
So today is the day. That very special date of 22-02-2022. So much numerology within this date, (all the 2's, two 6es, 12 and 3.) I won't go into that, you can look it up by yourself if you are interested. What I do want to do today, is asking the Angels & Co what is so special about today and this big portal of love. What does it mean for us and what does it mean for Earth?

1. Eve: Freedom, happiness - on Now

It is your time for freedom now. For all of you, my dear children of love. You have been working so hard to get to this day, this very special date of 22-02-2022.  This big portal of love. 
You ask what does it mean, for you, for Earth. 
You all know that Earth is in a special transitional fase, as are you. Everything is shifting now. You can probably feel the intensity of it, the movement, the restlesness of it. As a human, living on Earth, you are used to hang on to things or people, in order to be able to feel safe. In all this turmoil it is hard to stick with that, because it is as if Earth itself is moving. 
Of course that is always the case, but this is another kind of movement. Something seems to be shivering inside, as if it is trying to get rid of old stuf, old ideas of how to live your life, of what to do in order to get what you want or need. Old ways of grabbing hold of something or someone, looking into your future and being focused on that, being focused on getting there.
There is nothing wrong with that of course, but it is a very male energy, and what is happening now is that the female energies of creativity and flexibility are flowing into you and Earth, wanting to play with the old male ways of living. A certain kind of balance is needed and the power of male over female needs to change. 
The energies seem to be shivering, more with anticipation than with fear. Or maybe that too, because familiar things always seem to be more safe, as in something to hold onto, even thought it wasn't that great in the first place. But there is no going around it anymore. Earth is changing, and you need to change with it. 
So I offer you to let go. To let go of your idea of needing to hold on to something or someone in order to feel safe, in order to get things done. 
Of the need to see your future before you and to be focused on that. To make that happen what you have in your mind. 
I offer you freedom of that way of being, and to be more of your feminine self, man or woman. Which means to be more of you. Let your imagination flow, let it move you, look around you, dance, sing, be. Be your creativity, no matter if you have done it in a different way all of your life. 
Let the energies take you with it, instead of focusing on one goal which is straight ahead of you. 
Let it all go, and be free and happy. Trust that the new energies of love will support you, guide you and fulfill you. 
For that is what is happening now, for you and for Earth. 

2. Purity - on The fear

It isn't that easy, now is it? To let go of all you have ever been thinking of what is the best way to do things, of how to go about getting your goals work. 
Because what we are asking of you to do is to let all of that go. Not just a little bit of it, but all of it, and to be in the present moment, with your Angels & Co, and to let them guide you. And to trust that then you will get where you thought you needed to be in the first place so much easier. Because they know where you need to be, and they have so much more power to get you there than you have. 
Now, now that the energies are changing, have changed so much already, now they are touching your angel wings, and they can lead you into the right direction for you so much easier than you yourself could ever imagine. And maybe you will go someplace very different from where you thought you would go, and be so much happier for it. 
Today is a portal of love. Of pure love. Love is filling your heart, and it is taking all of your old fears of being without something to hold on to away from you. So feel it, feel how you are now, in this moment, without anything to hold onto. Be in this moment. Can you feel how it is grounding you? 
Funny isn't it, for you would probably think that being without a hold you would be blown away in this big storm of love. But you are not. If you focus inside of you, breathe into your heart, you will notice that you are more grounded than ever.  
Then you can let the love energies flow through you and into Earth, so that Earth is being filled up with love. You are the vessel and you may now let go of any fear of that, and of not being in control of your own life. If you look into your heart you will know, maybe even without knowing, that you are meant to be this vessel of love for Earth, and that it is completely safe for you to be it now.
Because this way all your old fears and ideas about how you should handle things will fall away from you.  You will feel the weight fall from your shoulders and you will know that you are freed from the old ways of doing things on Earth. All the heaviness of having the responsibility of living your life the best way, for yourself or for others who 'are' your responsibility, are falling away from your shoulders. You can step away from them, and step into your new world, where things are open and free. Where the energies are pure, and light. 
There is only you now, and you can drink from these new energies of love to your hearts desire. 
Pure love. 
You will know that this has been your goal all the time. You will know that you can stop searching for whatever you were searching for. You will know that you are exactly where you should be right now, and nothing else matters. 

3. Buddha: inner silence - on Letting go

So again, breathe into your heart space. Let your breath expand your heart, getting bigger. Let your heart be that vessel of love it was meant to be for ever. This is the holy grail people have been looking for for so long. It is within your own heart, so you don't need to look anywhere else anymore. Your holy grail is inside of your own heart, and that goes for everybody on Earth. Jesus said it, I said it, all of the beings of light that have been living on Earth have said it: love is in your own heart. Pure love. 
What is happening now on Earth is that so much more love is going to be available for you, so that this pinpoint of love, - and maybe you already knew it was there, or maybe you didn't - can be expanded into so much more. It will mean that you will be comfortable within yourself, feeling that you are in the right place, and that from here everything will be possible in the world around you, because you will be able to make that into your new focus. The focus of sending love around into the world. 
From here you will be able to send your seemingly most impossible ideas into the world, and into being. Without any problem, because they will be fueled by love. 
Love will be the most important energy on Earth, and from there everything will flow into being. 
So sit against a tree, and let the tree help you to flow these big waves of love through you, through your heart, and into your grounding. You will be anchered in love, as love will be flowing into your grounding, and into Earth. Earth will be fed by this love, and you will feel complete.
It is your destiny to do this, and living your destiny will make you feel at the right place at the right time. 
That is all there is to it now. 
This way you will be able to let go of all the things that you thought where problematic. It will let you be able to let go of control, will make you feel safe, and exactly there where you are supposed to be. 
Be quiet now and let your heart be filled with this pure love. 
And let it flow into Earth. 

4. Ray of white: purity - on Family and friends

As you are becoming this person of purity and light, sending the love from your holy grail around you into your world, your family and friends will benefit from it too. Don't push it, just let your love flow around you, without a purpose even. They will feel it, but the softer you make your flow the better, especially if the energies within your family have been kind of heavy. The softer you let it flow, the easier it will be for them to receive it. Just be in this love flow yourself and it will flow around you, because there is so much of it that your cup will overflow. That is why you need to ground it, to let it flow into Earth, because otherwise you might explode from all this love. Just let it run its course, and it will flow automatically into the hearts of the people around you. 
So in order to not make them scared of this abundance of energy, give them the opportunity to just look at you and know. That way they can receive it softly and quietly, at their own pace. Easy does it here, as never before. 
It means that you can just be. Be with this energy of pure love, without doing anything active with it, or do anything active in general for the time being. 
Just sit with it, and let everything flow from there. 
Pure love. In your heart. In your grounding. Into Earth. Because there is so much of it, it will flow around you. You really don't need to doubt that. 
From here, slowly, your whole world will be filled with love. From here slowly everybody on Earth will be filled with love. 
It will be so much more contagious than anything else, because love is the highest energy existing. 
Feel the quiet of this inside of you, inside of your heart. 
And if you feel anything blocking this flow inside of your body, put your focus on it and let the love fill it up. That way it will dissolve, and the love can freely flow again. 

5. Kuan Yin: kindness - on You/Earth

Feel the kindness in your heart now. The love has solved all of your criticism, all of your fear, all of your anxieties, all of your angers, all of your judgements. You know you don't need them anymore. You know they are Old-Earth energies that you thought you needed to survive, and maybe even did. 
But now that all this love is available to you, you can start to live on love. It will happen, because it is what love does. It dissolves all lower energies. All of them. 
All you need to do is allow this love to enter you, and that's it. Love will do the rest. 
Don't you love it to be able to be kind to the people around you? Don't you love it to not have any judgement, any criticism, and to just be able to be kind? Don' t you love it to just let love flow in and around you, without control? Just slowly let it flow. Even the table before you will be filled with love, the chair, your laptop, your shoes…everything will…..
I am laying my hand on your heart now, if you will allow me, and ease the energy of your heart. It can be quiet now, because all of the turmoil of the ever changing energies on Earth is over for you now. You can be quiet, you can be at rest. Your job is done, or maybe not done, but the hard part of it, to get here where you are now, filled up with love, is done. Now you can go and enjoy the rest of your life from love. 
You might even become feeling bored! 
But you will learn how to act from here, and enjoy your life so much more. Free from fear, free from judgement, free from being judged. Just being you, filled with love. 
Able to be kind.
Doesn't that feel great?

6. Inner peace - on The gift

This was probably not what you expected to be the gift from all this lovelight on Earth, now was it? 
As a human being you probably expected freedom, or laughter, or happiness.
But what you get is inner peace. Being within yourself, focused within yourself. Being happy within your self. Developing laughter within yourself. Feeling the music within yourself. Feeling the love within yourself. Peace within yourself. 
Grounded within yourself. 
From here you can do anything, go anywhere, and be happy within yourself. 
You won't feel the need to share so much anymore, but you will be so much more able to share, because it doesn't come from a need but from a flow of love within you. 
Laughter will be in your heart, so you will share it with everyone around you, because it is bubbling up from inside of you. 
You will be your center. 
Let the laughter ground you, let it flow into your grounding and into Earth. You will be happy on Earth. Not somewhere up in the sky as we are used to be as a human, but grounded and safe. 
That way we will all be beacons of lovelight, flowing love into Earth. Imagine all of these beacones of light rooted into Earth, filling Earth with love. 
All negativity will flow away with love and be dissolved. All illness and discomfort of your body will be dissolved in this love. 
You will be free within yourself. 
Let it happen, let yourself be helped. Be a beacon of lovelight. 
It will give you so much peace. 
And maybe peace wasn't what you were looking for, but from this peace you can go anywhere. When you have got this, everything will be open to you. You can relax, happy and free. 
Because you are in open connection with your soul.

Have a great day in love, 

The Angels & Co 

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02 - 22 - 2022

