want to be appreciated and loved by them, so you listen to waht they say what they want and act accordingly.
It is what you take with you in the rest of your life. 
Send love to your parents now, and to all those friends by whom you feel to be judged in a negative way, and let your attachment to their judgement go. 
No more judgement for you, no matter how impossible it seems to be right now. Especially now, where so much judgement is going around with everything that is happening.
So you be the grownup now. You be the wise one now. You be in connection with love now. Let all the spiderwebs dissolve and feel the freedom of it. 
Feel the soft sweet rays of love within you and around you and let that be your new way of being. No matter what. And know that, as you do this, you are helping Earth too to become free of judgement. To become a planet of freedom.

5. Freya: feminine power - on You/Earth

The energies on earth are changing. The straight lines of male power are dissolving, changing, loosing their grip. We are getting into the spirals and ribbons of the feminine. Relaxing, liberalizing, making way for the new. It is written in the stars and the time is now. It doesn't matter anymore who is doing what, who is thinking what, for it is happening now. It cannot be stopped anymore. 
So let go. Don't even try, for it might make you stumble and get hurt. That is not the meaning of this time. The idea is to go with these rays of feminine energy, to not protest them, but to follow them. That will be your new hold. Just to go with it, no matter how hard it will seen to be at first to just let go.
So let us help you to let go, and to take this boat on a river of love and light. To not hold on to anything you know, but to trust that, in letting go, you will feel so much better and safer and so full of joy. Let the beautiful soft colors of the feminine help you, support you, warm you up. Let those colors ground you in the new Earth. 
If you are feeling very tired now, you are doing it right. For all these changes take their toll, even if they are all for the good now. Your body needs adjustment, your mind needs adjustment, even your soul needs adjustment. And to be honest, after all the going with this tremendous new flow of love it feels good to be tired, and to need to get some rest. 
So rest now, and feel grounded. 
Sit still, sit against a free. Be.

6. Fulfillment - on The gift

Feel your tiredness for as long as you need it. Maybe it will take you a couple of hours, days or even weeks. It doesn;t matter, for when your energy level is accustomed to the new energies, you will know it. New opportunities will arise before you, and you will know that now it is your time. Your time to live those goals you have been dreaming of for so long, and couldn't accomplish, no matter how hard you tried. It wasn't your time jet and you know that now. 
It is all about divine timing, now more so than ever before. 
Your divine timing may be - probably  is - different from the people around you. It doesn't matter, even if you are the first to take this leap of faith now, for they will follow. These changes arre not happening only for you. Earth itself is changing, with everybody on it. So they will follow.  Everybody in her or his own divine moment in time. 
If you need to take the lead, you can trust that it is your divine destiny to do that. If it isn't, you will know it.
Trust that it is all happening now. Trust that you are on the right track, and let it happen. 
Do what you feel that you need to do in order to make it happen, and then let all control go, and let it happen. 
Trust that we, angels of love, are helping you because now we can, even if we couldn't before. Maybe there will be some pitfalls still, but don't let that stop you. You will live through those too, as you did before, and each time they will be easier to overcome. Until you are there where you have always thought you wanted to be, where you should be, where you thought your higher destiny would be during this lifetime of yours.
Expect fulfillment.  

All our love for you, 

The Angels & Co

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09 - 22 - 2021

