Halfway through 2022

We are already halfway through the year of 2022, the year that promised to be …….a transformative year? A different year? A better year?
Every year is a different year of course, so what was so special about 2022? The numbers?
And is the second half going to be the same? Or is it going to be very different? Or somewhere in between?
I'll ask the angels & co of course, for they want to tell us all about it! 

1. Ray of white: purity - on Now

We are halfway through this year of 2022 and it has all been about clearing. Clearing the air for new opportunities, living on Earth. So much clearing was necessary, and so much clearing has been going on. 
You have done well! We understand that you are tired, maybe even thinking that you want to step out of it. Out of all this transformation, which has been so much and so tiring. 
But we are halfway through this year, so more transformation has to take place, even thought you may feel as if you are not up to it anymore. Know that you are doing it for your own wellbeing, and for that of Earth, where you live. 
But on the other hand, the worst has been done and you can probably feel that that is true. You are not the person you were at the beginning of this year and so much has been transformed for you, inside of you, already. 
Now it is more a matter of putting the last pieces together, and letting go of all of those pieces that you don't need anymore. 
Use the color white. Let it transform your aura, your energy field, your body, your cells and your DNA. Don't give any meaning to the white, just let it be what it is: white. Purifying. Nothing more and especially nothing less. 
Let this pure white do its job, until you are not tired anymore. And know that then, when you are not tired anymore, is the time for you to step up, to get out of bed so to speak, and to go and do your thing. That thing, those things, that you have been dreaming of doing for so long and couldn't, or the things you didn't know you had in you but that are suddenly there, you knowing that those are the things you have always wanted to do. But couldn't. 
Because the time wasn't right, because you weren't ready.
First, let the white cleans you. You will know when the time is right. 

2. Tara: the Universe - on the fear

So much fear has been going on these last couple of years, so much fear has been going on on Earth, and probably for you. So much fear needed to be transformed, for living in fear has been one of the most important things that we have been living on Earth. And you know by now that, in order to be able to transform something, you need to live it first. It has to come to the surface for it to be possible to be transformed. This year especially was the time to let all those old fears come to the surface, because this year was the year of transformation and everything was in the right order to do so. 
The whole world, the whole universe was in a state of transformation. You weren't alone in this, although you may have felt it like that. No, everyone living on Earth was a part of it, one way or another. That is what made it so heavy, but that is also what made it possible. 
So if you have this feeling now that you have been stirred and shaken all over then you are right, for that is what happened and that is exactly what was meant to happen. 
It was the only way to make it possible for Earth, for humanity, for the universe as a whole, to be able to make Earth and all the people who have offered themselves to do this, to transform Earth into a planet of love. 
All fear needed to transform into love, and so much already has. 
So sit still now and know that. Know what you have done, and know that is was all part of the big plan for Earth and the Universe and that you have been an important part of that. 
Don't make it bigger than is is, but don't make it smaller either. You have been part of this transformation on Earth, and it wasn't a small thing. No, it was big, so of course you are tired and would like it to stop. 
We are not done yet, but things will get easier from now on, for you, for Earth.

 3. Jesus: Yes! - on Letting go

When you are exhausted you aren't able to do much, are you? And that is exactly what you are meant to do now. Rest, don't even think anymore, and let the healing that is going on right now do it's job.  Now is the time to let go of your ego, of your concerns for Earth, for your loved ones, for yourself. The ego makes you feel anxious because things are changing so rapidly, and you as a human having lived on Earth for such a long time being used to let your ego mind warn you, to let the ego think, find solutions, being preoccupied in order to solve the things that made you preoccupied in the first place. 
As you let that go, as you let us help you to let that go, you will feel more grounded. More of this Earth. Your mind will quiet down, and you will feel more relaxed and thus able to let go. Slowly but surely you will step over into another way of being, letting go of the thinking, of the preoccupation, of the mind. Slowly you will come more and more in the oneness energies, the 5d or how you want to call it. It is only a matter of time now.
So first we will help you to let go of your fears, then we will help you to let go of your solution thinking, and in the meanwhile we will help you filling you up with the unconditional love that is making all of this possible. 
If you let us. If that is OK with you. 
I am with you, we are all with you every step of the way now, now that we can. Now that it is that time. 
Now it is only about you giving us the permission to let it happen and if you are still too scared to let it, then we can help you with that too. Just ask, and we will be there for you, any way you want us, any way you need us. 
Then your mind will become more and more quiet, and more and more filled with love. Not tired anymore, but still. 
From there it will be easy for us to take you where you need to go for your next phase in life, where you can go and practice love and happiness. 
Where you can go and live this example for the rest of the people on Earth, living your life of love. 
You will be noticed, that's for sure. It is meant to be, and it is your destiny. 
So be quiet once again, until you feel the nudges, and know that when you do, things will start to come your way.  You will be in the right place at the right time, and you will know it. 

4. Ray of green: harmony - on The gift

Imagine that harmony will be the most important energy on Earth. Imagine John Lennon's song with the wame titleto be the truth you live in. Feel the harmony within your heart, and feel it all around you. Sometimes harmony is easier to feel than love, because love has been so twisted. Harmony can only be harmony. There is no discrepancy about it. 
Spend time in nature whenever you can, get out of the confusion of everything that is happening on Earth that is not in harmony. Make your own space in harmony, take good care of yourself, let this green ray of harmony flow around you and within you. 
When the people around you are still in the lower energies of the old Earth, send them harmony, for harmony is pure and cannot be misunderstood. As love can, because so many people were kind of fooled by love, because it wasn't what it should be. 
So many people thought they were going to live a life of love, and were fooled by the people around them. Because it wasn't that time yet. Because in order for you to live love, you needed to transform so many things you thought to be true but weren't. In order for you to be able to find true love during your life on Earth you needed to go through a lot of experiences where love wasn't pure at all. That, of course, is what this big transformation has been about, and you know it. 
So the word Love, the feeling of Love, is being purified now. So love, also in your earthly experience will be unconditional, and pure as pure can be. No misunderstandings anymore, no bending the rules. Love is going to be love in it's purest form, as it should be. 
And you will recognize it as such and there will be no misunderstandings anymore. Not for you. 
Pure love will be yours, and you will live it and know it and experience it. 
Never being fooled by love anymore. How does that feel? 

5. Inner peace - extra

Feel the deep peace within you now. Nothing can get you out of your equilibrium now. You are centered within yourself. You don't need to react to the world around you, the people around you, because you are whole. You are in harmony within yourself, and pure love is within you. The pure love in your heart is leading you, and is bringing you where it is best for you to live your live of harmony. 
You will be in the right place at the right time. Nothing else is possible anymore. Everything is quiet around you and within you, no matter what is happening around you. It even feels as if nothing matters anymore, because you are where you were meant to be. You are what you were meant to be. You are at peace. Within yourself and with the world. 
This is where you are going, if you aren't there already. 
Everything will feel alright, and from there everything will get better. Know what we mean?
For you. For Earth. For the Universe.
All is quiet now. All is Love now. Pure love.

All our love for you, The Angels & Co

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

07 - 02 - 2022

