
Are you tired, confused, sad, or scared? Or do you feel any other sensation that feels negative or heavy? All of those sensations need to come to the surface now, because of the transformative energies flowing on Earth during this time, the end of 2021. And if you thought so much has been happening already, then brace yourself because so much more is going to happen still. 
Do know that it's all for the good of all. 

I ask the angels to make it easy on us, so that we can shine our love and light freely, without the need to go into the situations that have made it hard before. So they can help us to do just that. 
This is what they say:

Of course we can call every angel letter a letter of transformation, but today there is even more transformation going on than there has been through any of the letters that have been written until now.

1.On your own two feet - on Now

You may have the feeling that you have to live your life all by yourself. Maybe with some help sometimes, but never really connected to the people around you, having to figure everything out by yourself. Having to take care of yourself.
You may have the feeling that you are cut off from the love and light of Source, only having your human brain to solve the problems you are in need to solve. 
That would have been correct, maybe even until now, but the times are changing, and more love and light are flowing towards Earth and on Earth than ever before. And although it may seem like things are getting worse, and you can't seem to be able to hold on to your old ways of surviving, it is only a sign that you are right on track. The ego is loosing hold, the ways of surviving that were true before, when Earth was separated from the unconditional love of Source, that is what is changing, and therefor a different kind of surviving becomes inevitable. 
Holding on to old patterns is not going to help you anymore, because they are holding you back within those same old energies. Now is the time to really let go of those solutions, now it is time to let go and to trust that, when you let go, you will go and be part of the new flows of love on Earth. 
In order to be able to go with that flow it is necessary, but also possible and advisable, to let go of anything that gave you an idea of a hold in the old energies on Earth. From now on you need to let go of any hold your are still holding onto, in order to be able to be in these new flows of unconditional love that are flowing so abundantly now on this New Earth. 
We never said it would be easy, and it is happening now, more so than ever before. 
It feels as if you need to let go of thát hold that was the most important to you, and to let yourself be swept off your feet just like that, without anything new to hold onto, and into this huge river of … A love you haven't known on Earth and that feels overwhelming and even strange. And how can you trust something, from this point of view of the old Earth, that is feeling strange? 

2. Transformation - on The fear

Nothing seems to be more difficult for a human being than to be without any hold. You have needed a hold, any hold it seems, to feel more or less secure, and being without it is as if you are swept into a wild river, not knowing where or when it will stop, or if it will ever stop at all. And if it doesn't stop you will certainly drown.
This is the transformation that is going on now. Can you imagine what is going on? Because this is huge. The old ways of living on Earth, the old ways of being able to survive, are changing, are not even working anymore. You have to find new ways, that are so very different from what you are used to, without knowing where you are going and where it will end. 
As human beings you are so used to the need of having a hold, any hold, that it seems unimaginable to be without that survival pattern. 
The fear is to drown, and that of course is also something of the old Earth. That you will certainly drown if you can't hold on to something or someone. And that is where the big change in your ways of thinking will have to be, where you need to be able to let go of that idea. The idea that you need a hold, and that without that you will be totally and completely lost. 
And that is exactly the fear we are going to help you with. So that you, who are reading this, will be able to let go of those last holds you have been creating all of your live in order to be able to survive the best way you can, and that are already crumbling now, and can be dissolved without you falling back in old fears. We are going to help you now to let go of those convictions, so that you will be able to let them go and to be in the new flow of unconditional love, knowing that it is safe, and so much safer than you have ever been in any life on Earth, and to live that way from now on. 
It might still scare the hell out of you, and we can only assure you that you will be fine. You will be great. You will be happy and free, and without any fear at all. Because this was the deepest fear of any human being who lived on an earth that was separated from the light of love, where you needed your own skills of survival to be as safe as possible. 

3. Fulfillment - on Letting go

So feel your fears now. Let them be there, and don't hold back. Now is the time for healing, for transforming those deepest fears of you, human beings, living on an earth that was separated from love. Feel your sadness, your confusion about what is happening, and know that this is what is changing for you now: that you are on the threshold of living this other life now, on a new earth, where it is safe because you will be in the flows of love. 
Maybe still looking for something to hold onto, and struggling to stay with your head above the water, but then suddenly or desperately, feeling the flow get softer and slower, realizing that you are in the flow of love. The waters around you are becoming softly flowing, caressing even. You will realize that you don't need anything here, that it is completely safe to just float. That the water around you feels warm and caring, just for you. 
Almost unimaginable for a human being of these times, but so true. 
Being there, on this softly flowing river of love, you can let go of any hold you were still trying to hold onto. You know that you are safe, and nothing else matters anymore. 
You don't need to do anything, you can just let go and see where you are going, because floating in this river of love can't be anything but loving. And you will know that in this unconditional love, where you can't be wrong or criticized or even punished for what you do or for who you are, there is only love and love caresses you, validates you, praises you. All that you are is good. There is no judgement anymore, there is not even forgiveness, because you are in love. 
So if any fear is still coming up now, feel it, be with it and let it be dissolved now. Whatever fear of not being good enough, of needing punishment for things you have done during this lifetime or any other. Allow forgiveness to take all those fears from you, and dare to be without them, realizing that now you are in a flow of unconditional love. 
Knowing that yes, we have been living on an earth that was closed off from this kind of love, and that that is the thing that is changing, and that makes anything possible, even being without fear, on earth. 
Let your fears being washed away now. Allow it. You have been so used to live in fear that fear itself has become something to hold onto, maybe has grown into the very thing that was your most important hold, as it made you constantly aware and alert, so you could make your decisions from there.  Make those decisions that kept you as safe as possible, or as thriving as possible. 
Let us help you now. Let it happen now. Let go of even those deep fears now, those ways of surviving, so that you too can be embraced by the river of love. 

4. Raphael: healing - on Friends and family

Once again: don't be afraid that you have to leave your friends and/or family behind, for we are all going to be living on this New Earth. There is no doubt about that anymore. The New Earth is a given, not a concept or anything. The whole Earth is being cleaned of the old energies of fear, confusion, anger, judgement, etc. 
Feel it now, be with it. Let it heal you on such a deep level that it can really dissolve, so that you can really be without the fear of not having anything to hold on to. Feel it in your feet, feel it in your gut. Feel it in your backbone. Let the healing of Raphael flow through it ever so softly and gently, so that it won't feel like a big tidal wave anymore, but like the softest flow of unconditional love.
Softly now. Feel how you are being held in this love. It is safe to be in this love. It is safe to be loved. It is safe to love.
No conditions attached to this love. You are good, your are great, you are this big shining light of love. You are this love. It is in your heart now, as it has always been, but now you will be able to know it, to know yourself as this being of love. No more doubts about it. 
You are this being of love. 
You are this being of love that is able to forgive all your friends and family for what they didn't do right for you, and for anything you have ever done to them, and for what they or you have ever done wrong in general. You will be able to let all this love in your heart be, flowing into their hearts, making them beings of love too. 
As they always were of course, deep down inside. You will realize that too. 

5. Receiving - on You/Earth

So you go first. Be the person that can take your friends and family with you, because you are the first one to make yourself available for what is happening on earth right now. You be the one to receive the unconditional love of Source, you be the first one to be in the Unity of love
We know that it isn't easy for a human to do this, as it is so different from the ways you have been living for so long, but we urge you to be open to receive our help. To let us help you to make this biggest of all steps: to step from an Old Earth, where you were closed off from love, into the New Earth where unconditional love rules. Where you need to trust in what we are telling you here is true: that it is safe now, where it hasn't been safe before, to let go and to go with love. 
To be open to it, and to let it enter your being. 
If it is hard for you to trust this, just take it easy. Take one step at the time. Don't force yourself to go quicker than you feel is OK. Ask the angels to be careful with you. 
Don't think that this is just one more small step. This is what it is all about, and even though you have come far already, this step is the step of all steps, and here you are giving up the old ways of surviving on an earth that wasn't safe, because it was an earth of  duality, of good and bad. Closed off from the light. 
Let us help you to grow your trust in this New Earth. Take it as slowly as feels good for you. We won't push you, we will just help you along, standing in the sidelines, cheering you on. 

6. Wisdom - on The gift

Take your own time. Going too quickly here will not make it quicker but might make you stumble, which wouldn't help anyone. 
Be with yourself, be within yourself, stay grounded, maybe more than ever before, and in contact with the Source of Earth. Realize that Earth is love now, so you won't get cold feet going through this proces. Earth is love now, so don't be scared that it will make life difficult again. Earth itself has changed, and it is filled with love now. 
Realize your own fears of living on an earth that wasn't love, but was of duality. Where things could go up or down, and where those were the things you had to do: good and bad.. Realize that Earth is now a place of love unconditional. That is the flow we have been talking about in this letter, that is the flow that is available to you now. That is the flow we're offering you now. Unconditional love. Realize that! Don't be confused about that, you who have been living on this other Earth for so long. 
It is as if you will finally be able to rest in the arms of your unconditionally loving mother, where you are really safe. 
Imagine that and you will get there shortly now.

One last thing: make a pact with mother Earth to be together as she too is your mother of love. And remember: feel the love first, and let that help you to let go of the fear.

All our love for you, 

The Angels of love

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

10 - 22 - 2021

