
Feminine Power

The number of today is 11. 2+10+2022=11. And because of these special numbers I need  to write this letter. In the deck of angel cards I made 11 stands for change. And we are up to a change, aren’t we? Or probably we are even in the middle of it.
So let's see what the angels want to tell us about this, shall we?

1. Ray of Orange: Feminine power - on Now

The energies are so restless today. Do you feel it too? It is because the big changes are really happening now. The changes of the rule of the masculine into the feminine. 
The masculine seems to be protesting, because it wants to have things unchanged. It doesn’t want to give up its time of power. It wants things to stay just the way they are and it is as if the masculine is doing everything it can to make that happen. 
But they can’t. 
It is the time now for the Divine Feminine to take over. Not as in:’women should take over’, but as in ‘the Devine feminine’, which is quite a different thing. 
So what does this mean?
Before we go into that - we don’t want to get lost in a discussion about what is masculine, what is feminine and what is Divine Feminine here - let’s take a breath, sit down and let all the restlessness fall away from your energy field. Let the ray of orange help you here, to clear your aura, your body, your cells. Let them clear it as if from the inside out, for so much needs to be cleared still from the old ways of being, in which you have been living for such a very long time. And even though you know you have to change, it still seems hard to really do so. How do you, as a human being living on Earth, where the energies are so dense, change your habits, your convictions, your way of being?  A way of being you have lived with for thousands and thousands of years?
How can you let go of a mind that has been living in competition, that has been conditioned to live in competition more each and every day? How can you change that?
So let’s step out of this thickness, where it seams so hard to change. Where it seems almost impossible to change. 
Make a very deliberate step out of this energy of the old Earth, where everything seems stuck. Then turn around, and look at it from a distance. 
Do you want to live that way? Did you like to live that way? 
If you don’t, let the ray of orange help you again to make this decision to step away from it, and to live in a world of love. 
Wouldn’t that be so much nicer? Wouldn’t you like that so much better? 
Would you like to be able to make that decision now?
Would it be possible for you to do that now?
Let the ray of orange help you, if you have decided that this is what you want. That you want to live from love instead of competition. If that is what you really want then do it now.

3. Sweetness: your guardian angel - on the place of You/Earth

Let's soften the energies now. It is as if the battle between masculine and feminine has been too fierce lately. As if a war was going on, instead of a peaceful change, in the way it was meant to be. As if the opposing factors were standing confronting each other, without respite. As if there were two parties, one of love and one of war, both fighting for their right to rule. 
Masculine and feminine, man and woman.
But love can’t be forced. You can’t force a person to receive love. Love needs to flow softly and without force. Just let it flow, without doing anything else. Just let it flow. 
Don’t look at the world with the eyes of the old Earth, condemning what is happening. Know that everyone is scared of what is happening, and let your judgements go. Know and realize that you are all on Earth to learn. 
Just be in your own heart, in love. Let your heart be filled with love, and make it even softer. Let all the judgement go. Let it dissolve in this love. Be within yourself, in your own heart. Be in your own temple of love. 
Know that you are safe there, because love is keeping you safe. We, angels of love, are keeping you safe. Let this whole world of competition and war go. Put it outside of your energy field. Connect with the love of your guardian angel, and feel the sweetness of her or him. Connect with these soft energies of love.

2. Raphael; healing - on The fear

Are you afraid of healing? Are you afraid that if all the old habits and ways of being are healed, that there will be nothing for you to recognize anymore and that you will be left without any grip on anything? That would be scary, wouldn’t it? 
Know that it isn’t just you who is afraid of all these changes - or maybe it isn’t you at all  - but that the whole world is.  
So know that it is our job to help the world now to adjust to it, and to help sending love into it. Now is the time for you to be this vessel of love and light and to hold the energy. To fill yourself up time and again, and to let that be your number one priority: to let love flow through you into earth and to let it flow all around you, so everyone who wants to join in this love, can. 
Now we need you more than ever to take your role as the channel of lovelight that you are, so Earth can make these changes in a more relaxed way. Let the healing be there now for you, for Earth and for everybody on it. 
Feel this soft, warm light of love flow through you and give everyone permission to heal. Even your biggest enemy, and even those people you think bad or stupid or mad. Now is the time for you to let go of all of your judgements and to allow everybody to heal. Allow everybody to receive love and light, to receive forgiveness, to receive compassion. It is that time. 
Now it is time for Earth to become that planet of love we have been talking about for so many years already. 
We will help you, but you know by now that we need you to flow these energies through you. That is something that we can’t do, because we are not of this earth. 
if it would be that easy we would have done it a long time ago…….

4. Fulfillment - on The gift

We promised you a planet of love, but you are the ones who need to make it happen. As we said before, we can’t do it.  We can help you, but without you there is no way that we can. We need you, people living on Earth, to do it. We need you to connect with the pure love of Source. We need you to let this pure love flow through you. We need you to let go of judgement and blame. We need you to become love. We need you to let go of all of your old-Earth-energies and -feelings, and to be love. 
We need you to open up to love all the way. We need you to let all of your cells be love.We need you to let go of your competitiveness and judgements. We need you to be in your own heart, in the love of Source. 
We don’t think this is easy for you. Again, if it were easy we, and probably you too, would have done it a long, long time ago. But we do offer our help to make it easier for you, to help you fill up with love, The soft and warm kind, the kind that is just flowing, without any force whatsoever. Just be that love, for that way the people you meet may wonder who you are, or who you have become, seeing the love in you. They just might open up to these soft energies of love. Not everybody at once as we would all love it to be, but one or two at a time. Slowly but surely, from one person to another, .
Pure, soft, kind, free-of-any-force, love. 
It is the best way to fulfillment. If you want to untie a knot, you need to loosen it up instead of pulling at it, don’t you? It is the same with love. Just let it flow. 

All our love to you! The angels of love .

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