
Easter in western religion stands for the resurrection of Jezus. Death - or/and the end of a period - and new beginnings. The deepest transformation.
On top of that yesterday there was a full moon - in libra, which means harmony, or disharmony going into harmony.
Transformation. What do you need to transform? Let's have a look into ourselves and see what is important for us and for Earth right now, shall we?  
What is it that you would like to end now, and what would you make space for to begin? 
Counting today's numbers it is  a 9 day: the end of a period and a new beginning! 
So let's see what the angels want us to know, shall we? 

1. Raphael; Healing - on Now

So much healing is taking place on Earth now and we thank you all for helping with this big transformation, for you personally and for Earth. 
For we are doing it all together, you and we, the Angels & Co, whether you feel a part of this group or not.  Somewhere, somehow you have been assigned to this group and you have given your permission. 
It isn't easy to live a life of transformation. There wouldn't be transformation if your life were all positive. In order to be able to transform something, you need to know,  and live through, the bad stuf first, because that is what we want to transform, isn't it? So Jesus died in order to be able to transform life on Earth and Earth itself, and that's how this enormous healing that is now taking place on Earth, was made possible. 
He helped us and Earth ever since. 
So after all the bad stuf we have been living through these last couple of years - or maybe much longer for you personally - it is going to be a time of healing now, a time of getting better and getting there where you have always wanted to be. 
We offer you this peace offering now, after all the hard stuf, so you can pick up on the harmony that is going to be available now, for you and for Earth. 
The resurrection, the starting over, the life after death. New beginnings made available. A new lease on life. 
Don't dismiss it as something that has been said a million times before, and don't dismiss it as something futile. Look into it, and look into yourself, so you can pick up on where your limitations are, where you get stuck over and over, and offer those to us, so we can take them from you and heal them. 
Or you can make a big fire, and put all your old issues into this fire and let it burn. 
Then I will come to you and fill you up with the healing energies that are here especially for you now. Feel the softness of it and the forgiving. 

2. Manifestation - on The fear

There is still so much fear in the world you are living in. Will it ever stop? Will you ever be able to let go of all those fears that have been lived during your lifetimes on Earth? Do you have the idea that you have done everything and anything you could think of in order to transform your fears, and are they still there? Now more than ever even?
This time of transformation we are going through now has everything to do with fear. Old fears are coming up and new fears too. 
Face them! Let them be there, look them in the eye. It is the only way to transform them. 
And now, in these new energies of harmony and new life, you will be able to transform them, to let them go, and to make new beginnings. Then you will be able to manifest the things you have been wanting to manifest for such a long time, and leave your old life, of living the negative stuf in order for it to be transformed, behind you. 
Let it go, with our help. For the more you allow us to do for you, the more we can. 
Open up to our help is what we are asking of you now, so that we can. 
That is so important, that you open up to our help. Because each time that you ask for our help we can help you more, even through you may think that there is not enough help for you, and you are still struggling with all those old issues that you seem te know from beginning to end. 
It is time to heal. It is time to transform and to start anew. 
It is time to claim a new life if you want to. 

3. New beginnings - on Letting go

- Don't you love it when they do that, yhe angels? Talking about the possibility of a new life and then give us the card of New beginnings?- 

New beginnings are here for you now. New possibilities of letting go of the old. And then, letting go, as if you are dropping everything that has been bothering you, drop down into Earth, making room for the new. 
New possibilities, a new lease on life. 
So sit still for now, and let things happen. Stop your worries about anything, even your worries about your worries, and sit still. Feel the healing and transforming energies of now, and let them do their work. Sitting still is the best way to do this, to let yourself be filled with these peaceful energies of today. 
Let yourself be quiet, and to not do anything. For what is going to be the biggest change, going from the old earth into the new, is that you don't need to do anything anymore about reaching your goals. For the best way now is to be quiet and to let these new energies fill you up. Because from a place of stillness and lovelight, you will attract positive energies, people and circumstances. There will be no negativity inside of you for negative energies to hold you back because the positive energies fill you up, leaving no space for them. Only the positive will be able to connect with you. 
Let us help you so that it can be true for you. Allow us to make it happen, please. We want this so much, for you and for Earth. For if you are becoming this beacon of lovelight, then you will spread it all around you and into Earth. 
You already know the drill, but now we can help you so much more to get there. 
From there you will meat new friends, new places and new opportunities, that will be positive for you. You will start to feel happy. 
Yes, you! 

4. Trust - on Family and friends

It is not so much about understanding what is happening anymore, although understanding may have helped you a lot getting where you are now. But now it is more about feeling the energies and letting yourself being filled up with them. Feel the quiet around you, and focus on the top of your head and above it. Focus on your own sun. Connect with your soul. Let the light of your soul become clear to you and see the beauty of it. Realize how beautiful your soul is, although maybe you have never been able to before, because you were closed of from her or his light before, living your lives on Earth. 
Now it is time to let it be there again, this light of your soul, to recognize it and to let it fill you up. 
Let it help you to clear the last things that are still holding you back. Let it dissolve in the energy of your soul, and feel the love of it. 
What does your soul-light look like, feel like? Can you describe it? 
Or draw it? 
Or just feel it? 
You understand that it doesn't matter if you do or not, because the openings are now being made, if you allow it. 
Open up to the love and support of your soul and let it heal you all the way through. 
Let your soul be your closest family now and your closest friend. It will make your life on Earth so much easier. You and your soul together as one. You filled up with the light of your soul, from top to bottom and down into Earth. Deep down into Earth. 
Connected in the love of your soul, connected in love with Earth. 
That is where trust comes from, from this connection with your soul. Nothing and no one will be able to break that connection, because it is that time. During your lives on the old Earth, where transformation needed to happen, your soul connection wasn't very strong, or sometimes not there at all. Because things needed to transform, the negative needed to be lived and the best way to live negativity is to be disconnected from your soul. Because then you will feel alone and lost, and without help. To mention just one thing. 
All that is going to change now, and when your soul connection is being repaired, you will know the difference. You wil get into a new flow of love and light and everything is going to be easy and nice. 
The people around you are going to be easy and nice. You are going to be easy and nice. 
Don't you love it?! 
For now, let the sun fill your eyes, enjoy the spring, and just be. 
And because now you know that it will happen, and that your wishes and your divinity will be fulfilled, it will be so much easier for you to just relax. To trust. 
To not do anything, and to wait until the time is right for you and for Earth. 
Feel the harmonious energies of yesterday's full moon and let them help you to relax into yourself. Into peace within you. Into harmony and into love. 
Start being happy, taste the newness of real and lasting happyness. 

5. Fulfillment - on You/Earth

And yes, in answer to your questions if this is really going to happen now, for Earth and for you, the answer is Yes! 
So make your desires big. Don't go for the small stuf, as you can't think big anymore because of all the disappointments you had before. 
Think big and leave it at that. Sit back and relax and let the energies work for you. No matter what it is that you want, no matter that you think that it won't happen if you don't take your steps getting there. Sit back ant let the energies do their work and if you do need to take practical steps you will know when the time is there. Give us time to works things out for you, so it will be the right time for you when you start taking those steps. 
Let it be and then let it happen. Because it will. Most certainly it will. 

6. Freya: feminine power - on The gift

Come dance with me around the maypole. Take a ribbon in the color you like most and let this color fill you up. Know that it is your color - maybe there are more than the one - and know that it is the color of your soul. Then dance with your soul and you will never feel alone again. Because if you have been looking for things on Earth that could fill you up and you didn't succeed, then now you will know that in reality it was your soul that you have been looking for all over. You live your life on Earth during this time of transition in order to be able to find your way back to your soul. Everything you have thought you were missing had that goal: to have you search for that which you felt was missing, so that you would search all over the place, searching for your soul connection and that way fulfilling your goal during this lifetime on earth. 
And then, all of a sudden or slowly, slowly, you will get at that point where you realize that it has been your soul you have been looking for. Not your soulmate, not a friend, nor a parent. Your deepest purpose during this time of transformation was to renew your connection with your soul. And once you have found it you will never feel the need to search for anything important anymore, because you have found it. 
So give me your hand now and I will show you the rope. This very special rope for you, that will remind you of the colors of your soul, so you can find what you were looking for: your very own soul. 
Of course from there you will find this soulmate you have been longing for, or your divine purpose, or your…..shoes?…..Anything. 


The Angels & Co.

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

04 - 17 - 2022

