
Liberation Day

In the Netherlands today the liberation of WO2 is celebrated. Now more than ever as the world is in war again. 
The energies are roaring. Can you feel it? Age-old issues are being touched, all the way through to where they once started. Family lines, karma, it all needs/wants to be healed. It all can be healed now. So don't be surprised if things get heavy again, and don't be surprised when the problems are there only for a short time. You probably know them all, but now is the time to really let them go. Not just scratches of them, but the whole way through until where they once started. 
Liberation, for you, for Earth, for humanity.

1. Mary Magdalene: Care - on Now

So many old souls who are still connected with Earth need to be liberated. Soulparts that haven't been able to move on because they are stuck in the lives they have been living, where trauma was created. Of course WO2 was one of those oportunities to build trauma. 
I, Mary Magdalene, am here now, with you, to heal that trauma. It can be trauma from the time of WO2 for you, or from other lifetimes, maybe much, much older even, where a trauma in your family or your own karma started, and where it is still stuck. 
At can be from your current life. 
Now is the time to liberate those old wounds, so you can start a new fase in your life, free from old wounds, living your love and light in freedom. 
We are helping you now to liberate you and Earth of these old wounds, To set you free. 
That's why you have probably been feeling so restless lately, not knowing what to do or where to go in order for it to get better, to change. That's because these things were being exposed, becoming visible, 'feelable', so you can grab them, transform them and let them go. 
So don't resist it anymore, but know it and observe it, and be healed. 
Feeling better already?

2. Inner peace - on The fear

What is your deepest issue? Your deepest fear? For in order to get to that feeling of inner peace you need to go there, into that fear. Maybe for the first time, or maybe for the thousand's time. But you need to go there once again, and maybe you need to go into it all the way back in your family lines, for it may have started lifetimes ago. 
You don't need to do this all by yourself anymore, for we are here now to help you. You don't even need to do this consciously. Just be here with us now and let it happen. Right through to the beginning of it. 
Don't overthink it, don't even try to understand it if it doesn't happen spontaneously. Be open to receive it and be. 
Then, when all this old trauma is transformed, inner peace will come. Maybe not today, but somewhere during the next couple of days. Soon. 
New energies will open up your heart, and you will feel like a new life is happening for you. All those old energies are being taken out of your heart now, where you could hardly breathe, and there will be room for the new. For light, for love, for harmony and for peace. 

3. On your own two feet - on Letting go

As you are being freed of these family lines that were still stuck in trauma, you will feel your own space being cleared. As if there is room for you now. As if you can expand your arms. New pathways are opening up, maybe into futures you have never thought of before, or ideas you have been growing in your mind for a long time. Don't try to direct it, just let it be there. That way you will get there where you have always wanted to be. Call it your divine destiny if you want to, because that is what is is. And even if you have no idea what your divine destiny is, or you have thought about what it might be for a long time, be open and let yourself be surprised by what you encounter. 
One way or another, it will make you happy. It will make you feel free. It will make you feel steady on your own feet, not needing any help anymore from the people around you because now you know. Of course you can ask for help if you want to or need to, for it is not a time to do it all alone, but at the core you will be able to happily do it all by yourself. 
Spread your own wings, and feel how good that makes you feel.
Knowing that when you need help, from your friends or from people around you, or from us, it will be there. You just need to ask. 
That also will make it so much easier for you to be on your own two feet. With just a little help from your friends.

Ray of purple: peace and Aloha - on friends and family

5. Gaya: Home - on You/Earth

Maybe you have been looking for your home on Earth your whole life, never being able to find it. Possibly you are still searching. Maybe you have had the idea that you are coming from another planet, literally or figuratively, feeling weird, feeling different and out of place wherever you go.
Probably you are still searching.
Know that for now your place is here on Earth, your divine destiny is here on Earth and you are living it. When you are living a life of transformation, you are going through a lot of bad stuf, in order to be able to transform your own past, that of your family and that of Earth itself. 
You are exactly where you need to be, for this is your divine destiny, and you are being led to where you need to be. 
It is also your divine destiny to be transformed, happy and free. To be liberated from that past. 
Let it happen now. Let the energies do their work for you now, and allow yourself to be liberated, completely and for all time. 
From there connect with Earth, and start your new life in peace and freedom. Free of old patterns, of old concepts, of old ideas and convictions. Be open for new ideas and join those who are open to it too. Start new groups with people who are as free and liberated as you are. Let your life develop just like that, without doing anything to navigate it. You are making Earth into such a beautiful place, where you can live your life of love.

Raphael: healing - The gift

Be still now. Close your eyes and let come up whatever or whoever needs to come up. Don't be afraid of what or who it is, for you are completely protected now, here, during this reading of the angels. 
Maybe you know who or what it is, and you have been very frightened of this person (or subject). Maybe this person has molested you in some way. It is all okay now. We are here for you now, and everything that is coming up is safe . We send our healing to you, and to this person or issue, and between you and the person or issue. It can all be transformed now, in the light and love of this reading. 
Feel the energy get clear, feel how the anchors inside of you that held it all in place clear. Feel the lovelight that is helping you and the other person or issue help transform them or it. 
People who have been stuck in your family lines, or parts of your own soul that have been stuck in previous lives, are being liberated in the light of this love of today. 
People who were still stuck in old wars can let go now, and go into the light of love. 
There are so many angels on Earth now to help all of them to let go of their false sense of security in holding on to that life that has been so traumatic for them. The angels can show them now how to let go of it, and be free. To be happy. To be able to laugh again. To dance, to sing , to party. 
Peace now, and new possibilities opening up for them and for you who have made this possible for them. 
So many souls can let go now. It is amazing!

Of course healing Earth isn't an easy thing to do. You have probably been helping Earth by going through a lot of hard stuf. Your own or your family's. 
This part is over now and we turn the card around for you. You can start helping to liberate Earth in a different way. You can start to give an example of another way of living. Living in harmony with the people around you and living in harmony with Earth. Obvious things like using eco products, eating biological food, using earth friendly energies. Maybe you even want to go as far as growing your own vegetables, if that is possible for you. 
For Earth is in need of healing, 
Of course the spiritual way is to connect with the lovelight time and again, because by changing the energies into love and light, everything will change. Do it by yourself, or do it in small groups, or big groups if you have that possibility. Here goes 'the more the merrier' more than ever. This is where the big changes are going to be made. 
Being a channel of love and light for Earth is what will help Earth itself transform. You probably know all of this already, but doing it, and sending these loving energies around you, is what is going to transform Earth. So do it every day, or ten times a day if you feel the need. It will only take you a couple of minutes and it will help you too. 
Can you see all those people now, connecting with the lovelight from Source, creating their own channels of lovelight? Can you see it dripping into Earth, flowing like small rivulets through Earth? It will dissolve all the darkness of Earth, of you, and you yourself will be transformed. Free from your past and that of your family, free to start a life of love and freedom. 
Be your own liberated self, en let the love energies flow through you into earth and towards the people around you. That's the best way to help Earth heal. Don't hesitate because it is harder than your thought it might be. Don't stop doing it because you thought everything had to be alright already. Keep doing it until it is done.
Until you are done and until Earth is done. Until we live in a world of love and harmony on Earth. 
That is what we are asking of you. That is most probably why you are here, on Earth, living this life of transformation. 

Thank you so much for doing this!

The Angels & Co